Hero – monumental type of tombstones from Roman times in Macedonia, registered on several localities. The facilities were formed in the form of a Rome Temple of a high podium, with an approach staircase, Wedgibil and whole and underground hypogeum. The Barovo, at Barovo, was discovered typically diverse stone architectural plastics. The same is the case with the heroon at the village Church in the Tremnik, Negotino, and with the object of the village site in Vendje. In Pirava and Marvini (Valandovo), only the two massive roofing frontones were discovered, while at the site Sulolin at the village of Caska (Veles) almost completely preserved the podium and the hypogusum, with three tombs under Arkosoli were detected at the site. Lit.: V. Lilcic, Macedonian stone for gods, Christians and life of life, and Skopje, 2001, 223, 227, 313, 319-338, 351, 463, 493-494. C. L.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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