Seventh Macedonian (Bitola) People’s Liberation Brigade (village of Pl. Kozuf, Aegean part of Macedonia, 22. ⅷ 1944 – May 1945) – Military unit of New and Pom. It was formed by the Bitola but Battalion “Steve Naumov” from the composition of the Second Macedonian Nawb and newly arrived fighters from Bitola. After the formation, he went to Bitola, where he attacked the positions of the Bulgarian forces of the Resen-Bitola area: Border Watches on PL. Kajmakcalan (2428. ⅷ), in Prespa (5. ⅸ), in the area of the villages crossover, Shurenz, Stenje (6. ⅸ), underbrokens (7. ⅸ), etc. After the capitulation of Bulgaria, the forty-nine (Macedonian) division of Nova (10. ⅸ), conducted unbroken fighting against the German forces of communication Resen-Bitola, participated in the liberation of settlements in Prespa and Bitola, liberated Bitola (4. ⅺ) and participated in the liberation of Kicevo and Zajas (15-1 18. ⅺ). After the reorganization of the units (December 1944), part of the fighters entered the eighth (Macedonian) division of the prince, and another part in the forty-second (Macedonian) division of the fifteenth (Macedonian) Corps of Nova. At the same time, in the composition of the seventh brigade, the fourth Sptar Brigade entered, mostly with the fighters of Albanian nationality. From this period in literature, it is also known as the seventh Macedonian-Albanian brigade, and sometimes as a seventh Albanian brigade. The corpus participated in the breakthrough on the Srem Front, in the liberation of the Slavonic Varse and Zagreb. Lit.: K (Opovision), a Brigade of New Macedonia, a section for fostering the traditions of a new and revolution of the RO SZBNOV of Macedonia, “Vecer”, JJV, 7417, Skopje, 11. ⅵ 1987, 5; MACEDONIA CANDUSDOSE 1941-1945. (Selectrova), Belgrade, 1987; Vlado Strezovski – Gjorgji Dimovski-Laskov, 7th Macedonian Brigade and 49th Division of Nova, Bitola, 1987. S. Ml.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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