Beloski, Dimche (Stip, 25. ⅹ 1923) – National Dice, politician, social and diplomat. Studied right. He was a member of the SCO (1941) and the CPM (1943). As a prominent participant in NOVM, he was a political commissioner of Chief and a battalion in the military units of New and Pom, and then political commissioner of the fifth (Macedonian) division of Nova. He was a delegate of the first session of ASNOM (2. ⅷ 1944). After the liberation, the High Political School “Djuro Gjukovic” was completed in Belgrade and performed various party, social and diplomatic duties: Political Secretary of the KPM Round Committee in Skopje, Secretary of the PC to Macedonia, a member of the Macedonian CCM, MP in the Assembly of the Assembly of the Assembly of NRM, director of the NIP “Nova Makedonija”, member of the Executive Council of SRM, deputy of the Standing Representative in the Permanent Mission of SFRY in New York, Ambassador of SFRY to Canada and the United States and representative of the SFRY in the UN, Assistant Secretary of State of the SFRY for Foreign Affairs (1965-1969), a member of the CC presidency of SKJ and Secretary of the CC of SKJ. The holder is a partisan monument 1941. BIB.: Tito and the Macedonian national question. Progressive thought of the Macedonian question and request for self-determination (1878-1945), Delcevo, 1988, 225-231. AM: Kumanovo and Kumanovo in New 19411945. Documents, Kumanovo, 1988. S. Ml. Irfan Beluc.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕЛОСКИ, Димче