Belasich battle.

Belasich battle (29th ⅶ 1014) – The decisive battle of Tsar Samuel with Basil ⅱ. In order to SOP, the catalunter breakthrough of the Byzantine Emperor Vasil ⅱ, the Emperor Samuel sets a compartment in the Kyura intercourse. As a tactical maneuver, in order to force the emperor to separate the army, sends Neuorica with the army in Thessaloniki, but failed. In early Basil ⅱ unsuccessfully tried to break through the obstacle and when he was ready to give up – the Nikophor XIFIA strategist proposes an attack plan and an accelerated march bypasses Belasica on the south side, climbing to the top and juris attacked with great noise, lowering are to the Strumica field. At the same time, Vasily ⅱ executes an attack, and Samuil’s army, finding between two Byzantine armies, is understood. A number of samuil soldiers are captured or killed. Samuel is saved by Gavril Radomir, who took the horse to Prilep. Lit.: Stjepan Antholeak, Medieval Macedonia, and Skopje, 1983; Branko Panov, Medieval Macedonia, ⅲ, Skopje, 1983; History of the Macedonian people, and Skopje, 2000; Vanche Stojcev, Military History of Macedonia, Skopje, 2000; Milan Boskovski, Macedonia in XI and ⅻ century (external incursions on the territory of Macedonia), Skopje, 1997. B. R.-J.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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