Gaber. (Tsarpinus L. and an irregularity., Fam. Betulaceae) – Under this name, the two cited genodes are covered. In the first they belong to about 50 deciduous species, spread in the northern hemisphere, which have a smooth bark, a sole tree, hard wood, unicamine with one-pole flowers collected in the rivers and appearing in the spring of proliferation. The fruit is a nut, located in the shuttering (fertile) decoction (fruitful). In the Republic of Macedonia is represented by two types: Gaber and Bell Gaber. In the latter, the ten deciduous types of the northern hemisphere, very similar to the previous, and differ after the rough dark bark and male flowering rosses, which are formed during the autumn of the previous year, and after closed as bags of marriage. Only Black Gabbers is naturally represented in our country. Other types of us: a) Gaber (Sabuka, water) (C. Betulus L.) – The areal is in Central and Southern Europe, in Asia Minor and the Caucasus. In the Republic of Macedonia, it is also encountered either as a group imposed in the urons and beech forests. Wood is high to 25 m, with purposes, elongated egg leaves, fine and double serrated. The fruits are small, flat nuts in the triple married; b) Bell Gaber (C. Orientalysts SCOP.) – Type of Southeast Europe, the East extends to Iran. In the Republic of Macedonia, it is spread in the zone of the sub-Mediterranean vegetation, where it is building spacious formations (Shikari) as a degradation stage of oaks and other forests. Ma-Lo wood (10-15 m), with scriptures, folders, leaves, flowers and other organs similar to the previous type, only with smaller dimensions. The marriage is targets, in the form of a sheet; c) Black Gaber. In the Republic of Macedonia there is general prevalence on steep, rocky, most often limestone slopes, up to 1,500 m. Medium size wood (15-20 m), with a round stem and dark, cracked crust. The folders are green, Lis-d Black Gabbers, similar to those of the gaber but slightly smaller, dark green. The marriage is an enclosed bag. Al. And.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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