Water macrophytic vegetation in the Republic of Macedonia – communities of water plants, which inhabit the aquatic ecosystems (land waters, seas and oceans). The diversity of the communations of this vegetation type is lower compared to the land vegetation because the overall environmental conditions in the aquatic environment are more stable and more competent in relation to the mainland. The aquatic macrophytic vegetation on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia Syntaxonomic belongs to the class, lemed and developed and developed in the three natural lakes (Ohrid, Prespa and Dojran Lake), as well as in the coastal parts of some of our larger rivers (Vardar, Crna Reka, Bregalnica and others). In the past, its communities developed in some larger blow and wetlands (Katlanovo, Monospitovo, Pelagonia, Struga, Studencist, and others). It is differentiated on a flotane (along the surface of aquatic ecosystems) and submit (immersed in water). Of the flighter vegetation are the most important Ass. Lemeled-Spirodemum Radrhizaya Subass. Salvinian (Ohrid Lake, Dojran Lake), Subasis. Aldrovandosum (Prespa Lake), Ass. HUTRICCHCHERIDO-NZHMIPTUTOM Платааер (Ohrid Lake, Prespa Lake, Dojran Lake) and Ass. Machiopchus-Napharetum (Ohrid, Prespa and Dojran Lake). In their composition, fluttering (swimming) plants (Potmogann Nathans, Nubhar Lutetea, Na Alba, Rapa Naons, Salvinia Nathans, Husrococharis Morsus Ranue and others), whose sheets swim on the surface of the water. Several communities-ass is known from the submitter vegetation. Potter-aidatum, Ass. Potmer-Vallisum and Ass. Taretopchus-Potterum Crspes, which develop along the edge parts of the lakes, in coastal pepper parts, up to several meters depth. In their composition, submitter plants, which are completely or partially immersed in the water, of which are more important: Taretopchons of Demersum, MSRYPHSLUM PLUSTUM, MSRYPHY VERTICALLLALLLATUM, NEX MINOR, NEG MARINA, Potamogenic Fluitance, Potamogeton Lucential, Potmogeton Perfoliatus, Ranunzlus Fluity Spiralis, Zanzhelli Palustris, etc. VL. M.
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