
Dimitar Mitrash. (Ⅹⅳ – ⅹⅴ c.) – The youngest, fourth son of Volkashin. It is mentioned in the King Mark, 1377 King Mark. In the Mark Monastery, he himself appears as the Church of the church “St. Nicholas “in Prilep. After 1393/1394, he deceives with King Marko and (in the summer of 1394), along with his brother Andreyash went to Dubrovnik to take his part of his father’s deposit in silver (mentioned in a single Dubrovnik document of 21. IX 1399 Mr. As the brother and successor to Marko), and hence they went to Hungary. There he entered the service of King Sigismund, and in the start. on ⅹⅴ c. He was Castalan of the Veligas and Zupan of the Varand Zupa. Lit.: N. Noskpal-Niculska, Mark’s monastery – monument as a document throughout history, monuments for the medieval and recent history of Macedonia, and, Skopje, 1975; S. Curchaky, Podlad Krga Vukushina, ZBFF, Belgrade, ⅹⅳ / 1 (1979). B. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ДИМИТАР

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