Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC). The priestly council in a spring (21st 1943) adopted a resolution on the renewal of the Ohrid Archbishopric as the MOC. Decision on this was adopted by the First Church Council in Skopje (4 ⅲ 1945). The renewal of the Ohrid Archbishopric and the proclamation of the MOC was carried out by the decision of the second church-folk Council in Ohrid (4-6. Ⅸ 1958). The Serbian Orthodox Church recognized the independence of the MOC with a Correspondent Decision of 1959. On the third Archbishoptically church Council in Ohrid (17-18), a decision was made for proclaiming and the autocephaly of the renewed Ohrid Archbishopric was declared in the face of the MOC, which is the Orthodox autocephaling church of the only, holy, Catholic and the Apostolic Church. It applies the dogmas, the canons and the unity of the service with the East East Eccession Orthodox Church. It independently regulates and manages church activities. There is dignity in the rank of Archbishopric, with Head of Archbishop and with the title Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonian, which he refers to “Your Beatitude”. The official language in the MOC is Macedonian and its Cyrillic alphabet, and the worship of the Church Slavic and Macedonian language are worship. The MOC is the letter of the Initiative Board to the Presidium of ASNOM for organizing an independent Macedonian Orthodox Church (February 1945) and the Scripture, according to the learning of the Holy Orthodox Church; b) the apostolic rules, the rules of the Ecumenical and the local shooters and the Holy Fathers; c) the acts of the present shotbars and Patriarchal Synods, if they adopted them; d) The Propimal Hierarchian Synod for the proclamation of the autocephaly of the MOC (17. ⅶ 1967) All, the regulations, rulebooks, decisions and other constitutional acts of the competent church authorities adopted on the basis of constitution. In 1974 It was established on the OS-Decision on proclaiming the autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Church (17 August 1967) The coat of arms of the MOC Special Australian Macedonian Nova at: a) the credit temple of the MOC in Skopje. The MOC is episcopal, internally administratively organized by dioceses, as follows: 1. Skopje Orthodox Diocese – Skopje; 2. Prespa-Pelagonia Orthodox Diocese – Bitola; 3. Bregalnica Orthodox diocese – Stip; 4. Debar-Kicevo Orthodox diocese – oh-hill; 5. Polog-Kumanovska Orthodox Diocese – Skopje; 6. Vardar Vardar Orthodox Diocese – Veles; 7. Strumica Orthodox Diocese – Strumica; 8. US-Canadian Macedonian Orthodox Diocese – Toronto; 9. Macedonian Orthodox Diocese for Australia and New Zealand – Melbourne; 10. Macedonian Orthodox Diocese for Europe. Archbishop (Central) Administration consists of: 1. Legislative bodies (a. Holy Archiving Synod and b. Archbishop church Council); 2. Executive bodies (a. Archbishop Toborian Board of Directors and b. Archbishopian administration); 3. judicial authorities (church judiciary and prosecution). The church-educational activity is realized in the Macedonian Orthodox Seminary and the Orthodox Theological Faculty in Skopje, and publishing is more numerous in all dioceses. The monastic life is developed in the monasteries throughout Macedonia. Lit.: Slavko Dimevski, history of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Skopje, 1989; Ratomir Grozdanoski, Mikhail Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonian, Skopje, 1994; Ratomir Grozdanoski, Stefan Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonian, Skopje, 2000; Done Ilievski, the Macedonian Orthodox priesthood in the struggle for national and church freedom, Skopje, 1987; The same, autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Skopje, 1972; John Belchovski, Ohrid Archbishopric since the foundation to the fall of Macedonia under Turkish rule, Skopje, 1997. Rat. Gr.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet