Peter Deljan

Peter Deljan – the leader of the Macedonian uprising. After the financial reform of Jovan Orifanoof, the brother of Emperor Michael ⅳ, erupting an uprising in Macedonia (1040/41). Petar Delyan and proclaimed King, as the son of the Macedonian Emperor Gavril Radomir and the Hungarian Mahat Nis and Skopje, and the rebels from the dra area headed by Tihomir, was also joined towards them. After the murder of Tihomir, Deljan stands at the helm of the United Armies. The uprising extends to Durres, Epirus and Elada. At that time, Deljan receives Alusana, as the grandson of Aaron, and entrusts 40,000 troops to take up his gr. Thessaloniki. Failure leads to change the course of the uprising and arise discord in the establishments. Alusene manages to tie him and blind Peter Deljan, and then hand them over to the Byzantines and receive the title Master. Not.: Gízky sources for the Bis, ⅵ, Sofia, 1965; Byzantine sources for historu Naroda Yugoslavy, ⅲ, Belgrade, 1966. Lit.: D. D. Litzuzrin, Naruga Policy Byzanti in Bulgarians in 1018-1185 GG., “Byzantiÿ Time”, J, 1956; Bozidar Ferjanci, Byzantium and southern Slavs, Belgrade, 1966; Stjepan Antholeak, Peter Deljan or Doljan or Deljan?, In: Medieval Macedonia, and Skopje, 1983; Branko Panov, the uprisings of the Macedonian people in the ⅺ century, Medieval Macedonia, ⅲ, Skopje, 1983; Milan Boskovski, Macedonia in ⅺ and ⅹⅰⅰ century (external intrusions on the territory of Macedonia), Skopje, 1997; History of the Macedonian people, and, Skopje, 2000; Vanche Stojcev, Military History of Macedonia, Skopje, 2000. B. R.-J. Peter, Metropolitan of the Prespa Edarchy of the MOC

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЕТАР ДЕЛЈАН

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