Ampaxitida – an ancient Macedonian area that occupied the narrow belt along both sides of the lower course of the river Vardar, from the Demir Kapija gorge to the Aegean Sea. In the time of Philip ⅴ (ⅱ c. According to Homer, at the time of the Trojan War, this area was a central payon territory from where (from the city of Amidon) the Paions went to the defense of Troy. In the Iron Age, especially in ⅶ and ⅵ c. BCE, in this area, an extremely strong local cultural group was created with a center in the Valandovo-Gevgelija region, known as the Lower or Gevgelija group. From that time dating necropoles in: de-shared – Valandovo, Zelenache – Valandovo, Lisichin Dol – Marvinci, Bishov Maple – Smokvica, Suva River – Gevgelija, Milchi – Gevgelija, as well as some necropolises at today’s Greek side (Chausica, Boheus, etc. .). According to Herodotus, in ⅵ c. BC This area was still known as Paiah. Already in. BC Tukidid mentions Amfaxitida as a Macedonian area with Che-from the excavations on the southern terrace, Vardar hills of the Tiers Cities (Idomene, Gortia, Europ and Ataléte), who found themselves on the path of the traque military leadership SITAK in Macedonia, (429 HE). Numerous archaeological remains of urban settlements from Prehrian times of Isar – Marvinci, Vardar hill – Gevgelija and in the vicinity of Kukush point to the possibility of identifying them with the old Macedonian cities of Idomene, Gortia and Europ. Lit.: Thacisidas, 4 Wells., Harvard University Press, 1958; F. Papazoglu, Macedonian cities U Roman age, Skopje, 1957; C. Sokolovska, Isar Marvinci and Vardovara in ancient times, Skopje, 1986; I. Micricic, ancient cities in Macedonia, Skopje, 2003; Group of authors, Vardar Reid, Skopje, 2005. Dr. M. and A. Shook.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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