John Chrysostom, St. (Antioch, OK 345 – command, 14. IX 407) – The best Christian speaker – a conversation, because of which is called Chrysostom. The church writer and the greatest interpreter of the Scriptures. His Slaves were translated into Old Slavic language and identified with Climpmen. He wrote the Liturgy – Chrysust, who today is worshiping. Lit.: Methodius Gogov, prof. Prot., Petrology, ⅱ, (notes), script, Orthodox Theological Faculty, Skopje, 1979; Creativa Swayzago Nato Choanana Chrysosta, Archoopiscope Konstantinepskago, Vlu Ruskomljau, Tomil Perzj Vlujkl Binchel, Book Travling, Public Education, S.-Petersburgl, 1898. Rat. Gr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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