Macedonian language” – CSO magazine that since 1950 First it comes out as a newsletter of the Department of South Slavic Languages ​​at the Faculty of Philosophy, and since 1954. is the body of the Institute of Macedonian Language “Krste Misirkov” in Skopje. The latest number is from the year. Lvia. The published articles of domestic and foreign authors are processed topics from all areas of the Macedonian, from the history of the Macedonian language, from the contemporary language, from the decision of ASNOM for introducing the Macedonian as an official language in the Macedonian state (2 ⅷ 1944) But the magazine that announces the original Commission on the Macedonian Alphabet (1944) The decision for the Macedonian alphabet (16. 1945) The level of dialectology and the onomastics, comparative topics for the Macedonian language in the Slavic and Balkan context, issues significant for the development of Macedonian linguistics. The magazine also informs about the latest editions in the field of Macedonian language in rubric displays, and the current events of the scientific and cultural life are followed. L. M. The Macedonian literary language & contemporary language norm of the Macedonian standard that has a continuous millennium history, with two global stages. The basis was set up with Cyrillo-Mechanical Written Nor-Ma on the basis of the Thessaloniki Macedonian speech, the half of ⅸ c., Attached to Macedonia from Saints Clement and Naum as a Slavic written norm, which after ⅹⅰⅰ c. It turns into a Macedonian newsroom of Old Slavic and several stages as the language of the Church and literacy lasts until the end of ⅹⅰⅹ c. The second stage reflects A. The attempts of A. and P. Zografski, K. Miladinov, D. Macedonian, K. Sapkarev, V. Machukovski, Mr. Prlicev and special of f. M. Pulevski (1875 & 1892), so through the announcements of the young Macedonian book of Sofia (“Vine”, 1892), the Student SocietyVardar” in Belgrade (1893), especially the Macedonian club in Belgrade (“Balkan Messenger”, 1902), And finally it is realized in Macedonian scientific-literary comrades in S.-Petersburg (1902) with codification of K. P. Misirkov practically applied in the book “For the Macedonian Works” (Sofia, 1903) and in the SP. “Vardar” (Odessa, 1905). The definition of the modern Macedonian language standard becomes after the creation of the Macedonian state, on the decisions of the first session of ASNOM (2 ⅷ 1944) the decision for the spelling of the Macedonian literary language (7. 1945) and the conclusions of the language commissions, when the principles of Misirk’s codification and May 16, 1945. The Ministry of People’s Education of the Presidium of ASNOM adopts the decision on the Macedonian alphabet, and on June 5 and the decision for the spelling of the Macedonian language. Thus, with the leading engagement of the linguist Blaze Controls, the regular development of the modern Macedonian standard language begins. Bl. R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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