Justiniana Prima

Justiniana Prima – late antique city, seat of Eastern Archbishopric. The name receives after its founder Emperor Justinian and (527-565); The city was built (535) in the birthplace of Emperor – Tavurision (day. with. Ta-Ohr, Katlanovo). The imperial decree becomes the center of political-administrative, the church and military-strategic power in the Ilirik prefecture. Archbishopric Justiniana Receives enters medieval church canons as an autocephalous ecclesiastic organization in Macedonia; The church tradition connects it with the Ohrid Archbishopric; Therefore the Ohrid Archbishops of ⅻ to ⅹⅳ c. They carry the title “Archbishops of Justiniana Prima”. That tradition is also expressed in the aspiration and demands of the Macedonian revivalists for autocephalous church in ⅹⅰⅹ c. The location of the city archaeological is not established; According to the hypothesis that the city is near Tavrision (but also according to other relevant arguments), the killing of Justiniana Prima is on the Skopje Fortress – Kale. Lit.: Toppus Ioris Civilis, Yellelay. REC. Rudolph. Scchell, Berolini MCmpiki; A. Evans, AniBuliaian Resarezhes Inn Illkruszum, IV: Skupi, Scopia and Tekhlace of Justinian, “Arzhaeologia”, ox. 49, 1, London, 1885; A. Shukarova, Justiniana Prima, Skopje, 1994; Ljubovcê, tradition Prima Justiniane U Titulators Ohridishh Archbishopric, “Olderina”, ⅹⅴⅰⅰ, Belgrade, 1967; I. Mikulcic, Staro Skopje with the surrounding fortresses, Skopje, 1982. A. Shook.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet

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