
Beans. (Phaçaosolus Vulgaris L. Savi.) – a one-year plant from FAM. Fabaceae, with great visa diversity, of which about 15 are cultivated. The most widespread beans (PH. According to the form of bean the seed, there are five types (SPheyritsus, Eliptuz, Polegus, Tsmpressus and Subzompress). Originated from South America. The world is grown at around 230 million ha. It is represented in our 4,500-5,000 ha in pure crop and 8,000-9,000 ha in associated plant. The heated plant, the optimal temperature o is 20-22 S. It is grown mainly due to the mature grain (seeds), which has high nutritional value: proteins (26%); fat (2%); Carbohydrates (52%); mineral substances (2.5%); Vitamins (B, B, C, E, K, PP) and amino acids. D. J.

Bearway, Pando

PODOVOVA, Pando (village oozled, Kostur, 1869 – p. Zhenik, Lerin, 13. 1904) – Participant in the Ilinden Uprising, Lerinski village Duke. He was a member of TMORO (1899) and President of the RC in the village. Digged. In the Ilinden Uprising led the company from the native village. He was killed by the Andtarts at the time of the “Great Bloody Wedding”. Lit.: Mr. Popristov, the revolóchion struggle in Bitola, Cafíg, Sophie®, 1953; A. Trajanovski, the Anderde slaughter in the village. Zagorican 1905, Bitola-Skopje, 1995. Al. TR.


Beasts (Tamnia) – row predatory animals of the mammal class (mummalia). Celebrities are 250 species, and in Macedonia, 13 types are found, systematized in 10 genres and four families. The family’s family (Tsani) is represented by three types: Wolf (Tsanis Lupus), Journal or Gravel (Tsnis Aurus) and fox (Vulpes Vulpes). Family Bears (Ursidae) is represented by a kind, brown bear (Ursus Arctos). From the family kuna (Muselida), seven types were registered: an unbesteline (Musela Nivalis), an ordinary creation (Mushella Potorius), a colorful attendant (Warmer Islet), Kuna Zlata (Martes Martes), Kuna Belka (Martens Fina), Godovotor (Meles Meles) and otter (Lutruta Lutu). From the family cats (Felida) are registered two types: a wild cat (Felis Sylvestustris) and Reese (Laster LSNE). Lit.: S. Petkovski – B. Cricfk, mammals of Macedonia, Skopje, 1998; A. J. Mitzchell-Ion, Mr. Amori, N. Bogdanzz, B. Tsstaffk, P. J. H. Reinders, F. Spitzenberger, M. Stubba, J. B. M. Tihasen, V. Bulgarial, J. Winter, Tojatalasopheuropean Mammals, London-San Diego, 1999. Sevilga

Beats, Olga.

Bits, Olga (Thessaloniki, 1883 – Kibbitz Gat, Israel, 1970) – writer, Zionist activist. It was an most active member of the World Women’s Zinist Organization NEO in Skopje (until 1941). He organized the overall cultural life of the youth in the Rams of the Kan of the Youth Organization “Hashomer Hazair”. After her dramatic texts, numerous performances were performed on Ladino, who she was a director, a scenographer, played by Klavian and was a suffix and costume designer. Lit.: Zena Leel, Tide and Slim of Historje Yemea Vardarzke Macedonia, Gornian Milanovac, 1990. J. NAM.


Beaches -. Male underwear, made of class. After the edges, as well as around the pockets and cups, they were decorated with black gates, the work of local terions. Unlike the male singing population that carried Beaches made of white class, in the Prilep region (village Krivogastani) they were made from a thicker clash (chayak) in a dark red color. J. R. – P.


Bederana. (Ⅵ c.) – Byzantine determination, Castel, which was near the village of Taurisium, the birthplace of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian and (525- 565), and the city of Justiniana Prima. As historian Procopius Caesarian, Justinian renewed the castle from the foundation and found very well. It is also mentioned as a native archeological excluding of the site of Bederian (Taor) place of Emperor Justin and, the uncle of Justinian. It is commonly identified with the village Bader, 20 kilometers southeast of Skopje, on the right bank of the Pchinja River. Lit.: T. Tomoski, Taor Gradiste (Taurisium-Tederian-Justiniana Prima). Macedonia over the centuries. Cities, fortresses, communications, Skopje, 1999. K. Ag.


Bedua (Beddua) – The curse is associated with the belief in various supernatural phenomena, such as: foretellations, bauta, predominance of events and events, which led to the belief in the supernatural power of speech. It was believed that among the events in life and the words they are named, there is a close relationship and organic dependence, that the words, as an expression of one desire, have power to challenge those of those things or conditions. At times when a man is in uncertainty before a significant event of life, then he resorts to voice magic in order to facilitate psychological strain. In such moments of despair and misfortune, trouble or hatred and envy is born the curse. The most common curses are those that because of the frequent use appear as a kind of formulas. When pronouncing the curses, just like in the blessings, his desires, the man most often expressed, calling for the inviolable authority of God. The most common desires in the curved formulas are: “Allah Vers> N Ermes> H Hufftas> on!” (Allah accident to give him!), “Allah Tsan> Neither Als> N!” (Allah’s soul to take you!), “Allah Versa> N Edma> N Genç SaÞ> on!” (Allah’s youth to take it!), “Allah Fukaral> Katan Curtamas> N!” (Allah from poverty not to deliver you!), “Allah Güzler> Neither Köroets> N!” (The eyes of returning!), “Gülers Dolda Calves> N!” (The eyes of the roads remain it!), “Allah Vers> N Karney Tok, Gürslers Aç Calves> N!” (Stomach Sith, eyes hungry to be!), “Allah Canali Zapaler Vers> N!” (Eyes bloody tears to raise!). According to Turkish folk beliefs, curses have compulsory strength and inevitably fulfill, and fulfillment is equilibrium of legality, because it results from the belief in the magic power of the word. It is believed to be the most severe maternity and father’s curse, especially if they are imposed in specific bad moments. Lit.: Sevim Picknichova, to the study of beliefs among the Turks from Macedonia, ⅻ International Symposium on Balkan Folklore, Ohrid, 1997, “Macedonian Folklore”, Juji, 54, Skopje, 1999, 33-37; The magic power of the word, JJJVII International Seminar on Macedonian, Literature and Culture. Scientific Conference, Ohrid, 5-25. Ⅷ 2005. S. Pil. Invertebrates (invertebrate) – a group of organisms from the animal empire that do not have a spine. They do not represent a taxonomic category, because their unification is not natural grouping, although conventionally, that name S “is still retained in use. According to the richness of the species, the diversity of the forms of life cycle invertebrates are the dominant group of planet Earth. So far, a total of 1,300,000 species of animals have been registered in the world, which account for 1,262,000. If insects are excluded, about one-half of all other non-war organisms are residents of the seas, an environment in which life is conceived. In Macedonia there are 11 types of unwarrant organisms, with a total of 9,339 species, of which 579 are Macedonian endemics: type protozoa or commissions (protozoa), represented by 113 species (32 endemites); type sponges (posibility), with nine species (five endemics); Type of flattened worms (Platjelminthes), with 85 types (35 endemics); Type computers (conidaria) with two types – type Charters (nonmeta), with one type – type rotries (Rotirifire), 60 species; Type of Nematodi (Navite), with 553 species (three endemics); Type molluscs (LeLusica), with 276 species (95 endemites); Type ring worms (Annelida), with 160 species (42 endemites) and type of arthropods (arthropoda) with 7,574 species (367 endemics). Invertebrate fauna in us S “has not yet been sufficiently studied, hence the definitive number of species is expected to be far greater. Lit.: S. Petkovski, Faunal Diversitis, in: Coon Studs for Biodelysitis off the Republic of the Republic of Macendonia (FIRST National Report). Ministry of Environment and Piisisal Planing, Skopje, 2003, 217; P. A. Meglittszch, invertebrate zoologist, Odford, 1972; J. Illyes, Limely-Full Europaea. A Zhechlist of TePhe Animal Inhabiting European Inland Netherland Nenland, News of Actoir distribution and Ecceptoza (Eccessot Protozo), Stugart-Nannj Zork-Amsterdam, 1978. St. P. – V. Sid.


Buka – carved a large stump (gutter) after which water from the gap is carried out in the water. Al. And.


Beekeepers (Meropida) – Family relatively small birds of the re-dot of the gravorian birds (type, which is found in Macedonia, a kind, beekeeper (Meropes apion); Honor type, especially in southern parts, along the rivers. Litus: Birds In Euroope: Population Estimates, Trends Beekeepers and Conservantion Status, (Meropes Aipist) “Beardlife International Conservantion Smeis”, 12, Tsamridge, 2004; C. Harrison, an Atlas off Teke Bards of Tekester Palaierztitz, Vulner, 1982. St. P. – V. Sid.


Bees (apidence) – cipcrylic insects. Adapted for diet with floral powder and nectar. Their importance in nature and man is great, starting with the products they provide, honey and wax, and the pollination they perform in plants. The group covers species that have a solitary way of life, or associate in a well-organized honey bee (APAF MELLIFI L.) Families. Social types of bees live in a community of 20,000 to 70,000 Bees Rabotnickes, one House and 800 to 3,000 shots that occur only in the summer. Each of these Community articles performs exactly a certain thing. In Macedonia, race Mariovo bee from the type of European honey bee is known (APAF MELLILIFI L.). Lit.: Jonce Sapkarev, Zoology of invertebrate animals, Skopje, 1991. V. T. K. – M. Cr.


Beetroot. (Beta Vulgaris Var. Ruis.) – Two-year-old plant. The first year formed a hopeless root and leaf rosetta, and in the second generate organs. It is grown due to the hopeful root, which is consumed cooked or in processing. Contains: Mineral substances (Fe, K, CN), beets MN, carbohydrates (12-14%), amino acids, and Betanini. It is grown with seedling and direct sowing. D. J.

Before the rain

Before the Rain” – a film worked according to the script and directed by Milcho Manchevski. Conceptually structured as Triptych, in which the theme of love and revenge is intertwined with the motive of interethnic antagonisms. Each of the three parts thematic builds on the introductory relationships of the characters, setting them into a new poetic perspective. From the impressive list of thirty awards and recognitions obtained on the highest movie centers on all continents, the most important is the trophy of the Venetian golden lion for the best film. D. C.

BEG Kostadin.

BEG Kostadin (Konstantin Dejanov-Dragash) – an independent feudal ruler in Macedonia, Open character in folk epic poetry. S. Ml.

Beginov, Boris

Berginov, Boris (Veles, 18. ⅰ 1911 – Veles, 15. 1996) – Director, actor and director of the National Theater in Veles (1948-1952 and 1954-1966). Before the Second World War he works as an amateur. One of the founders of NT from Veles (1948-1966). Directions: “deep roots”; “Migrant workers”; “Runaway”; “The devil’s student”; “Dispatched Jasmine”; “Legend of Racin”, etc. Corus: Osman Beg (“Macedonian Bloody Wedding”); Velco (“Veja of the Wind”); Life (“Dr.”); Mitke (“Kostana”). R. ST.

Being, Paul

BEE, Paul (Prisonure, 22. ⅵ 1912 – Igalo, 16. 1988) – Professor of philosophy, polygle, expert translator, chess theoretic, publicist, first Macedonian chess master, translator in multiple languages. In the chess game he directed his stepfather Dr. Alexei Stepanovic Vralanov at 11-12 years of age. Because of his disease, he served by correspondence chess. The chess arena first appeared on the State Amateur Chess Tournament in Skopje (1937). He was several times champion of NRM in Chess (1946-1955). On the third chess championship of FNRJ (Ljubljana, 1947) he won the title chess master. For a long time, he worked as an expert translator in Ini in Skopje to retirement (1 ⅻ 1957 – 1. ⅷ 1972). They considered it the biggest chess strategist in Yugoslavia. For more than four decades, he studied philosophy and history of chess, especially ancient culture of India and China. He published about 60 scientific papers. Capital work is “chess – a symbol of the cosmos”, published on the occasion of the Chess Olympiad in Skopje (1972), with a preface from the former world champion in Chess and President of FIDE Dr. Max Here. He also received the title doctor of science. He investigated the Genesis of Chinese astrology to Indian Mystique, rejected the theories of various researchers of the past of chess and proved that he originated from the Chinese question of 569. And that it came as an astrological conception of forecasting state developments and the outcome of military clashes. BIB.: Chess – a symbol of the cosmos, Skopje, 1972. Lit.: First Macedonian Chess Master, “Politics”, LXJJD / 24740, Belgrade, 21. ⅷ 1982, 16; M. Gjosevski, chess as the key to the ontological structure of the cosmos – The discovery of Paul was, history of the ideas of the soil of Macedonia, 11, Skopje, 2000, 181-186. S. Ml. – V. Panz. Vladislav Bidikov

Bejas Tepe.

Bejas Tepe – Maleska Mountain (1,348 m) located in the Berovo-Delcevan ditch. It is a typical Horst who allocates Malesh and Pijanec or Berovo and Delcevska valley. The geological composition is represented by Paleozoic shales, granitoids and pliocene sediments that are quite erodictory. This allowed the development of the transitional erosion of the soil. T. And. Yahya Kemal Bayli Bayli, Yahya Kemal (Sahz Kemal Boodli) (Skopje, 1884 – Istanbul, 1958). In Istanbul, political science studied. Nine years lived in Paris. Professor in various high schools. He was MP of the Grand People’s Assembly and the ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia. Turkey in Warsaw, Madris and Karachi. He is among the most famous Turkish poets. Creates new poetry between classical-savanese and Western European. In Paris accepts the spirit and style, and even the form of more significant poets from the west. He is trying to write in contemporary Turkish, but still remains a supporter of the Osmano’s language and the divine literature. He wrote about the beauties of Istanbul and the Bosphorus. He is the author of the headlines: our sky, Rubai, with the wind of the old poetry. Lit.: F. Kaya, contemporary Turkish poetry, SK., 1985, 19; N. S. Barnarian>, Receimli Turk Editing>, Šestbul, 1976; A. Kabokl>, Turk Eden>, ŠSTANBUL, 1967. A. Ag.

Bekar, Dimo

Bekar, Dimo ​​(Prilep, 3. ⅴ 1910 – Skopje, 1983) – Full professor at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje, Specialist in the field of economics and the economy of forest-economic organizations. He graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade (1933). He was served in the Forest Directorate in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he performed various duties in several cities (1934-1941). During the Second World War, he was absent repeatedly, he managed to escape, to be transferred to Macedonia and joining the NOB, in ⅶ Macedonian striking brigade. After the war, he works in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, where he is appointed assistant minister (1946). He was appointed to various republic and federal leadership functions in forestry (1948-1961). Elected as a full professor at the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje (1961). He is the author of a larger number of papers and projects. Al. And.

Bekorov, Costa Trajanov

Bekov, Kostovo Trajanov (village Rusinovo, Maleshevo,? – Maleshevo, 1907) – a participant in the Macedonian revolutionary work, Duke of the Maleshevska Chief and a participant in the war with Serbian Chief in the summer of 1906. At the locality, Black, Maleshevo. He died in the fighting at the area of ​​Slivnica, Maleshevo. Lit.: A. Dinev, Ilinden epetic, ⅱ, Skopje, 1949. Al. TR. Nekhat Beqiri


Bektashi. (Ⅹⅰⅰⅰ c. – 1826) – heterodox dervish order. Founded by Hadzi Bektash, officially abolished (1826) of Sultan Mahmoud ⅱ (1808-1839). Were regarded as the guards of the Janissors. It is characterized by mysticism, based on heretical elements of the pre-evaluation period, by neglecting religious obligations, including the mandatory prayer. Secret teachings are Shia. They recognize the twelve imams, and the main person for them is Ali, whom they connect with Allah and with Muhammad. In their rituals there are many Christian elements, admitted to Anatolia and in their spread in the Balkans, especially in Albania, and hence in Western Macedonia. Played an important role in the Islamization of the Christian population due to the closeness of their rituals with Christian. They are also active today, especially in the Republic of Albania and Kosovo, and in the Republic of Macedonia it is in Arabati Baba Teke in Tetovo. Lit.: Jochn Kinging Birge, TePhe Bektaschy Order Op Dervishes, London, 1965; Aleksandar Matkovski, Resistance in Macedonia, ⅱ, Skopje, 1983; M. Seratoatics, Biktaelic Nedir?, ŠSTANBUL, 1969; M. Quarter, Les Bektaschis ET La Roemelie, Revue Des Eats Islamijes, ⅲ, Paris, 1927. Dr. F.

Belaselkoska, Zlatka Kirilova

Belaselkoska, Zlatka Kirilova (Skopje, 26. ⅲ 1948) – Spec. After diseases of the mouth and periodontal, a full professor of st. f. in Skopje. Masters (1981) and PhD (1989). Published 100 articles. Author of the textbook “Oral Pathology”. He explores the role of enzymes in the Ethiopathogenesis of progressive periodontopathy. E. M. Panorama from the Belasica Mountain


Belasica – Mountain in the final southeastern part of the Republic of Macedonia. He rises between Strumica and Petroca valley in the north, Dojran, Butkovski and the Valandovo valley in the south and the small valley – the trench Kosturino to the west, and in the east of the Battle of Samuila with Vasily ⅱ (1014) the lina of the Struma River. The highest height is 2.029 m. It has the vicinity of stretching and between the front relief entities is limited by fault and rises as a typical Horst. The mountain was rounded and unconscious with a length of 58 km. On our side the highest peak is Tumba (1,883 m). Especially are steep northern parties in whose footing is the Bansko bath (Strumica bath) with a temperature of 72 ° C. The Belasica is a trum of Macedonia, Greece and Bulgaria. Lit.: D. Manakovic, T. Andonovski, relief features of Eastern Macedonia, “Geographic reviews”, kn. 17, Skopje, 1979; A. Stojmilov, Physical Geography of the Republic of Macedonia, PMF, Skopje, 2003. T. And.

Belasich battle.

Belasich battle (29th ⅶ 1014) – The decisive battle of Tsar Samuel with Basil ⅱ. In order to SOP, the catalunter breakthrough of the Byzantine Emperor Vasil ⅱ, the Emperor Samuel sets a compartment in the Kyura intercourse. As a tactical maneuver, in order to force the emperor to separate the army, sends Neuorica with the army in Thessaloniki, but failed. In early Basil ⅱ unsuccessfully tried to break through the obstacle and when he was ready to give up – the Nikophor XIFIA strategist proposes an attack plan and an accelerated march bypasses Belasica on the south side, climbing to the top and juris attacked with great noise, lowering are to the Strumica field. At the same time, Vasily ⅱ executes an attack, and Samuil’s army, finding between two Byzantine armies, is understood. A number of samuil soldiers are captured or killed. Samuel is saved by Gavril Radomir, who took the horse to Prilep. Lit.: Stjepan Antholeak, Medieval Macedonia, and Skopje, 1983; Branko Panov, Medieval Macedonia, ⅲ, Skopje, 1983; History of the Macedonian people, and Skopje, 2000; Vanche Stojcev, Military History of Macedonia, Skopje, 2000; Milan Boskovski, Macedonia in XI and ⅻ century (external incursions on the territory of Macedonia), Skopje, 1997. B. R.-J.

Belchev, Ivan.

Belchev, Ivan (village Rusinovo, Maleshevo, 1867 – p. Rusinovo, Maleshevo, 24. ⅰ ​​1921) – Maleshevski village Duke. He participated in the battles in the village. Rusinovo, where Dame Gruev died. He was volunteer (1913) in ⅹⅰⅰⅰ Kukushka Chief in the fighting for the liberation of Macedonia from the Ottoman rule. He was killed by Serbian authorities near the native village. Exhibition: CDA, F.: 1, OP. 1, A.e. 2, l. 159. Al. TR.