Belic, Alexander

Belic, Alexander (Belgrade, 2 ⅷ 1876 – Belgrade, 26. 1960) – linguist, professor and rector of the Belgrade University, member and president of the Serbian Royal Academy (later SUNA), a member of several academies of science and scientific societies in FNRY / SFRY and abroad. He completed his studies at the University of Moscow and Odessa, PhD at the University of Leipzig. At the Belgrade University in 1899 It is named for a professor, it is further elected in all titles. He was a professor of SRHR. Language and Slavic phyloloalexandar Belic Guya. Honorary professor at the Moscow State University, founder and editor of the SP. “South Slavic philologist” and “Our Jesik”. He published over 600 scientific articles. He dealt with the dialectology and history of the Serbian, Croatian and Slovenian language, with the norm and lexicograph of the Serbian (Serbian) language. The Macedonian language was first considered as an archaic Serbian dialect from Old Serbia, later evolved into its perceptions and highlights the specificities of MAK. language. After 1945 recognizes the existence and history of MAK. language. Aview: Proceeding Linguistic and Philology hearing U chast A. Whiteћou O Cherenjenjenj Nishova Scientific Rada, Belgrade, 1937; Proceedings Radova Oleksandru White Xu, Sanu, Belgrade, 1976. Lit.: Saving works Alexandra Whiteћa U 14 Tomova, Belgrade, Institute for Issue, 1995-2000. BIB: Dialects Equeose Southern Srbije (1905), Galichnik Dials (1935), etc. L. SP. Tito Belichanec.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕЛИЌ, Александар

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