Belichanec, Tito (Prilep, 24. ⅶ 1946) – University professor, lawyer. Elementary school, high school and law faculty ended in Skopje (1969). He received his PhD at the same faculty on the topic “Institutional Forms of Self-Associated Labor” (1979). He was elected as an assistant (1970), and then for a full-time business law professor at the Faculty of Law (1991). Selected as a member, and then for vice president of the Assembly of the SRM and the President of the Commission for Relations with Religious Communities (1986-1991). He participated in the work of the Venice Commission of the Council of Europe as its member (1998-2004). Co-author is several textbooks in the area of self-associated labor, labor law and the right of the companies. It is actively involved in the privatization of social property (1993 ‡ 2003). Lit.: Faculty of Faculty – Fifty Years 1951-2001, Faculty of Law, Skopje, 2001. St. w.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕЛИЧАНЕЦ, Тито