Belev, Trajan.

Belev, Trajan (Possud. Gotce) (village Gjavato, Bitola, 4 ⅰ 1902 – p. Konenot, Kichevo, 6. 1943) – Premier and national Dean. He was a member of the CPY (1938) and Power in Nosavm; Member of the District Operating Military Headquarters in Bitola (1942), political commissar of the NOOP “Damjan Gruev” and deputy commissioner of the first battalion of the second operating zone of New and Pom “Mirce Acev”. He died in a fight with ballistic forces. Lit.: Beno Rousseau, the revolutionary character of Trajan Belev, “Pelister”, Jubilee Journal, no. 3, Bitola, 22. ⅳ 1971; Kole Bendevski – Miyal Crbevski, Revolutionary activity of Trajan Belev-Goce, Bitola and Bitola in New 1943-1944, REC. Second, Bitola, 1982, 563-594; Gjorgji Dimovski-Tsolev, Trajan Belev-Goce, Bitola, 1987. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕЛЕВ, Трајан

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