Bits, Olga (Thessaloniki, 1883 – Kibbitz Gat, Israel, 1970) – writer, Zionist activist. It was an most active member of the World Women’s Zinist Organization NEO in Skopje (until 1941). He organized the overall cultural life of the youth in the Rams of the Kan of the Youth Organization “Hashomer Hazair”. After her dramatic texts, numerous performances were performed on Ladino, who she was a director, a scenographer, played by Klavian and was a suffix and costume designer. Lit.: Zena Leel, Tide and Slim of Historje Yemea Vardarzke Macedonia, Gornian Milanovac, 1990. J. NAM.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БИТИ, Олга