Almond. (Micradad) (Rod AmSgdalus L., Fam. Rosacasion) – The genus covers about 40 types, prevalent in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America. These are leaves-almond (AmSgdalus L.) canned trees or shrubs, with narrow elliptical leaves, white, pink or red, fifth-end flowers, and the fruits are flattened bosons. In the Republic of Macedonia, spontaneously or subposely, three types are represented: a) wild almond (A. ivby Sputzh.) – Victory, branched shrub to a small tree from the Eastern Mediterranean and submitted. There are minor leaves, white or pink flowers and petty, bitter fruits. In the Republic of Macedonia is represented in the warm, the sub-Mediterranean zone of rocky, most often limestone terrains. b) Steppe Badem (wild peach) (A. Nana L.) – a small bush with narrow-green sheets, pink to red flowers and oval, hairy fruits. In the Republic of Macedonia, it is represented on drought and settled places in Kumanovo and in secondary Povardarie. c) almond (A. BADEM) (A. Tsommunis L.) – a small tree from West Asia and North Africa, with larger leaves. In the Republic of Macedonia, Subsontano spread through the Shibes of the White and Black Gaber. Al. And. Robert Badenter.
Archives: Glossary
Almopia – an area in the so-called. Lower Macedonia, which covers the small valley after the upper course of the r. Ludia (day. Milkon), among the areas of Eordia and Pelagonija. Macedonians conquer (SP. Tukidide) descending from Upper Macedonia in Botiaa and Pieria. Bi-La densely populated in antiquity. Ptolemaj mentions three cities: Almopa, Horma and apes. The area is known as the Milon Valley, surrounded by PL. Nidze and spider. Lit.: Thacisidas, 4 Wells., Harvard University Press, 1958; F. Papazoglu, Macedonian cities U Roman age, Skopje, 1957. A. Shook.
The alphabet – the grapheme appearance of the Macedonian Cyrillic alphabet, and B, B V, V, G D, D, G, is h, h, I j, S, O, Lj M, M N, W – determined order of graphic signs and votes in written and oral expression in languages using Cyrillic. The name gets it according to the first two letters (AZ, Bucky) in the original Slavic script. The contemporary Macedonian alphabet is reformed after the release and has 31 letter, as there are votes in the Macedonian standard language. The Council of Ministers of the People’s Republic of Macedonia, after several months of work of several commissions, based on the resolution of the last language and spelling commission at the Ministry of People’s Education, parties, Venko Markovski, poet; Vasil Iljoski, director of high school; Mirko Pavlovski, professor; Blaze Koneski, Lecturer; Krume Toshev, head of vocational schools; Ivan Mazov, editor of “young fighter”; Gustav Vlahov, publicist; Vlado Maleski, director of Radio Skopje; Kiro H. Vasilev, Publicist and Captain Ilija Topolovski, chief of propaganda department of the main headquarters, adopted her graphemic composition of 3. ⅴ 1945. The Macedonian alphabet is based on the phonetic principle, which means for each separated voice in the language there is a letter in the alphabet. Lit.: BL. Koneski, grammar of the Macedonian literary language, Skopje, 1982; K. Cambera, from primer to university, Skopje, 1994. K. Camb.
Alpine border of the forest
Alpine border of the forest – the level to which reaches a folded forest that grows upright higher than 5 m. It is the lawful occurrence of all high mountains on all continents, just formed by various types of trees and is at different altitude. Swiss botanist H. Brotzkmann-Seyoscch (1919) examined the Alpine border of the northern, central and southern Alps and found that it passes after the medium isotherm of +10 S. Comparative analysis of the Alpine border of Rila, Bjelavnica and Rense, also made Horvat (1942) and concluded that the maritime climate with a skilitsa, Petar Dean after his crowning, receives his cousin (xi c.) Is at 1,800 m above sea level , and groups of stems are up to 2,000 m above sea level. The Pelister molika forms forests up to 1,800 m above sea level, and groups of stems are up to 2,200 m above sea level. The Kajmakchalan white pine forms forests up to 1,800 m above sea level, and groups of stems are up to 2,000 m above sea level. The noise forms the Alpine border of many mountains: Korab, Deshat, Bistra, Porecian Mountain Wreath, Jakupica, Belasica, etc. It forms a forest of up to 1,800 m, and meet groups up to 2,000 m. R. R. Moshe Altrebauer.
Alpine vegetation in the Republic of Macedonia
Alpine vegetation in the Republic of Macedonia – Vegetation type developed above the upper forest border, over subalpine pastures and subalpine bush communities, after the high mountains of the moderate climatic belt (over 2200 m above sea level). In its composition, low bathtimous or cushional grassland or bushy plants, adapted to the specific environmental conditions of the highland belt – a short vegetation period, very low temperatures in the winter period, long-lasting snow cover, fresh summers, strong winds, rains, intense sunlight and Dr. It covers a variety of plant communities that develop on a heterogeneous substrate (acid soils, carbonates, mountain shivers, sipstaries, ticks, rocky, rocks, etc.), which belong to different vegetation classes – слеертеревая, Customs Curvulae, Salitetea Herbacea, Scheuchhoshi- Customs Fascabe, Dresspe Spinosa, Aspenje Tritzmanis, etc. In addition to the various representatives of the family of the grasses (Poiah), its physiognomia determines many species of gender: Androsac, Gentiana, Gehum, Primila, Sagifaga, Solandella, TSMUS, etc. Alpine vegetation develops on a number of mountain massifs in Europe (Alps, Carpati, Pyrene, Caucasus, mountains of the Balkan Peninsula), etc. In the Republic of Macedonia, Alpine communities are present on several mountain massifs – Shar Planina, Jakupica, Korab, Deshat, Bistra, Stogovo, Jablanica, Galichica, Pelister, Nidie and others. VL. M. High air moisture descends the border and that it is formed by beech (Fagus Czlvatica), while the continental climate raises that border and is formed by smell and molika or just by Molika (Pinus Pusce). In the Republic of Macedonia, the Alpine border of the forest was formed by Bue (Fagus MoESIAA), Molika (Pinus Pince), Smrche (Pizza Abies) and white pine (Pinus Czlvestis). In the subalpine belt there are ingredients from the battle Kruvuil. The Shar Planina Alpine border of the forest was formed by Smrish or Smrish and Molika and in the thirties of ⅹⅹ c. moved to Israel. Publisher of the Sinai Psaltir (Psalitary Sinaitic, an 11TH Verbititz Manuscriptic Fromm. Catherine’m Monster, MT. Sinai, Manu, Skopje, 1971). Z. T.
Alpinthum – a harmonious arrangement of rocks, trees, shrubs and terrain placed on a particular surface for horticultural arrangement. The first registered alpinthums date from 1880. On the British islands, and later they were raised in Switzerland and other European countries. In Macedonia, their boot is from a newer date (last decades of XX c.). It is usual to rise on steep surfaces with a fall of 100 -400. The most appropriate is the rocks to originate from the proximity of the location of the alpinetum, but it is not a strict rule. When choosing, the rocks are patted, pavely, made of time, hollow, covered with lichen and moss, without sharp edges and variable in size. The seed material should be a dwarf. The use of such compact material allows for the creation of successful compositions on small surfaces. Bl. S.
Althbauer, Moshe.
Althbauer, Moshe (Althbauer, Moshe) (Pesmisle, Poland, 12. Xi 1904 – Tel Aviv, Israel, 14. 1998) – linguist, a specialist in ancient evil Slavic, Jew, born and educated in Poland, but Alusean (XI c.) – Macedonian nobleman, grandson of Samuel’s brother Aaron and the son of Emperor John Vladislav. After the liquidation of the kingdom of the kingdom, he was taken to Byzantium to manage as Strategic Theodosil. It comes in Macedonia at the time of the uprising of Peter Deljan (1040/41), which entrusts the command of over 40,000 troops to take the city of Thessaloniki. Failure leads to change the course of the uprising, and soon to discord in the uprisings. On a feast, Alusan manages to capture and hand over Deljana to the Byzantines, after which he was produced in the Master. Exhibit. Ilit.: V. N. Zlitra, Penconvuev Samoil Alusia, “Notice of Bulgarian Archeal Institute”, Sofia, 1921; Byzantine sources for historu Naroda Yugoslavy, ⅲ, Belgrade, 1966; Branko Panov, Medieval Macedonia, ⅲ, Skopje, 1983; Milan Boskovski, Macedonia in XI and ⅻ century (external incursions on the territory of Macedonia), Skopje, 1997. B. R.-J.
Altiparmakov, Dimitar
Altiparmakov, Dimitar (Bitola, 3. ⅷ 1949) – Dipl. El-Ing., PhD of technical sciences. Researcher at the Institute of Nuclear Sciences in Vinca (Serbia) and Canada’s Atomic Energy Company (Atomitz Energnes of Tsara Limited). He gave attachments to the theory of neutron fields in nuclear reactors and modeling of physical processes in cyclers. Dr. R. Pelister Molika (Pinus Pusce)
Alushevski, Elijah
Alushevski, Elijah (village Gjavato, Bitola, 1928 – Bitola, 8. ⅱ 2004) – High School Professor, folklorist. As a pupil in the teaching school “Braka Miladinovci” in Bitola, he began collecting Macedonian folklore, and several records also made the folklore festival in Bitola (1947) and youth work Alushevski of Action “Mavrovo”. After the end of the Teacher School (1948/1949) he studied at the Higher Pedagogical School in Skopje and was one of the first members of the State Ensemble for folk songs and games “Tanec”. After graduation, an associate of the Institute of Folklore in Skopje (1 ⅱ. the periodic press and two collections. There is a special contribution to the activity of KUD “Steff Naumov”, KUD “Ilinden”, KUD “Aleksandar Turkev”, KUD “Goce Delchev” and KUD “Dame Gruev” from Bitola and KUD “Steve Naumov” from the village. Logovardi. It was also one of the initiators for the formation of the festival for folk songs and games “Ilinden days” in Bitola. He left a pension as a professor at the secondary technical school in Bitola. BIB.: In line, crazy, crazy (folk songs), Bitola, 1990; Tvilit pony in Gora Green (folk songs), Bitola, 1994. Panda Manohov, Ilija Alushevski 1928-2004, “Attachments”, ⅱ, 3-4, Bitola, 2004, 209-210. S. Ml.
Amam -. (s. Lopate. Kumanovo) – Neolithic settlement. It is located, in the area around the old Turkish Amam, near the right bank of Lipkovo River. According to the characteristics of the material residues, especially the typology of forms and decorative motives in the Carmic vessels, and the cult cases discovered in 1978, determined as a late annulment of the time of the so-called. Winchana cultural group. Lit.: Vojislav Sanev, archaeological treasure of SR Macedonia, Catalog, Skopje, 1980, 27. V. S. Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia
Amam Neolithic settlement
Amam -. (s. Lopate. Kumanovo) – Neolithic settlement. It is located, in the area around the old Turkish Amam, near the right bank of Lipkovo River. According to the characteristics of the material residues, especially the typology of forms and decorative motives in the Carmic vessels, and the cult cases discovered in 1978, determined as a late annulment of the time of the so-called. Winchana cultural group. Lit.: Vojislav Sanev, archaeological treasure of SR Macedonia, Catalog, Skopje, 1980, 27. V. S. Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia
Amam public bath
Amam – a public bath built in the cities in Macedonia during the period of Turkish rule. Each hammam contained five sets of rooms: shadrava (wardrobe) with square basis, Capiluk (part for adaptation) with rectangular bases, haveta (bathing area) One square space that can follow more small rooms, hank (water tank) and Cylhan (firebox). In the hallway after the extensive walls, stone bankninas and stone troughs – kuryurns are built. They are covered with domes and vaults. Lighting is zenitally. They are built of stone and brick. The warming is underground and through the walls. The interior was decorated with decorative plastics, mainly in the treasures, in the arts and in the upper wall parties. Amams were built as double, so-called. Chifts Amami with special parts for women and for men or as one-part. CIFTE Amam (ⅹⅴ) and Daut-Pashin Amam (1489-1497) in Skopje (both adapted in art galleries), Amam Deboy (ⅹⅴⅰ c.) In Bitola, Stausa Amam in Ohrid, Amam in Tetovo, etc. Lit.: M. Healthy, restoration and adaptation Daut-Pashinog Amama U Skopje, Proceedings Memorial Culture, 1, Belgrade, 1950, 45-56; I. Zdravkovic, Choosing Grace for Study Memorial Isloske Architecture U Yugoslavians, Belgrade, 1964; K. Tomovski, Amam Deboy in Bitola, Proceedings of the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, 1975, 263-270; K. Tomovski, conservation and restoration work of the Chifthe Amam in one of the plants of “Amak SP” Ohrid Skopje, “Cultural Heritage”, 5, Skopje, 1973, 1-5; L. Kumbaradz-Bogojevic, Ottoman monuments in Skopje, Skopje, 1998, 169-195. Cr. T.
Amamation in Macedonia
Amamation in Macedonia -. Robbery related to the canutrition, but also at later times, between the two world wars and NOVM. Aramian foods counted from small groups up to several thousand discharged power, headed by Arambasha. They formed members of various ethnic communities or military deserters. At the time of the Ottoman rule, he often identified with the life, because the departments of Macedonian descent attacked them mainly the infamous ages, and rich traders. But there were many examples of crimming meat bullies from power, separate deserters of military units and bashibuk members. Occasional intrusion of aramic associations from Albania were registered. About 1000 aramises in the field of MAT (Albania) attacked the city of Bitola (1711). Especially characteristic were the examples of the plunder of migrant workers when their return, often in cooperation with the local authorities. It was carried out by the Aramian company from Zajas, Kicevo (until 1927). And in the time of NOVM active were separate climbers. It is in many folk songs, with a different reflected attitude of folk creators towards their character and work, depending on the apparatus events. Aleksandar Matkovski, Turkish sources for life and aramos in Macedonia, and-c (1620-1810), Skopje 1961-1980. Lit.: Aleksandar Matkovski, Resistance in Macedonia at the time of Turkish rule, ⅲ, Skopje, 1983; Dr. Gligor Todorovski, Western Macedonia during the occupation (1941-1944), Skopje, 1998, 1311. S. Ml.
Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia
Amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia (1992-2005) – Amendments and repairs of the existing constitutions. The first amendments of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia, the amendment ⅰ and the amendment ⅱ, were adopted in 1992. These amendments concluded that the Republic of Macedonia does not have territorial claims towards neighbors and that it will not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Amendment ⅲ was passed in 1998. This amendment changed the provisions for the duration of the detention. Another 15 amendments (IV-ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ) were delivered 2001. The amendment ⅳ contains the new preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia. Amendment new manner regulates the issue of official language, its letter and its use in issuing personal documents. Apart from the Macedonian language and the Cyrillic alphabet, the official language is also the language spoken by at least 20% of the citizens of the Republic of Macedonia. The amendment shall introduce the appropriate and equitable representation of citizens belonging to minority communities in the bodies of state power and public life in the country. The amendment ⅶ lists the religious communities in the Republic of Macedonia: Macedonian Orthodox Church, the Islamic Religious Community, the Catholic Church, the Evangelical Methodist Church and the Jewish community. The amendment ⅷ regulates the rights of the members of the communities in the Republic of Macedonia. The Amendment IX guarantees the protection, promotion and enrichment of the historical and artistic wealth of all communities in the country. The amendment ⅹ regulates the double decision-making in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia on issues affecting minority communities. Amendment XI regulates the election and competencies of the Ombudsman. Amendment ⅻ introduces the Committee for Inter-Community Relations. Amendments ⅹⅰⅰⅰ, ⅹⅳ and ⅹⅴ Provide the representation of members of minority communities in the Security Council of the Republic of Macedonia, in the Republic Judicial Council and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Macedonia. The amendments ⅹⅴⅰ and ⅹⅴⅰⅰ regulate the issue of competence and the adoption of laws in the field of local self-government. Amendment ⅹⅴⅰⅰⅰ regulates the procedure for amending the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia on issues of interest for minority communities. Amendment ⅹⅰⅹ was passed 2003 With this amendment, it is possible to deviate from the inviolability of secrecy of all forms of communication. Another 11 amendments (ⅹⅹ-Jjd) were delivered 2005. They were wider reforms in the justice system, as well as changing the constitutional provisions governing the right to immunity of ministers and the incompatibility of the judicial and prosecutorial function with other functions and professions. Lit.: Svetomir Shkaric, constitutional right, Skopje, 2006. St. w.
Ameti, solved
Ameti, Resound (Rext Ameti) (Gostivar, 15. ⅴ 1964) – Painter. He graduated (1989) at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje, Master’s Degree (2001) at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Pristina. Professor at the Pedagogical Faculty in Skopje and Tetovo State University. Independently exhibited in Vienna, an annual comment of the Macedonian National Union in America (1937) resolved Ameti, “from the tradition” (Detail) Skopje, New York, Paris, Tirana. Picture in the spirit of geometric systematic abstraction. L. N. Amzabegovo: Ceramic vessels from the early Neolithic
Aminta â…°.
Aminta ⅰ (540-498 BCE) – Macedonian king from the Argian dynasty, son of alkade. In the beginning, Pieria and Botiaia, conquers the area besides the Delta of the Axios and West Migdonia (the Anatamunt area) to the northern border of the state, PL. Disros. There are good political and trade ties with the pizzy from Athens. After the campaign of Darius against Scycia, Macedonia is forced to recognize the Persian government; The Persian military leader Megabaz sends seven Persian Members of Parliament to seek “earth and water” for Darius (SP. Herodotus); At the fuck son of Amyn, Alexander, kills the Persians because they also demanded women, which was contrary to Macedonian customs. Lit.: Heroopus: Ib, 4 Wells., Loeb Closiskal Library, Harvard Universitis Press, 1961; Her-dot, history. Prev. D. Chadikova, Skopje, 1998. A. Shook.
Aminta â…².
Aminta ⅲ (393/2 – 370/69 BCE) – Macedonian king from the Argian dynasty. Married with Eurydice (the daughter of the ruler of Linkestida, Arabhay); They have three children, future Macedonian kings: Alexander ⅱ, Perdiccas ⅲ and Philip ⅱ. After providing the internal stability of Macedonia, Aminta in Union with Sparta won Olint (previously Olint attacks Macedonia and conquers Pela), establishes good political and trade ties with the cities of Halkidik, which imported wood material and resin from Macedonia. It establishes good relations with Athens, etc. Amyn ⅲ, coins Hellenic policies; It takes part in the general gathering calling in Sparta (371), where it recognizes the right of Athens to rule Amphopol. It extends supreme government and over GornoMacedonian tribes, in an elima, we are. part of the area Peribia; It intends to expand the state to Thessaly, but here the Tyranin from Fere, Jason, which is forced to conclude an alliance. Cow coins developing trade ties in Macedonia. Lit.: Diodorus Sichulis, 12 Wells., Harvard Universitis Press, 1963; I. Kacarov, King Philip ⅱ Macedonian, Sophie®, 1922. A. Shook.
Amnesty in the Republic of Macedonia
Amnesty in the Republic of Macedonia – an act in the form of a law by which the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia exempts from prosecution for criminal offenses indefinite number of persons or persons releases them entirely or partially from the further support of the sentence or replaced the pronounced punishment with a milder punishment. Three laws of amnesty were adopted in the Republic of Macedonia. With the first law (ⅱ 1999), 913 people were amnestied: Full release from serving the sentence of imprisonment received 4 people; 412 people were released by 25%; 350 people for 15% and 147 people for 10% of the virtue of the sentence. With the second law (ⅲ 2002), a full or partial amnesty was made to 898 people participating in the war in the Republic of Macedonia since 2001; Full amnesty received 164 people, and the remaining partial. With the third law (ⅵ 2003), 265 people were covered for which there was a reasonable suspicion that they committed criminal offenses irreparation of the call and avoidance of military service, or arbitrary distanc and escape from the armed forces. AM: Amnesty Law (1999, 2002 and 2003), Skopje, 2003. Gore. L.-B.
Amoeba (Amoebine) – The most problem-built protoplasmic organisms. They have a naked body, which is why they are called naked commissions. The shape of the body is constantly changing, after which they received the name (Amoibaine gr. = I change); Moving with the help of fake knife – pseudopodes. Feed with solid particles like bacteria and other minor organisms they catch them with false knife. Multiply mainly on a nonless manner. The most famous Amba is Amoiba Proteus L. There are also parasitic species (genus Entimoeba), living in the man’s intestines and causes diseases (eg, ammer de-odor), and it is also found in the oral cavity that sticks for carary teeth and can cause diseases of the teeth. Lit.: J. Sapkarev, Zoology of Unbabel Animals, Skopje, 1991. V. T. K. – M. Cr.
Ampaxitida – an ancient Macedonian area that occupied the narrow belt along both sides of the lower course of the river Vardar, from the Demir Kapija gorge to the Aegean Sea. In the time of Philip ⅴ (ⅱ c. According to Homer, at the time of the Trojan War, this area was a central payon territory from where (from the city of Amidon) the Paions went to the defense of Troy. In the Iron Age, especially in ⅶ and ⅵ c. BCE, in this area, an extremely strong local cultural group was created with a center in the Valandovo-Gevgelija region, known as the Lower or Gevgelija group. From that time dating necropoles in: de-shared – Valandovo, Zelenache – Valandovo, Lisichin Dol – Marvinci, Bishov Maple – Smokvica, Suva River – Gevgelija, Milchi – Gevgelija, as well as some necropolises at today’s Greek side (Chausica, Boheus, etc. .). According to Herodotus, in ⅵ c. BC This area was still known as Paiah. Already in. BC Tukidid mentions Amfaxitida as a Macedonian area with Che-from the excavations on the southern terrace, Vardar hills of the Tiers Cities (Idomene, Gortia, Europ and Ataléte), who found themselves on the path of the traque military leadership SITAK in Macedonia, (429 HE). Numerous archaeological remains of urban settlements from Prehrian times of Isar – Marvinci, Vardar hill – Gevgelija and in the vicinity of Kukush point to the possibility of identifying them with the old Macedonian cities of Idomene, Gortia and Europ. Lit.: Thacisidas, 4 Wells., Harvard University Press, 1958; F. Papazoglu, Macedonian cities U Roman age, Skopje, 1957; C. Sokolovska, Isar Marvinci and Vardovara in ancient times, Skopje, 1986; I. Micricic, ancient cities in Macedonia, Skopje, 2003; Group of authors, Vardar Reid, Skopje, 2005. Dr. M. and A. Shook.
Amphibians (amphibia) – the most primitive class vertebrates to which the rainwaters, the molines (tritons), frogs and the worm-indulgent amphibians (gims). They spend their basic characteristic that one part of their life passed in water, and the other in the terrestrial environment (gr. Amphi – two, bios – life). Unlike other vertebrates, which fully released from the water environment, in most amphibians reproduction and the taking of eggs is associated with the water environment. From the fertilized eggs, larvae (in frogs – in accordance with metamorphosis (transformation) receive the characteristics of adult amphibians. The skin is soft and is rich in glands, from whose secretary is constantly moist, because it has an important role in respiration (breathing). Unlike the aquatic larvae, which breathes with gills, most of the adult amphibians own lungs. The sensory organs are adapted for life on land and they are the first vertebrates in which a real language is developed as a separate organ in the oral cavity. Frogidies of frogs are herbivoli (vegetable), while the rainwater larvae and the adultering amphibians are carnivors (carnivores). Macedonia inhabit two rows of amphibians: tailed amphibians (5 species) and harmless amphibians – frogs (10 species). Litt.: E. N. Arnold, and Field Guide to TePe Reptiles and AMPMIBIANS OF STITIIN AND EUROPE, LONDON, 2002; D. Dukic – M. Kalesic, etching Biodiversity OF AMPIBIANS AND REPTILETS InThe Balkan Peninsula, in: “Balkan Biodovo”, Graffithtchs, Tsstaffk – Red Ed., Dordenhat / Boston / London, 2004, 167-192; J-P. Gascz, A. Cabela, J. Blue-Isolitz, D. Landbook, K. Grosesenbacer, P. Hawfner, J. Leszure, H. Martens, J. Martinez Rica, H. Maurin, M. Oliveira, T. Sofianidow, M. Weith, A. Zuderjik, ATLAS OF AMPMIBIANS AND REPTILES IN INFOPE, Paris, 1997; S. Brelih – Mr. Gukic, Zatalagus Fauna Yugoslavia. IV / 2 RepTILIA, ACADEMIA Nevity ET Artium Slogenica, Lyubljanna, 1974. St. P. – V. Sid.
Amphitheater games in Macedonia
Amphitheater games in Macedonia. They took place in big cities within the ancient theaters after the arrival of the Romans. In Stobi and Skupi orchestrators served as an arena, with a boot protective fence or a wall set in the first row of the view. In Heraclea, when building the theater, the double purpose was planned: for performing theater plays for amphitheater games, incorporating cages for animals within the view. As in Heraclea, and in Lychnid orchestra she had a dual role, only she was probably in Hadranovo was expanded by breaking the first nine seats, when a solid wall is raised and cages for animals were raised. It is considered that in Macedonia are accepted in this entertainment only “Venatioes” games, that is, the struggle of gladiators with animals. C. B.-R. Aleksandar Valentinovich Amphitaire.
Amphitheatrov, Alexander Valentinovich
Amphitheah, Aleksandar Valentinovich (Kaluga, Russia, 1862 – Levant, Italy, 1938) – Russian writer-novelist (with collected works in 37 volumes), political publicist-pathopite, four-way visitor of Macedonia (with four books for her and the Balkans) , an editor-publisher of c. “Russia” and the SP. “Modernics”, Siberian Water and Evalification of the political emigrant. Although he completed the Faculty of Law in Moscow, he never dealt with the law. Opposist in Russia and author read from intelligence. For a satire for the royal family in the novel “Gentlemen Oblige” was sent to several years of fortune in the Siberian town of Minusinsk (1902). Dissatisfied with the situation after the October Revolution, emigrated to Italy (1920). He is one of the few connoisseurs in the Balkans and Macedonia from the end of the ⅹⅰⅹ and the beginning of XX. (1894-1909). In his Balkan articles and interviews, the main subject is the Macedonian issue from the state-political and cultural and national aspect. In the ancient theater in Ohrid, Macedonians sees a special Slavic entity and directly or more often indirectly spores with Bulgarian, Serbian and Greek opponents. For Macedonians, they “not even Serbs, neither Bulgarians, but an original Slavic people, with a simple basic language that is largely capable of submitting the form of a form that another, more influential and more developed Slavic culture. Macedonians-Bulgarians have there, where the Bulgarian school and church strengthened, and Serbs there, where literacy is in the hands of Serbs. ” BIB.: Page Divorce. Balkans striking, STD., 1903; In mine Streetyah, the SPB., 1903 (and 1907); “Slavyhan above”, M., 1912; Õho, M., 1913. Lit: Cvetan Stanoevski, how did Macedonia see Macedonia (Russian publications for Macedonia 1828-1913), Skopje, 1978, 151-159; Blaze Ristovski, Dimitrija Cupovski (1878-1940) and Macedonian scientific-literary comrades in Petrograd, ⅱ, Skopje, 1978, 85. BL. R.