Belchev, Kostadin.

Belchev, Kostadin (villages, Bitola, 1874 – Sofia, 19. 1945) – Teacher, participant in the Ilinden Uprising, Bitola duke. In the course of May 1902 He was imprisoned and lying in the Ottoman prison Katilane in Bitola. In the Ilinden Uprising led the company. Then he became a priest and deacon at the Bulgarian Exarchate in Constantinople. Exhibition: CDA, f.: 933, OP. 1, A.e. 95, l. 269. Al. TR. John Belchovski

Belchovski, John

Belchovski, John (village Rusinovo, Maleshevo, 7. ⅷ 1941) – University professor. He was educated in his native village. He graduated from the Secondary Theological School in Prizren, Faculty of Philology (Romanistics) in Belgrade, Master’s Degree in Skopje (1982), and received his PhD in Zagreb (1993). He was a teacher in the village. Argument, Stip, in Chimneys (Vojvodina), in the secondary theological school “St. Kliment Ohridski “in Dracevo and the Orthodox Theological Faculty” St. Kliment Ohridski “in Skopje. Full professor and two years Dean of the faculty. Author of scientific and professional articles and monographs. Participant of scientific gatherings and conferences. BIB.: Historical foundations for the autocephaly of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, (Skopje, 1985, 188); Ohrid Archbishopric from the establishment of Macedonia’s crash under Turkish rule, (Skopje, 1997, 663); The Ohrid Archbishopric since the establishment to the ban of its activity – 1767, (Skopje, 2006, 118). Al. TR.


Berde -. The biggest wired climbing musical instrument, type of tamboura with four wires and Basovska harmonic function. It is very rarely encountered in Macedonian tamburate orchestral compositions. Lit.: Dragoslav Deveva, ethnomusicology, ⅲ Deo (script), Belgrade, 1977, 192. F. M. F.

Belev, Cross Dimitrov

Belev, Krst Dimitrov (village Gorno Brody, Sisco, 5 ⅲ 1908 -?, 1978) – Bulgarian writer (of Macedonian origin), author of the very popular and often issued a novel “Mountain, Pirin-Mountain” (1934) in which they are Comments the death of Goce Delchev. Author of short stories, novels, pathopies and reports. After the Balkan wars with the family, it moves to Bulgaria. As a youth, he takes part in the communist movement in Bulgaria for being persecuted and several times convicted and long lies in prison, as a political delinquent. He was an immigrant in France and Romania, for a long time he stayed in the USSR, and during the Second World War, it is interned in the camps for political opponents of fascism in Bulgaria (Gunda-Water and Cross-Field). Very prolific as author. To-bar part of his rich opus is dedicated to Macedonian topics. BIB.: Breakthrough, 1937; Mountain, Pirin-Mountain, 1934, 1939; Prokrushed voices of refugees from Macedonia, 1945; Nova Makedonija, Patolog, 1945; Read country, more, 1945; In my homeland, Macedonia, birth under slavery, 1945; Refugee, multiple, 1949. Mr. T.

Belev, Trajan.

Belev, Trajan (Possud. Gotce) (village Gjavato, Bitola, 4 ⅰ 1902 – p. Konenot, Kichevo, 6. 1943) – Premier and national Dean. He was a member of the CPY (1938) and Power in Nosavm; Member of the District Operating Military Headquarters in Bitola (1942), political commissar of the NOOP “Damjan Gruev” and deputy commissioner of the first battalion of the second operating zone of New and Pom “Mirce Acev”. He died in a fight with ballistic forces. Lit.: Beno Rousseau, the revolutionary character of Trajan Belev, “Pelister”, Jubilee Journal, no. 3, Bitola, 22. ⅳ 1971; Kole Bendevski – Miyal Crbevski, Revolutionary activity of Trajan Belev-Goce, Bitola and Bitola in New 1943-1944, REC. Second, Bitola, 1982, 563-594; Gjorgji Dimovski-Tsolev, Trajan Belev-Goce, Bitola, 1987. S. Ml.

Belev, Zafir Gjorchev

Belev, Zafir Gjorchev (Ohrid, 1845 – p. Kostenets, Sofiko, 1907) – Macedonian Dean and Sociary, participant in the Ohrid conspiracy and author of the memory (autobiographical) record in Macedonian language. Member of the municipal council. Due to the most recent activity, he was sentenced to a six-month prison (1871). Year and Paul stayed in Russia, and after returning worked in his hometown as a cafiamist. As a member of the Ohrid conspiratorial group that developed a revolutionary activity in southwestern Macedonia, he was one of the compilers and suppliers of a petition (with 24 prints from the surrounding villages) that was handed over to the Russian consul in Bitola (1880), which was convicted of lifelong jail in prego. After three and a half-year stay in the Bitola prison, he was sent to Zattoo in Peas-Kale (Yemen), but was amnestied and collected in Sofia (1894). After returning from the label, he wrote an insignificant and unfinished memory-literary text in Macedonian language with the Greek letter “record of the Taxiut and the pain”. BIB.: Measurements for the Ohrid conspiracy (a story in Macedonian). Prepare: Blaze Ristovski and Nikola Celakoski, Ohrid, 2001. Lit.: Blaze Ristovski, “Memoari records for the Ohrid conspiracy” in Macedonian language from Zafir Belev, “Attachments”, Olln Manu, JJV, 1-2, 2001, 49-67 . Bl. R. Cross Belev

Belgian Macedonian links and relations

Belgian Macedonian links and relationships. Starting with Viennese (February 1903) and with the Mirzhtevski (October 1903) reforms of Turkish gendarmerie, by deploying a small contingent international (including Belgian) military forces. Representatives of the Macedonian National Liberation Movement from Belgium carry out the supply of weapons of VMRO. Significant Macedonian intellectuals stay or study in Belgium (eg, Gemida Pavel Shatev in 1912 graduated from the Faculty of Law in Brussels). The Kingdom of Belgium recognizes the Republic of Macedonia on 6. 1993 Diplomatic relations are established on 14. ⅱ 1994 The first extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in the Republic of Macedonia is Gaston Van Luis-Adams (Gaston Van Lowis-Adams). The first extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia to Belgium is Yo-Van Tegovski. Members of the Belgium Army come to the Republic of Macedonia as part of UNPROFOR / UNPREDEP, from the Kosovo Verification Coordination Center, from the KFOR headquarters, from the NATO headquarters, from the mission “Necessary Harvest”, from the Headquarters of the “Amber Fox” and “Concordia ” Lit.: Achille Tunte, Republic of Macedonia-first decade (1990-1999), Skopje, 2005. T. Petr.

Belia, Bozhidar

Belia, Bozhidar (Rijeka, Croatia, 20. Xi 1904 – Zagreb, Croatia 1981) – Full Professor of Honey. f. in Skopje. In 1948 comes from the Zagreb Farm. f. (Department of Galenic Pharmacy) and forms a department of chemistry and biochemistry of the newly formed honey. f. He was the head of the Department (1948- 1960), and until 1954. He conducted the teaching of biochemistry of the agricultural and forestry faculty and the PMF. Exhibition: “Proceedings of the Medical Faculty in Skopje”, Skopje, 1967. D. S.-B. Belistomanian, Peter.

Belic, Alexander

Belic, Alexander (Belgrade, 2 ⅷ 1876 – Belgrade, 26. 1960) – linguist, professor and rector of the Belgrade University, member and president of the Serbian Royal Academy (later SUNA), a member of several academies of science and scientific societies in FNRY / SFRY and abroad. He completed his studies at the University of Moscow and Odessa, PhD at the University of Leipzig. At the Belgrade University in 1899 It is named for a professor, it is further elected in all titles. He was a professor of SRHR. Language and Slavic phyloloalexandar Belic Guya. Honorary professor at the Moscow State University, founder and editor of the SP. “South Slavic philologist” and “Our Jesik”. He published over 600 scientific articles. He dealt with the dialectology and history of the Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian language, with the norm and lexicograph of the Serbian (Serbian) language. The Macedonian language was first considered as an archaic Serbian dialect from Old Serbia, later evolved into its perceptions and highlights the specificities of MAK. language. After 1945 recognizes the existence and history of MAK. language. Aview: Proceeding Linguistic and Philology hearing U chast A. Whiteћou O Cherenjenjenj Nishova Scientific Rada, Belgrade, 1937; Proceedings Radova Oleksandru White Xu, Sanu, Belgrade, 1976. Lit.: Saving works Alexandra Whiteћa U 14 Tomova, Belgrade, Institute for Issue, 1995-2000. BIB: Dialects Equeose Southern Srbije (1905), Galichnik Dials (1935), etc. L. SP. Tito Belichanec.

Belichanec, Tito

Belichanec, Tito (Prilep, 24. ⅶ 1946) – University professor, lawyer. Elementary school, high school and law faculty ended in Skopje (1969). He received his PhD at the same faculty on the topic “Institutional Forms of Self-Associated Labor” (1979). He was elected as an assistant (1970), and then for a full-time business law professor at the Faculty of Law (1991). Selected as a member, and then for vice president of the Assembly of the SRM and the President of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities (1986-1991). He participated in the work of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe as its member (1998-2004). Co-author is several textbooks in the area of ​​self-associated labor, labor law and the right of the companies. It is actively involved in the privatization of social property (1993 ‡ 2003). Lit.: Faculty of Faculty – Fifty Years 1951-2001, Faculty of Law, Skopje, 2001. St. w.


Bigla – Medium Mountain, which is a natural sequel to Ilina and Plakenska Mountain. It has a dinar direction of stretching SZ-Yi in length of 16 km. In the West Limited by the Resen Field and the Valley of the Greater River, to the east with the valleys of the Shemnica and the Beaška River, and to the south with the Sweet Gjavato (1,167 m) is separated from Mount Pelister. These borders covers an area of ​​179 km². There are seven peaks higher than 1,500 m, and the highest is black peak (1,935 m), located in the final northwest part. The geological composition is represented by Paleozoic shales, granitoids and triants, conglomerates. Geological composition, climate features and great business conditions have conditioned short watercourses. T. And.

Beljeeu, Julia Dmitry

Beljauseva, Julia Dmitrius (Bellyeva, Yevitrius) (Moscow, Russia, 8. ⅴ 1927) – Slavist, Macedonia. After the completion of the Faculty of Philology of the MDU “Lomonosov” (1950) and the defense of the candidate dissertation after the Philological Sciences (1963) specialized in the history of South Slavic literatures. She worked at the Institute of Slavics and Balkanics of the USSR in Moscow, first as a scientific associate (1954-1977), and then as a senior research associate (1977- 1990). Once independently he learned the Macedonian language, he dealt with Macedonians (since 1964) and published more displays (in Russian, Macedonian and Serbian editions) and elections, anthologies and translations from Macedonian authors in Russian. She participated with Macedonian articles and collective editions: PUSHOSALIES XXT C., MOSCOW, 1957; – ŒOglavskaya Puzzia ⅹⅰⅹ-ⅹⅹ VV, Moscow, 1987; Literatî Narodov œgoslavians in Rossii. Last Stuttrtïjdyge c. – Nachala XX., Moscow, 1979. BIB.: Modern Macedonian prose – Development Zerube, Slavyhankah Literature of Moscow, Moscow, 1966, 401-449; Kocho Racin and Roznija Makedonska Prolutarial Literate, Zaru-Bezearce Slavic Literator. HX century, Moscow, 1970, 369-384; ŒGoslavska criticism of Macedonian literary, trends in contemporary vendorous literary literary and literary criticism, LC. 2, Moscow, 1976, 136-148; Koco Racin. Belîey dawn. Predicted, Moscow, 1982, 5-23; Concepts Realism in œOglavanescu Critic Caca 50-X-70-X GG. Ⅹⅰⅹ c., Realism in literature Stra Central and – Enterpricious European, Moscow, 1983, 127-167; Macedonian literature in the USSR (1945-1987), scientific discussion of the Macedonian language seminar, literary and culture, 14, Skopje, 1987, 1-12. Lit.: Ivan Dorovski – Emilia Wolder, Lexicon of foreign Macedonian Macedonians ⅹⅹ and ⅹⅺ century, Skopje, 2008, 10. BL. R.

Belkovski, John Aleksandrov

Belovski, Jovan Aleksandrov (Berovo, 17. ⅲ 1942) – Veterinarian, regular prof. The FVM in Skopje. Doctorate on V. f. in Ljubljana (1992). He has published 82 scientific and professional papers. He was a specialization (1976/77) of Cornell University of the United States, in IAEA-Saibersdorf in Vienna (1995), in the Veterinary Institute Hanover (1989), as well as in Paris, Lyon and Lelistad, the Netherlands (1995), Uppsala, Sweden ( 2001). Associate is the postgraduate studies (Tempus-Phare) at MANU (1999/2000). Expert is the IAEA – Vienna (2002). Validated new diagnostic methods for brucellosis in sheep and goats. He is a member of the EU-COS Commission for Scientific Projects in Agriculture, Food and Biotechnology. Honorary member is at the Academy of Veterinary Medicine at the Serbian veterinary company. M. D. – J. B. Dragan Beltkoski


Bell -. A sound device with a conical shape, poured out of bronze. It produces exclusively a ton, which has never been in the function of music in Macedonian music-folk practice. The bell has only a signal function, when it is tied to the neck of domestic animals (goats, cows bells or drawings). The same function is used as a school bell, which denote the beginnings and endings of classes. Lit.: Dr. Aleksandar Linin, People’s Musical Instruments in Macedonia, Skopje, 1986, 25. F. M. F. Debar bell

Bell, Debar

Bell, Debar. (Campanula Debarnance RECH.) – Macedonian florical supersonate from the Campanulacea family (bells). Known only in Western Macedonia, in the gorge of Crn Drim and in eastern Albania. VL. M.

Belogans, Ljubomir.

Belogian, Ljubomir (Delcevo, 15. 1911 – Skopje, 15. 1994) – Painter, university professor, the most famous Macedonian watercarist, the founder of the Macedonian modern art. He graduated from the Art School in Belgrade (1938). He is the founder of the Graphic Section in the School of Applied Arts in Skopje (1949). He was a full professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Skopje. In the Museum of Contemporary Art in Skopje, he had a great retrospective (1978). Worked Impressionist landscapes from Macedonia and the Adriatic coast (Veska, 1945; Bled, 1958; Pestin City 1, 1955). Lit.: Ljubica Damjanovska, Ljubomir Belogans, Skopje, 1978; Lazo Plovevski, Ljubomir Belogans, Skopje, 1991. S. AB.-


“Wholmore” (Thessaloniki, 2-7. Xi 1912) – a daily political-social newspaper. Edited A. Tomov, K. Dimitrov, Pavel Satev (later replaced by Emanuel Nnapchev) and I. Nedelkov (editor-in-chief). Was printed in the print press Tenchev. A total of 6 numbers have been published. The first issue declared as a continuation of c. “Right”. He appeared at the time of the establishment of the Bulgarian occupation of Thessaloniki and advocated “the purest democratism”, with Macedonia within the borders of Bulgaria. Greek military censorship gave it to court (5. XI 1912), after which he was sold to a group of Jewish journalists who continued to issue it under the same name, but in French. Lit.: St. Simeonov, Bulgarian Stamp in Macedonia, Bulgarian Thessaloniki, Sofia, 1934, 256; Dr Boro Mokov, the development of the Macedonian press and journalism (from the first beginnings until 1945), Skopje, 1980; 179-181; Dr. Boro Mokron – Mr. Tome Gruevski, Review of the Macedonian Press (1885-1992), Skopje, 1993, 34-35. S. Ml.

Beloski, Dimce.

Beloski, Dimche (Stip, 25. ⅹ 1923) – National Dice, politician, social and diplomat. Studied right. He was a member of the SCO (1941) and the CPM (1943). As a prominent participant in NOVM, he was a political commissioner of Chief and a battalion in the military units of New and Pom, and then political commissioner of the fifth (Macedonian) division of Nova. He was a delegate of the first session of ASNOM (2. ⅷ 1944). After the liberation, the High Political School “Djuro Gjukovic” was completed in Belgrade and performed various party, social and diplomatic duties: Political Secretary of the KPM Round Committee in Skopje, Secretary of the PC to Macedonia, a member of the Macedonian CCM, MP in the Assembly of the Assembly of the Assembly of NRM, director of the NIP “Nova Makedonija”, member of the Executive Council of SRM, deputy of the Standing Representative in the Permanent Mission of SFRY in New York, Ambassador of SFRY to Canada and the United States and representative of the SFRY in the UN, Assistant Secretary of State of the SFRY for Foreign Affairs (1965-1969), a member of the CC presidency of SKJ and Secretary of the CC of SKJ. The holder is a partisan monument 1941. BIB.: Tito and the Macedonian national question. Progressive thought of the Macedonian question and request for self-determination (1878-1945), Delcevo, 1988, 225-231. AM: Kumanovo and Kumanovo in New 19411945. Documents, Kumanovo, 1988. S. Ml. Irfan Beluc.

Belov Bair.

Belov Bair – Leath of 6 km from the city sculpting a landscape where, after fierce tortures, 13 anti-fascists were shot (29. 1944), collaborators of partisans. Were buried in the common grave. Lit.: Georgi T. Mabbev, the Vreorgan Struggle in Pirinski Kraj 1941-1944, Sofia, 1966; Unlival 1922/1944, Smote: Died in Fighting Capitalism and Fascism His Blagoevgrad Art, Sofia, 1971. V. Nd. Ljubomir Belogans: Pestipride (1956)


Belt – part of the folk costume. It was usually woolen, woven quadrous, with Alova or the moral color of the base. It was 3 to 4 m long, with a width of 15-20 cm, and it was usually ornamented with doing horizontal hinges and motifs of the Okza and Kutija. In the lower part (which is not viewed) was ornamented by doing horizontal hinges (prime) on a dark-board basis. At the end, the male belt was decorated with the utilized threads (RS). In the first decades of the last century, the occurrence of the weaving of male belts in the coared Denen. In the Kumanovo region, the belt called a juna or dull, which was woven from a woolenway, decorated with horizontal hinges, wide about 5 cm wide. The sunnel belt is also mentioned as a wide zerka, long to 2.5 m, which has repented over the scutchal. There is also the so-called. Aloch belt, woven with horizontal hinges Prime or on the upper part ornamented with a car, and on the lower by doing hinges Prure. The belt post depends on a spiritual and crossover, St. Atanas, it is always different last, because if senior – Early Christian basiles-Easter is earlier, fasting is closely above the northwestern peripheralod. M. Keith. her in the village. The basilica has a trice kmerche, however, is a closely colorful belt that has been suppressed, above the scutters. J. R.-P.

Ben Lev, Josef

Ben Lev, Josef (Bitola, 1500 – Thessaloniki, 1580) – Rabin, Specialist in Jewish Law. He moved to Thessaloniki (1534), became president of the Jewish court in Thessaloniki. Defend the interests of Thessaloniki Guilds for the production of fabrics within the feudal guidance crafts. He was faulted as the protector of the poor Jews. He came into conflict with representatives of the Jewish elite, so his sons were killed, and he had to escape to Istanbul. The author of fourth, questions and answers) printed in Constantinople (1556, 1573 and 1597). His “represses” were reprinted in two volumes in Amsterdam (1726). Lit.: Gorgi Tsolev Dimovski, Bitola Jews, Bitola, 1993; Jewish sources for the irregular-iconomic development of the Balkan take the Prez, and, Sofia, 1958; Jewish sources for the objection-iconomic development of the Balkan take over the Prez, ⅱ, Sofia, 1960. J. NAM.

Benderv, Anastas Georgiev

Benderev, Anastas Georgiev (Upper Orahovica, 25 ⅲ / 6. Ⅳ 1859 – Sofia, 17. Xi 1946) – Russian general. He was interested in the rebels and refugees after the Kresna Uprising and the position in Macedonia after the Ilinden Uprising. He is the author of the book “The Military Gographer% J and Statistics Macedonia and neighborhood of Slav Spesty” (S.-Petersburg, 1890). Lit.: General Anastas Benderev. Memories – letters. Casters, an editor and author of Preferences Nikola Igov, Sophie®, 1990. M. Zdr.

Bendevski, Kole.

Bendevski, Kole (village Gjavato, Bitola, 17. ⅵ 1908 – Skopje, 25. 1991) – Power and Soccerer. At a fifteen year old, he left the article in the United States, working as a driver-taxi driver and a worker in the ironmart in Gary and Chicago and met the Communist ideology. Because of the illegal stay, he was arrested and conducted in prisons in New York and the island of Newfreund, and then deported in Thessaloniki (1932). After returning, he worked as a highway, and politically activated at the time of the election (1938) and then became a member of the CPY (1939). As an activist of NOVM, he was arrested (1942-1944) in prisons in Bitola, Skopje and Idrizovo, after which he went as a fighter of the seventh Macedonian but brigade. After the liberation, he was Director of Authorized Enterprises in Bitola and Skopje, Chief of the Government of the Government of the NRM, director of “Makedonija Pat” and is retired as a superintendent in the auto-free school “Boro Petrusevski” in Skopje (1964). The holder is a partisan monument 1941. BBB.: In the Skopje Central Prison, “13 November”, ⅹ, 10, Skopje, 1971, 2; False Witnesses, chained in Praxi, Skopje, 1981, 71-75; The establishment and work of the first party cell in the village of Gjavato 1941 and 1942, Bitola and Bitola in New 1941 and 1942, REC. Second, Bitola, 1978, 359-375 (co-authority with Todor Chattalovski and Miyal Crbevski); The participation of Davastani in the action of the village. Kazen, Bitola People’s Liberation Partisan Determines, Bitola, 1982, 158-160 (co-authority with Todor Chatalovski and Miyal Crbevski); Revolutionary activity of Traian Belev-Goce, Bitola and Bitola in New 1943-1944, REC. Second, Bitola, 1982, 563-594 (co-authorship with Miyal Crbevski). S. Ml. Traian Bendevski.

Bendevski, Trajan

Bendevski, Trajan (village Gjavato, Bitola, 1937) – Lawyer, UNIV. Professor. He finished primary and secondary school in Bitola. He graduated from the Faculty of Law in Skopje (1962). Masters Degree (1973) and PhD (1985) at the Faculty of Law in Skopje. He taught internationally private law at the Faculty of Law in Bitola (1984-1994) and international private law and the right of the EU at the Faculty of Faculty in Skopje (1994-2003) and FON in Skopje (since 2003). He was Secretary General of the University “Cyril and Methodius” in Skopje (1965-1980) and Dean of the Faculty of Law in Bitola (1986-1988). Arbiter is in the permanent elected court (arbitration) at the Economic Chamber of RM (1993-) and in international trade arbitration. He is the author of over 60 scientific and professional papers in the field of international private law and EU law. BBB: EU right, Skopje 2000; International Private Law, Skopje 2005. Exhibition of Faculty of Law “Iustinianus Primus”, Skopje, 2007. T. Petr.