Being, Paul

BEE, Paul (Prisonure, 22. ⅵ 1912 – Igalo, 16. 1988) – Professor of philosophy, polygle, expert translator, chess theoretic, publicist, first Macedonian chess master, translator in multiple languages. In the chess game he directed his stepfather Dr. Alexei Stepanovic Vralanov at 11-12 years of age. Because of his disease, he served by correspondence chess. The chess arena first appeared on the State Amateur Chess Tournament in Skopje (1937). He was several times champion of NRM in Chess (1946-1955). On the third chess championship of FNRJ (Ljubljana, 1947) he won the title chess master. For a long time, he worked as an expert translator in Ini in Skopje to retirement (1 ⅻ 1957 – 1. ⅷ 1972). They considered it the biggest chess strategist in Yugoslavia. For more than four decades, he studied philosophy and history of chess, especially ancient culture of India and China. He published about 60 scientific papers. Capital work is “chess – a symbol of the cosmos”, published on the occasion of the Chess Olympiad in Skopje (1972), with a preface from the former world champion in Chess and President of FIDE Dr. Max Here. He also received the title doctor of science. He investigated the Genesis of Chinese astrology to Indian Mystique, rejected the theories of various researchers of the past of chess and proved that he originated from the Chinese question of 569. And that it came as an astrological conception of forecasting state developments and the outcome of military clashes. BIB.: Chess – a symbol of the cosmos, Skopje, 1972. Lit.: First Macedonian Chess Master, “Politics”, LXJJD / 24740, Belgrade, 21. ⅷ 1982, 16; M. Gjosevski, chess as the key to the ontological structure of the cosmos – The discovery of Paul was, history of the ideas of the soil of Macedonia, 11, Skopje, 2000, 181-186. S. Ml. – V. Panz. Vladislav Bidikov

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БИДЕВ, Павле

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