
The Coant (Coalo) – one of the most prominent leaders of Alexander ⅲ Macedonian in his campaign to the east. Taking a word before the speech of his king end the River Hipas, asked him to terminate the campaign and return the army in Macedonia. Soon afterwards, when the Macedonian army started returning, the chat suddenly sickened and died, and death is sometimes given to its controversy to the king. About Alexander, who honored him with a lavish funeral, is said to have declared his death, yet “he made that the Koos just a few days ago he held such a speech as only he wanted to see Macedonia.” An arriano, Anabasis, Lipsia, 1907; L. CUR-Rufi, Historiaum Alejandri Magnia Macedonis, Lipsiae, 1893; Diodors, Biblehead Historica, Leithzig, 1896. Lit.: N. Proceed, history of Argian, Skopje, 2004; F. Papazoglu, History of the Hellenistic period, Skopje, 1995. K. M.R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис КОЈНОС

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