Human development – a process of increasing human choice in terms of abilities (opportunities) The man to lead a long and healthy life, to be well educated and have a decent standard of living. The concept of human development is for the first time. The concept suggests that there is no automatic link between the growth of the real gross domestic product and the growth of the level of human development (quality of life). The basic measure of the concept is the index of human development. He is an indicator of the average achievements in the field of basic human abilities and standard comparative measure of the quality of life of people among the countries. The index is based on three components: life length, reached education and living standards. According to the latest World Development on Human Development since 2006, the Human Development Index for the Republic of Macedonia is 0.796, and ranks the country on the 66th place out of 177 countries in the world. Having regard to the existing methodology of the program Source: Human Development Reports (1990-2006), UNDP. Promoted with the United Nations Development Program (UNIT Nations Development Programme – UNDP) in the Report on Human Development (Human Development Report) of 1990. The concept of the concept of the concept is the Pakistan economist Mahbub Ul Hague (Mahbub Ul Hull), who took with the American economist of Indian origin – Nobel laureate Amartja Sen (Amardza Sen) is considered his founders. The concept, basically, concentrates on three interconnected processes: 1) the process of the growth of human abilities (possibilities); 2) the process of human participation in promoting economic growth, and 3) the process of distribution of economic growth. According to the concept of human development, the level of quality of life of people should not be appreciated only according to the average level of income, but also according to the abilities of people to lead a healthy life, to educate and actively participate in the social and development of the development of The United Nations, this height of the index coincides with the level of secondary developed countries in terms of the quality of life of the population. The Human Development Index of the Republic of Macedonia, basically monitors the GDP growth dynamics PER Tosses (PPP US $), indicating direct dependence on the level of quality of life of the Macedonian population from the growth of real to Hod. The Macedonian Index of Human Development significantly deviates from the average index of human developments of highly developed countries (0.911), but is approximately equal to the average index of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (0.802). Lit.: A. Saint, and the children of Human Development, Journal of Human Development, WAL. 1, but. 1, February 2000, 17-24. A. Saint, And S. Anand, Human Development Index – Methodologist and Memasure, Human Development Report Ophfica (1990-2006), UNDP, 1994. D. E.
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