Bearway, Pando

PODOVOVA, Pando (village oozled, Kostur, 1869 – p. Zhenik, Lerin, 13. 1904) – Participant in the Ilinden Uprising, Lerinski village Duke. He was a member of TMORO (1899) and President of the RC in the village. Digged. In the Ilinden Uprising led the company from the native village. He was killed by the Andtarts at the time of the “Great Bloody Wedding”. Lit.: Mr. Popristov, the revolóchion struggle in Bitola, Cafíg, Sophie®, 1953; A. Trajanovski, the Anderde slaughter in the village. Zagorican 1905, Bitola-Skopje, 1995. Al. TR.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис МЕЧКАРОВ, Пандо

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