Wendell, Herman

Wendell, Herman (1884-1936) – German writer, publicist and politician; Multi-annual People’s MP in German Parliament (Rakhistag), a connoisseur of the situation of the Slavic south, who through numerous articles in the press and in separate books (1916-1936) is rich analytical views for the peoples of the Balkans, and among them for Macedonians. Herman Vendell is shown as a protector of Macedonia and her right to sovereign life at a time when fascism comes to the European political scene. He defends the self-assessment of the Macedonian Slavs from the positions of German Social Democrat. It fiercely condemns the Bulgarian appropriation of Macedonia and launches a sharp controversy with the new Macedonian Zwić. In the articles, mainly for the phenomenon of the Macedonian Slavs, which Vendell believes are a self-eligible Slavic nation, it falls its broader information about the Macedonian conditions and a solid knowledge of the already existing literature on the Macedonian issue. BIB.: In German: Heinrich Heine (1916); South European issues (1918); From and for the South Slavs (1920); From the South Slavic Revival (1921); Habsburgs and the South Slavic question (1924); South Slavic silhouettes (1924) and Danton (1932). In Serbia: Yugoslavia, Italy and Albania (1923), the struggle of the Southern Slavs (1925) and the Yugoslavs in the Geteono Mirror (1932). D. T.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ВЕНДЕЛ, Херман

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