Enterprises (classification) by size. By size, enterprises are most often classified on micro, small, medium and large. At the beginning of the transition, the Law on Accounting distinguished only small and large enterprises. The law on transformation of enterprises with social capital distinguishes small, medium and large enterprises. During 2004, the amendments to the Law on Trade Companies, the EU’s criteria for classification of enterprises according to their size: Number of employees, the passing turnover and the value of the business assets. The criterion Number of employees is applied identical as in the EU, while the value of other criteria is appropriately reduced, i.e. Adapted to the conditions of the Macedonian economy. Enterprises enter the appropriate category if in the first year of operation, two of the three criteria meet. In 2004, in Macedonia, nearly 50,000 active enterprises 49.123 were small, 429 medium and 135 large. AM: Agency for support of entrepreneurship of the Republic of Macedonia, Observatory for SMEs in the Republic of Macedonia, Report 2004. Lit.: T. Fiti, V. Hadji Vasileva – Markov-Sky, M. Bateman, Entrepreneurship, Skopje, 2007, 223-265; B. Sugarv, a small business management, Skopje, 2006, 48-55. T. F. Kiro Gligorov, the first president of the Republic of Macedonia
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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