Waterweight, Vasily Vasilayevich

Waterwater, Vasily Vasilajevich (S.-Petersburg, 22. ⅻ 1864 / 3. ⅰ 1865 – Zberland, Czech, 7. 1933) – Russian publicist, lawyer, economist, social and political division. He studied of the historical and philology (from 1883) and the Faculty of Law (from 1885) of the S.-Petersburg University. He closered with the revolutionary movement and the People, and in 1887. He was arrested and sent in persecution in Arkhangel Gubernia, where he gradually completed the Faculty (1890), and then resides in Samara (1891-1893). Because of the articles in the daily and periodical press (1890-1894) he had to leave Russia and traveled after the Balkans. He collaborated from Bulgaria in the respectable magazines “Western European” and “Rustsky Treasure”. In 1897 He traveled after Austro-Hungary and sent Dopiski in the Russian press. For several years he lived in Kiev, participated in political life and collaborated in local newspapers and magazines. Then the attention is attracted by the events and processes of the Balkans. He follows and writes about the Balkan Wars, participates in various congregations and discussions about Macedonia, draws with D. Cupovski and uses his “map of Macedonia” and the memoranda of the Macedonian colony (1913) and cooperates in “Makedonskiy Golos (Macedonian Voice)”. In December 1914 and January-February 1915 He travels “by serbs of Macedonia” and publishes registered articles in “Modernics”, “News of European”, “Rousesky in

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВОДОВОЗОВ, Василиј Василјевич

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