Ohrid Lake – Tectonic Lake in the final southwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia. It is located on the border between the border of Macedonia and Albania, between the mountains Petri-But Galicica and Suva Gora in the east, Belk and Mokra Mountain in the West. It is evaluated in the tectonic road, by lowering the valve bottom along the scattered structures, whose stretching routes are north-south. The largest length in the north-south direction is 30.35 km, the largest width is 14.5 km, with a total length of the lake bank of 86.2 km, of which Macedonia belong to 50.4 km, and Albania 35.7 km. The lake is located at A.N. Of the 693.17 m, it covers the after2 bond of 348.8 km, of which 229.9 2 km or 65.9% belong to M2 Candonia, and 118.9 km or 34.1% of Albania. The largest depth of the lake is 287.5 m, and the average 144.8 m. In this Lake, a total of 50.5 3 kwda accumulated. Water is filled by karst sources that are located along the east coast (Saint Naum source, Source Tushemiste, Biljanini sources, etc.), Subblacustrial springs (whirlings), from precipitation excreted directly over the lake surface, from the water that condensed directly Above the lake area, and from the surface tributaries: Cherava, Koselska River, Daljan and Saturday River. Ohrid Lake loses water from its swimming pool with evaporation, and most of the powdered freurship of black drim (22 m / s). The highest water level of the lake level occurs in June (42 cm), and the lowest in October (8 cm), while the middle-year hesitation of the lake is 33 cm. The amplitude between the absolute maximum (142 cm) and absolutely minimum value (0 cm) of the water level is 142 cm, and after the regulation of the expiration of Struga it is 93 cm. The average annual temperature of the surface layer of water is 13.6 ° C. It is the highest in August (22.3 ° C), the lowest in February (6.6 ° C), while the water temperature in the deepest parts of the lake is 6.0 ° C. The water is with a blue-greenish shade, with translucency in July month of 21.5 m. It is known after the endemic type of trout and the numerous other former endemic species of live organisms that are extinct in other lakes, which is due to the protection of UNESCO. Lit.: Ohrid Lake and its protection, Proceedings, DEM, Skopje, 1992. Dr. C.
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