Prespa valley

Prespa valley – is located in the final southwestern part of the Republic of Macedonia. Being in the peripheral border areas, the full Prespa valley is not located on our territory, but smaller parts belong to the Aegean part of Macedonia, Greece, and Albania. The valley is formed by lowering along two parallel disadvantages with the meridian stretching direction. The eastern framework cost the mountains Baba and Bigla, the western mountains of Galicica and the east, the northern Plake Mountain, and the south is the state border with Greece. It covers an area of ​​737 km² located at an altitude between 853 m and 2.601 m. The plain part of the valley covers an area of ​​11,500 ha, with an average NV. of 880 m. The valley in the Pliocene was filled with water, that is, for the most part, Bi-la Converted to Lake. The flat part, that is, the bottom of the valley is covered by alluvial drifts. Resen field stretches from the sorry in the village. Peter and s. Asatami towards north in the form of a little inclined and slightly forbidding flavine. Climate conditions and pedogological composition allow the Prespa valley to represent one of the most famous areas for growing apples in the Republic of Macedonia. The City Center Resen is developed. Lit.: A. Stojmilov, Physical Geography of R. Macedonia, Skopje, 2003. T. And.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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