Amphibians (amphibia) – the most primitive class vertebrates to which the rainwaters, the molines (tritons), frogs and the worm-indulgent amphibians (gims). They spend their basic characteristic that one part of their life passed in water, and the other in the terrestrial environment (gr. Amphi – two, bios – life). Unlike other vertebrates, which fully released from the water environment, in most amphibians reproduction and the taking of eggs is associated with the water environment. From the fertilized eggs, larvae (in frogs – in accordance with metamorphosis (transformation) receive the characteristics of adult amphibians. The skin is soft and is rich in glands, from whose secretary is constantly moist, because it has an important role in respiration (breathing). Unlike the aquatic larvae, which breathes with gills, most of the adult amphibians own lungs. The sensory organs are adapted for life on land and they are the first vertebrates in which a real language is developed as a separate organ in the oral cavity. Frogidies of frogs are herbivoli (vegetable), while the rainwater larvae and the adultering amphibians are carnivors (carnivores). Macedonia inhabit two rows of amphibians: tailed amphibians (5 species) and harmless amphibians – frogs (10 species). Litt.: E. N. Arnold, and Field Guide to TePe Reptiles and AMPMIBIANS OF STITIIN AND EUROPE, LONDON, 2002; D. Dukic – M. Kalesic, etching Biodiversity OF AMPIBIANS AND REPTILETS InThe Balkan Peninsula, in: “Balkan Biodovo”, Graffithtchs, Tsstaffk – Red Ed., Dordenhat / Boston / London, 2004, 167-192; J-P. Gascz, A. Cabela, J. Blue-Isolitz, D. Landbook, K. Grosesenbacer, P. Hawfner, J. Leszure, H. Martens, J. Martinez Rica, H. Maurin, M. Oliveira, T. Sofianidow, M. Weith, A. Zuderjik, ATLAS OF AMPMIBIANS AND REPTILES IN INFOPE, Paris, 1997; S. Brelih – Mr. Gukic, Zatalagus Fauna Yugoslavia. IV / 2 RepTILIA, ACADEMIA Nevity ET Artium Slogenica, Lyubljanna, 1974. St. P. – V. Sid.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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