
Deshat -. High mountain in the Republic of Macedonia, which along the Macedonian-Albanian border extends in the meridian direction north – south. The south is a continuation of Mount Korab. Its even 7 km in the middle part rises, and Naker Korab in the north and Krchin goes down. From Korab is separated by the Swallow Deshat (1,976 m), and from the mountain of the Crčka with the switch dry requires (2.080 m). The highest peak is Velivar (2,375 m). The RM $ belongs to the eastern mountain side, which is dissolved with more short river flows, among which the most famous are the Vidzian and Trebish River. The high-mountain parts of the Deshat during the Pleistocene were occupied with glaciation that caused the appearance of fossil circles, rolls and morons. The forest belt extend high-mountain pastures. In the Circus there are five small glacial lakes, from children refugees Mount Deshat which is Lukov with an area of ​​4,000 m². Lit.: D. Vasileski: Radika, Tetovo, 1997. T. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДЕШАТ

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