Anti – Group Slavic tribes, main ancestors of the eastern Slavs. The name is not Slavic. From the beginning of ⅵ c., Alone or together with the Slavs, they began to attack Byzantium. In ⅵ c. Among the anti and the Slavs there were no major differences. The sources describe them together and attribute common language, beliefs and customs. About 560 were subordinated by the Avars. Then, they concluded an alliance with Byzantium. The last time in the sources mentioned in 602, when the Avars sent an army against them. Litt.: B. A. Fishkov, anti and Kievan Rusý, “Western Drive Stories”, 1, Moscow, 1939; BC Treatyykoko, Proscavanansky Plant, Moscow, 1953. K. Ag.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АНТИ