
Pelagonia (Pelakon) – Staro Gorno-Macedonian tribe that inhabited the territories west of the R. Axius (Vardar). Homer in Iliad mentions their mythical eponymous hero Pelegon, the son of River God Axius and Periberia, the father of the most famous Paionian hero in the Trojan War of Asteropai. Their name is encountered in two antician inscription from ⅳ c. BC Later they were mentioned in Pseudo-Skimnos, Pliny Elder and Livius, who includes them in the tribes that inhabited Paionia. In ⅳ c. BC They had their own special political community headed by the king. At the time of the strengthening of Paionia, politically entered her composition, and later, along with the Paions, recognized the supreme power of Philip ⅱ. With the Roman conquest and the division of Macedonia to four Mersidi, entered the fourth Macedonian Merida, whose center became the city of Pelagonia. I not.: Homeri, Illias, Lipsia, 1910; Tits Livi, AB URBe Condy Libri, Lipsia, 1906. Lit.: E. Petrova, Paionia in ⅱ and millennium BCE, Skopje, 1999; F. Papazoglu, Macedonian cities U Roman age, Skopje, 1957. K. M.R.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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