Bekar, Dimo (Prilep, 3. ⅴ 1910 – Skopje, 1983) – Full professor at the Faculty of Forestry in Skopje, Specialist in the field of economics and the economy of forest-economic organizations. He graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade (1933). He was served in the Forest Directorate in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where he performed various duties in several cities (1934-1941). During the Second World War, he was absent repeatedly, he managed to escape, to be transferred to Macedonia and joining the NOB, in ⅶ Macedonian striking brigade. After the war, he works in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, where he is appointed assistant minister (1946). He was appointed to various republic and federal leadership functions in forestry (1948-1961). Elected as a full professor at the Faculty of Agriculture in Skopje (1961). He is the author of a larger number of papers and projects. Al. And.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕЌАР, Димо