Forest – a plant formation, which forms forest cover in a belt, which approximates 500 South to 700 north latitude and in which the forest appears in different shapes and sizes. There are several definitions of the forest of economic, legal-legislative and biological aspect. S “The biological definition is accepted, according to which the forest is a community (pricosis) of organisms, which, unlike other plant formations (meadows, pastures, steppes), the trees can give a basic hallmark (edifiers). Given their longevity and numerous general-use functions they realize, they most affect the development of mercury and non-living nature. In the forest, above, and in the soil live members of the flora (phytocenosis) and fauna (zoocenosis), which together form a community of all living organisms (biocenosis). In it, every member does not live separate, but everyone depends on the community, and at the same time affects it. Biocenosis, together with the surrounding atmosphere and pedosphere, form biogeocenosis (succatched) or ecosystem (Tansilez). The close connection of human society with the forest in all its developmental phases stems from the diverse utility that it has for man. From that connection, the various aspects of which the forest has studied. According to the historical order, the first aspect was utilitarian (tree as a need), the second economic (realization of profit), the third biologist, which studies the forest as a complex ecosystem, very important for the survival of biodiversity and the entire biosphere. Al. And.
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