Warehouse – territories inhabited by Slavic tribes, independent political-territorial, semi-civil society organizations, independent principals. They had their own management and a special military organization. The head stood selected leaders, named Archon, Exasy, Roxes, etc. Only one tribe is usually populated in each warehouse. In Macedonia in ⅵ-ⅶ c. In addition to the Slavs, he lived indigenous, who initially did not interfere with the Slavs. Macedonian stories have taken common attacks by Thessaloniki (586, 614-616, 618, 674-677) and Constantinople (626). The Byzantines took the campaigns for submitting the stories in Macedonia (ⅶ-ⅷ c.). In the fighting with Byzantium, most of the Macedonian warehouses recognized the Byzantine supreme power. Others, in the interior, lost their autonomy after the fall of Macedonia under Bulgarian rule (in the middle. Of ⅸ c.). Lit.: Stjepan Antholeak, Medieval Macedonia, and Skopje, 1985. K. Ag.
Archives: Glossary
Varlaam (end of ⅹⅴⅰ c.) – Ohrid Archbishop (1597-1598). He was a supporter of the ideas for the release of the enslaved population of Ottoman rule. He came to Veles and put the head of the rebellion of the local settlement. He was arrested and executed in Veles at 28. ⅴ 1598. The Ottomans cut his head and the body threw him into the r. Vardar, and after the involvement of the hull was buried in the village Church. After a year, the Veles Bishop of the relics transferred and buried them in Ohrid. Exhibit. Ilit.: M. Minoski, Unknown Zatia for Varlam Ohridski as a source for events in Macedonia since 1598, the messenger of Ini, ⅹⅹ, 3, Skopje, 1976, 181-190; J. Belchovski, chronological list of the Heads of the Ohrid Archbishopric / Patriarchate /, “Annual Proceedings of the Theological Faculty of Sts. Kliment Ohridski, “KN. 8, Skopje, 2002. Al. TR.
Warrant, Pelister
Warrant, Pelister (Alzhemila Punnester Punn.) – Local Macedonian florical endemite from FAM. Rosacation. It develops in wet places, at the foot of Mount Pelister (village Rotino, v. Kazi and the village. Capari). VL. M. Rosklia, Gorazd Blazov
Wastow Flowers, Rehyingrovo
Vlassivo Flowers, Rehyzerovo (Karoli Caaroli-Rectzingers Micevski) – Local Macedonian florical endemite from the Family DipsacaEe, known only for the surroundings of Kavadarci – Alshar. It develops on a pad rich in arsenic and antimony. VL. M.
Watal massacre
Vatal massacre (16. ⅵ 1943) – Shooting twelve watile youth from the Bulgarian fascist army and police. Due to the formation (VISHEVINA, 14. ⅴ 1943) and the activity of the Tikvesh Partisan Squad “Good Daskalov”, in Kavadarci and the village. Vatasha arrived Bulgarian district director Dimitar Roev and took over the June hostile offensive (7-16. Ⅵ 1943), which, after over 60 shot villagers, ended with the crime on Vatech youth in the locality of the Moctlista, which that day should leave partisans. After the midnight blockade of the village and the city of Kavadarci, with set machine guns, the arrest and blood investigation began, and then on the road to the shooting, Pero Ilov View (15 years), Vanco Tasev Djurev (19), Danko Gligorov Davov ( 18), Elijah (Ilcho) D. Dimov (18), Risto Tripov Gjondev (18), Blaze Dimev (20), Gerasim Lazov Matakov, 18), Pane Metah Meshkov, 18, Blazev Celorov (20) and Pane Metodiev Junov (18). With them, the four youths of the village – close relatives of some of them: Steva Ampova, Kata Iceva (Chemerska), Pavlina Goloro (Kaspinova) and Nevena Hadzjiordnova, but they were spared. Lit: Aco Shopov, the twelve of the solar column of youth, the Central Committee of the People’s Youth of Macedonia, Skopje, 1961; Rade Gogov, the twelve of Vatasha, Nick “Our book”, Skopje, 1974; Jovan Pavlovski, trials as the last defeat, information center and publishing activity “Po-Log”, Tetovo, 1977; It, telling, Tetovo, 1979; Tikvesh in the Noob. Proceedings of the fallen fighters and victims of fascism from Kavadarsko, Kavadarci, SA; Hristo Petreski, twelve guests, “Young Fighter”, Skopje, 1983, S. Ml.
Water flowers
Water flowers – One-time (Ephemanoptera) – Insects with two pairs of wings. The front wings are stronger and larger than the back. The larvae of these insects live in a water environment after several years, while adults live only a few hours to several weeks. They are known as air players. This group of insects were registered over 1,600 species, of which, in Macedonia, 63 taxa (5 taxa is endemic). The most famous and most common representative from the line of the one-time is the type of water flower (Ephemera Vulgate L.), a delicate insect with length 17-19 mm. Adult individuals appear massively before the surface of the water and live very short. The massive extinction of this kind in the waters creates a phenomenon called “water flower”. Lit.: Petar Ikonomov, Ephemanopter of Prespa valley, Annairelapac. PHIIL. UNIV., Skopje, 1953, 6 (7): 1-30; Petar Ikonomov, the one-time (Ephemanoptera) of Macedonia Fam. Ephemerelida, Acta, Mus. Mac. SCI. Nat., Skopje, 1961, 8 (3): 53-74; Vladimir T. PHPAC, TPPP Material Subjects TePhe Forcees Oh Natura – PROCESDINGS OF INDERNATIAL COMAPIONAL CEZHASTROCHES AND CHAGETY IN Museumas, Special ISUE OF THEA National Museum Off BiH. Passelian Museum Bosnay and Herzegovina and Tyro -er Landesemuseum Ferdinanda, Sarayevo, 2001, 106-111. C. T. K. – M. Cr.
Water macrophytic vegetation in the Republic of Macedonia
Water macrophytic vegetation in the Republic of Macedonia – communities of water plants, which inhabit the aquatic ecosystems (land waters, seas and oceans). The diversity of the communations of this vegetation type is lower compared to the land vegetation because the overall environmental conditions in the aquatic environment are more stable and more competent in relation to the mainland. The aquatic macrophytic vegetation on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia Syntaxonomic belongs to the class, lemed and developed and developed in the three natural lakes (Ohrid, Prespa and Dojran Lake), as well as in the coastal parts of some of our larger rivers (Vardar, Crna Reka, Bregalnica and others). In the past, its communities developed in some larger blow and wetlands (Katlanovo, Monospitovo, Pelagonia, Struga, Studencist, and others). It is differentiated on a flotane (along the surface of aquatic ecosystems) and submit (immersed in water). Of the flighter vegetation are the most important Ass. Lemeled-Spirodemum Radrhizaya Subass. Salvinian (Ohrid Lake, Dojran Lake), Subasis. Aldrovandosum (Prespa Lake), Ass. HUTRICCHCHERIDO-NZHMIPTUTOM Платааер (Ohrid Lake, Prespa Lake, Dojran Lake) and Ass. Machiopchus-Napharetum (Ohrid, Prespa and Dojran Lake). In their composition, fluttering (swimming) plants (Potmogann Nathans, Nubhar Lutetea, Na Alba, Rapa Naons, Salvinia Nathans, Husrococharis Morsus Ranue and others), whose sheets swim on the surface of the water. Several communities-ass is known from the submitter vegetation. Potter-aidatum, Ass. Potmer-Vallisum and Ass. Taretopchus-Potterum Crspes, which develop along the edge parts of the lakes, in coastal pepper parts, up to several meters depth. In their composition, submitter plants, which are completely or partially immersed in the water, of which are more important: Taretopchons of Demersum, MSRYPHSLUM PLUSTUM, MSRYPHY VERTICALLLALLLATUM, NEX MINOR, NEG MARINA, Potamogenic Fluitance, Potamogeton Lucential, Potmogeton Perfoliatus, Ranunzlus Fluity Spiralis, Zanzhelli Palustris, etc. VL. M.
Water traffic in Macedonia
Water traffic in Macedonia – Type of traffic, suitable for transport of goods, was represented in our country in the form of rivers in the rivers, mostly for transporting trees from forests, as well as the Ohrid and Prespa Lake, mainly for tourist purposes. More than 150 years old is an old idea to build a sailing road Danube – The Aegean Sea, 700 km long, which would go through the Great and South Morava (Serbia), Pchinja and Vardar, which would score the road through the Black Sea for more than 1,000 km. From the Uon Experts costing the vessel in 1973. It was estimated for a billion US dollars, but the facilities would also serve other purposes (flood protection, energy). L. T. A water declaration
Watermelon. (Citrolus Vulgaris Schard.) – a one-year garden plant from FAM. Tsitsurbitacea (pumpkins). Originated from Central Africa. They consume mature fruits rich in vitamins, sugars and organic acids. It is grown on around watermelons 12,000 ha, with total production of about 150,000 t. Transferrary culture, optimal temperature raus for growth and development is 22-30 S. We are cultivated in several areas. D. J.
Waterweight, Vasily Vasilayevich
Waterwater, Vasily Vasilajevich (S.-Petersburg, 22. ⅻ 1864 / 3. ⅰ 1865 – Zberland, Czech, 7. 1933) – Russian publicist, lawyer, economist, social and political division. He studied of the historical and philology (from 1883) and the Faculty of Law (from 1885) of the S.-Petersburg University. He closered with the revolutionary movement and the People, and in 1887. He was arrested and sent in persecution in Arkhangel Gubernia, where he gradually completed the Faculty (1890), and then resides in Samara (1891-1893). Because of the articles in the daily and periodical press (1890-1894) he had to leave Russia and traveled after the Balkans. He collaborated from Bulgaria in the respectable magazines “Western European” and “Rustsky Treasure”. In 1897 He traveled after Austro-Hungary and sent Dopiski in the Russian press. For several years he lived in Kiev, participated in political life and collaborated in local newspapers and magazines. Then the attention is attracted by the events and processes of the Balkans. He follows and writes about the Balkan Wars, participates in various congregations and discussions about Macedonia, draws with D. Cupovski and uses his “map of Macedonia” and the memoranda of the Macedonian colony (1913) and cooperates in “Makedonskiy Golos (Macedonian Voice)”. In December 1914 and January-February 1915 He travels “by serbs of Macedonia” and publishes registered articles in “Modernics”, “News of European”, “Rousesky in
Watheh, George
Wooth, George – c. Uprising of Georgi Wooth.
Weitos (Gradiste) – a settled settlement from early and Roman times. Three kilometers west of the village. Oktisi, on the Jablanica Mountain, dominated a settled settlement (680d80 m) overlooking the Struga field, from which Via Epathy was supervised. On the northern determined settlement of the earlyoorantic and Roman times, the remains of the walls (width of 20.20 m) built in dryness Opus, and plaster. Lit.: V. Bitrakova-Groznova, La Via Egnatia Epen LSChnidos ET PANS SERVIFIES, “MACODONIA”, ⅵ / 1, theronalic, 1996, 153-165; EACHEM, Menua Aease ET La Maccadonine, Homagge to M. Garashan, Belgrade, 2006, 587-591. C. B.-R.
Weed (corroven) Vegetation of RM – anthropogenic conditioned vegetation that develops on surfaces where agricultural crops are grown. Weed plant species form specific weed phytocenoses, which cause major damage to cereal and industrial cultures, because they appear as their competitors in the use of living space and nutrients. They have a strongly developed root system and draw large amounts of water from the substrate, and often faster and more efficiently use the easily accessible mineral substances from the soil. From a syntaxonomic aspect, weed vegetable communities developed on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia belong to the class secalieva No.a. 51. Within these classes there are several ranks and alliances, as well as more associations. A special contribution to familiarizing communities from this vegetation type is the numerous papers of Academician Risto Lozanovski. VL. M. Jordan Plevnes.
Weeds – plant species from the spontaneous flora, who without man’s desire, vegetate and develop into a community with agricultural crops, causing adverse and harmful influences on the optimal growth and development of cultivated cultures. Origin and evolution of weeds are related to the origin and development of plant agricultural production. In such a phylogenetic development weeds with cultivated cultures comprise common plant communities – phytocenoses, in which weed plants in many ways have harmful effects on the optimal development and productivity of cultures. Most harmful impacts arise due to competitive relations between the cultivated cultures and weeds, such as: a) reducing the vegetation space of cultures, which makes the optimal development of certain underground and overhead bodies of reared cultures; b) shading, resulting in the suboptimal use of energy from solar radiation and the assimilation of the CO, necessary for the OP2 Timulated photosynthesis; c) strong competition in the utilization of water and mineral food substances from the soil, d) aggravation and increase of agrotechnical operations, such as those performed before sowing or planting and operations that are performed during the vegetation and over the harvesting of individual cultures. R. L. Weed vegetation in a cereal field in Pelagonia
Weekly (Kradzic) – Patriarchasky Skopje Metropolitan (1905-1915). A Serb (from the Studenja), known as the zealous conduct of the Vehicle Propaganda in Macedonia after the Ilinden Uprising, when the Chet of Organization, forcibly imposed the Serbian church power in the Macedonian villages. He was killed by the Bulgarian occupying army. Lit.: Dear Kostadinovski, Vardar part of Macedonia under the jurisdiction of the Serbian Orthodox Church (1919-1941), Skopje, 1995. Rat. Gr.
Weekly newspaper
“Weekly newspaper” (Tetovo, May 1942 – August 1943) – Illegal newspaper, body of the Tetovo organization of the CPY, in Macedonian language. He was raised by Kuzman Josifovski-Pitu at his illegal stay in the city. The texts were written K. Josifovski-Pitu and Krste Crvenkovski, and edect him in the house of Dragan Spirovski. He is multiplied by cyclostyl, the technique of the local committee in the house of the national hero Todor Todovski-Merdzhan. A total of 12 numbers were published, of which only two were preserved. Content affirms NOVM goals. One of the articles is stated: “The popular partisan struggle is a fact in Macedonia. The NLA is one of the safest roads, which will be able to acquire national freedom, independence and more peaceful life in tomorrow. “Lit.: Dr. Boro Mokov, the development of the Macedonian press and journalism (from the first beginnings to 1945), Skopje, 1980, 413-415; Dr. Boro Mokron – Mr. Tome Gruevski, Review of the Macedonian Press (1885-1992), Skopje, 1993, 122. S. Ml. Kole Nedelkovski
Weekly time
“Weekly time” – an independent informative-political weekly. Publisher is LLC “Time”. It comes out of 6 ⅺ 2005 Director Aleksandar Damovski, chief editor Georgi Barbarovski, editor of “weekly time” Zoran Andonovski. He stopped coming out at 24. ⅵ 2007 B. P. F.
Weekly, Lerinski
Weekly, Lerinski (Gaul, Ok. 400 – Unknown, 450) – Church writer Since this. He also felled a bishop in Lerin. One of the early Christian church dignitaries in Macedonia, who testify about the existence of an organized ecclesiastical life of the Macedonian country. RAT. Gr. Nebojsa Vilic Vilic, Nebojsa (Veles, 17. Xi 1962) – A historian of art and professor at the Faculty of Drama Arts in Skopje, from the 90s active in the animation and popularization of the postmodern art scene and the Liturgy of St. Basil the Great, Fresco in the church “St. Sofia “(Ohrid, XI c.) Criticism. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1985). Master ‘s (1993) and PhD (1997) at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. He was director of SCCA in Skopje. Author and organizer of a dozen books (Stateas of Cenges, 1994; Noah, 1996; 8 lectures on arts and new technologies, 1998). M. B.-P. Dragonfly
Weekov, Pando Gligorov
Watnov, Pando Gligorov (village Silver, Lerin, 1924) – Military commander of DAG. As Lieutenant (1948) and Colonel (1949) was the commander of the Brigade and Division. He was a member of the NOF Main Board of Macedonians from the Aegean part of Macedonia (January 1948), member of the NOMS Main Board of Aegean Macedonia (May 1949), deputy member of the CC CPG (October 1950) and chairman of the organization “Ilinden” Macedonian refugees in Eastern European countries. Aegean Macedonia in NOB, 1947, Tom ⅳ, AM, Skopje, 1980, Doc. 76, 290-291. Litus: Tashko Mamorovski, bright characters from Aegean Macedonia (1945-1949), Nio “Student Word”, Skopje, 1987, 240-243. S. Ml. Vasvanas, Vangelis – Communist Dean. At the time of World War II, the Secretary of the Macedonian Bureau of War (July 1941), followed by a member of the City Committee (from 1941) and a member of the CPG environmental committee in Thessaloniki, member and second secretary of the Macedonian Bureau of the CPG, Secretary of The district committee of the youth organization EPON and Secretary of the CPG City Committee in Thessaloniki (from March 1944). He participated in the very important extended session of the CPG district committee for the Aegean part of Macedonia, and was elected as a member of the district committee (second half of November 1944). At the seventh Congress of the CPG, he was elected candidate-member (1945), and on the fifth plenum and a member of the CPG Central Center (January 1949). At the time of the Civil War in Greece was a political commissar in several languages (1938) Military Units of DAG in the Aegean part of Macedonia and Thrace, and then the sixth dag. Lit.: Aegean Macedonia in the NOB (1944-1945), t. Ⅱ, AM, Skopje, 1973, 80; Dr. Risto Kirjazovski, Democratic and anti-fascist parties and organizations in the Aegean part of Macedonia (1941-1945), Ini, Skopje, 1991, 40, 54, 75, 86 and 114. S. Ml. James Weissemann
Weis – Efendi (Uri Bin Mehmnage), (Alaschir, 1561 – Skopje, 1628) – Cadia, poet and prose. In the period 1605-1627 He was appointed to Kadija of Skopje seven times. It is valid for one of the greatest artists of Turkish medieval prose, with exceptional style. He wrote 11 literary and poetic works. His most famous work is the book of Muhammad “Sessages Winesis”, as well as his “book for dreams” (Hvabnama), which is a political description of the reasons for the fall of the Ottoman Empire. His poetic collection contains 170 wonderful quenches. Lit.: Evliya Celebi, Putopus. Postparts O Yugoslav Salm. Translation, commentary Hazim Shabanovic, Sarayevo, 1967, 288, tooth. 70; Herbert Duda, Dukkub 17. Yahrhondart, Balkanzhe Student, News, 1949, 31, tooth. 74; Dear Gorgiev, Skopje from the Turkish conquest by the end of the ⅹⅴⅰⅰ century, Skopje, 1997. Dr. F.
Weisseman, James R
Weisseman, James R. (James R. Yesemann) (North Little Rock, USA, 29. ⅷ 1934) – archaeologist, UNIV. Professor, academician. He graduated from the University of Missouri (1957), and then graduated from classical studies at the American School in Athens (1959-1960). Masters (1960) and PhD (1966) at the University of Chicago. His professional interests are aimed at studying the relationship between Romans and the indigenous population, trade and economics in the Roman period and cities and settlements in antiquity and in the late antique period in the eastern part of the Mediterranean. He taught at universities in Austin (Texas), Colorado, Boston and the American School of Classical Studies in Athens. Managed Archaeological Research in Macedonia (Stobi), Greece (Ellis, Corinth, Nicopolis) and Spain (Menorca). From 1970 to 1981 Bill Koracoter of archaeological excavations in Stobi and editor of the publication Studies in Stobi and-ⅲ (Study’s studies of Antijijji), and in 1979, in his organization, the University of Boston was held a symposium dedicated to the research of this ancient city. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of Journal’s Journal of Fueld Arzhaeologist (1974-1985), and besides the large number of social activities was vice president (1981-1984) and president (1985-1988) at the US Archaeological Institute, where in 1993 . been elected as an honorary president. For an external member of MANU, he was elected in 2003. BIB .: Studyses Into the Antijijiyes of Stobi, and-ⅲ, Belgrade-Titov Veles, 1973-1981 (editor); Teza Land of Teese Anician Corynthians. Studys In Mediteranean Arzhaeologist, 50, Gotborg, 1978; Landscape Arzhaeologist Inn Southern Epirus, a heat, and, Hesperia Submutment, 32, Atherence, 2003 (editor). A. C.-M.
Welfare – a clue regarding the quality of life of people (c. Quality of life). The problem of well-being is associated with one goal of the economic science – the economy of well-being. The focus of the attention of this scientific discipline is the well-being of the individual. The sum of the well-being of all individuals in society gives the so-called. Social well-being. The welfare economy, in essence, is reduced to two concepts: 1) the concept of economic efficiency; and 2) the concept of distribution of income. The concept of economic efficiency is basically distinguished by positivistic approach and refers to the “size of the pie”, while the concept of the distribution of income is basically distinguished by a normativistic approach and refers to the “distribution of the pie”. In order to separate the concepts of economic efficiency and distribution of income, economists use the so-called. Pareto efficiency, according to which distribution is the pareto efficient if no redistribution does not lead to improvement of the situation of each person, without worsening the situation of others. In the Republic of Macedonia, the level of well-being is most commonly measured through the index of human development, as well as with the income (monetary) standards of poverty, such as the main summary index and index of the depth of poverty. According to the Human Development Index, Macedonia is located in the group of countries with an intermediate level of well-being (see human development), while the diligent standards of poverty show the existence of large disparities in the quality of life of people (c. Poverty). Lit.: D. Begch ET al. (2000): Economic, Sajth Editon, McGon-Hill, 257-277. D. E.
Wendell, Herman
Wendell, Herman (1884-1936) – German writer, publicist and politician; Multi-annual People’s MP in German Parliament (Rakhistag), a connoisseur of the situation of the Slavic south, who through numerous articles in the press and in separate books (1916-1936) is rich analytical views for the peoples of the Balkans, and among them for Macedonians. Herman Vendell is shown as a protector of Macedonia and her right to sovereign life at a time when fascism comes to the European political scene. He defends the self-assessment of the Macedonian Slavs from the positions of German Social Democrat. It fiercely condemns the Bulgarian appropriation of Macedonia and launches a sharp controversy with the new Macedonian Zwić. In the articles, mainly for the phenomenon of the Macedonian Slavs, which Vendell believes are a self-eligible Slavic nation, it falls its broader information about the Macedonian conditions and a solid knowledge of the already existing literature on the Macedonian issue. BIB.: In German: Heinrich Heine (1916); South European issues (1918); From and for the South Slavs (1920); From the South Slavic Revival (1921); Habsburgs and the South Slavic question (1924); South Slavic silhouettes (1924) and Danton (1932). In Serbia: Yugoslavia, Italy and Albania (1923), the struggle of the Southern Slavs (1925) and the Yugoslavs in the Geteono Mirror (1932). D. T.
Werner, Ruza Stjepanova
Werner, Ruza Stjepanova (Roma Starner) (village Cantel, Slavonski Brod, Croatia 16. ⅱ 1900 – Djakov, Croatia 22. ⅱ 1981) – Histologist, embryologist, regular prof. of honey. f. Graduated from honey. f. in Zagreb. In Skopje comes, after an invitation, as a professor of Zagreb honey. f. (1947). The founder is also a longtime director of the Institute of Histology and Embryology at MES. f. In Skopje and head of the Department. AM: “Macedonian Medical Review”, 1-2, Skopje, 1980. D. S.-B.