
Insects (Insase) – Classless animals of the type of arthropods (arthropoda) What is the most numerous and most successful group of organisms on the planet Earth. Unlike insects: 1. Fly, 2. a network. A butterfly, 4. Mosquito, 5. Grasshopper, 6ths, 7th leis, 8. Mozah; 9. Ant; 10. Polish Phane room; 11. Firefly; 12. Sandy bug. EB was established to prepare the convening of the anti-fascist assembly, and finished more other important activities that have been performed by the GS or the CPM Central Committee. In this capacity, some time had the role of the highest political-representative body, the highest body of power. Prepared the Guidelines for organizing the National Boards, Guidelines on the manner of selecting delegates for ASNOM and transferring the free territory, approved the decisions adopted by GS to the establishment of the EB, gave instructions for the Macedonian Delegation to Talk with Josip Broz Tito and with Yugoslav leadership for Macedonia’s positions and resolving the Macedonian national issue, held in June 1944 on the island of Vis; He prepared most documents filed and adopted by delegates at the first session of ASNOM. Other arthropodic organisms, insects possess only three pairs of legs and usually wings. The name comes from the Latin word “Insuzt”, which means “broken down” and refers to clearly the underwater parts that make up the body of the insect – head, thorax and abdomen. Through the process of evolution, in different groups of insects, the basic parts of the body suffered significant modifications. For example, the oral appliance can be adapted for chewing or smacking liquids. The legs can be modified for jumping, digging, swimming, to capture the spoil, and even for listening and discharging sound signals. The wings do not only serve for flying – they can be firm and have a protective role. Insects were the first organisms that began to fly. The appearance of wings dates back to the geological period, Carbon (before 350-290 million years), but these first flights did not possess the opportunity to assemble the wings near the body to the back. Today, only the villagers possess wings of this type. Insects are divided into two subclasses: Monryless insects (applicatus) and insects with wings (pterigota). The probal insects are a small group of organisms, which represent the relic remains of the oldest primitive prinness, with limited number of species. From the nonclimal insects, 18 types are registered. In insects with wings postambrainal development, it features incomplete or full metamorphosis covering stages larva, doll and imago. The first insects with wings were characterized by incomplete metamorphosis. The stadium doll appeared in the geological period Perm (290-245 million years), as a result of climate change (the stadium doll allows insects to survive the cold period). The success of the stage doll in insects can be clearly interpreted from today’s perspective, when 85% of all types of insects are developed in this way and belong to the four major successful lines: hardmills (censorship), doubts Butterflies (Lepidopter). In Macedonia, the presence of 6,162 types is registered from insects with wings. Lit.: C. D. MCGAVIN, SPIDers AND SHEHER TERRESTRIAL ArtHropods, London, 2000; P. A. Meglittszch, invertebrate zoologist, Odford, 1972. St. P. – V. Sid.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ИНСЕКТИ

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