Berginov, Boris (Veles, 18. ⅰ 1911 – Veles, 15. 1996) – Director, actor and director of the National Theater in Veles (1948-1952 and 1954-1966). Before the Second World War he works as an amateur. One of the founders of NT from Veles (1948-1966). Directions: “deep roots”; “Migrant workers”; “Runaway”; “The devil’s student”; “Dispatched Jasmine”; “Legend of Racin”, etc. Corus: Osman Beg (“Macedonian Bloody Wedding”); Velco (“Veja of the Wind”); Life (“Dr.”); Mitke (“Kostana”). R. ST.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БЕГИНОВ, Борис