Aerop ⅱ.

AEROP ⅱ. (ok. 396-393 BCE) – Macedonian king from the Argetadi dynasty. The first three years the airport “Alexander the Great”, Skopje rules as regent of the juvenile king Orest, the son of Perdicica ⅱ. In 394 PR. AD It opposes the Spartan Basilay Agis to pass with the military through the Macedonian territory. Lit.: Diodor SICULUS., 12 Wells., Loeb Chloskikal Library, Harvard Universitis Press, 1963; R. Iljovski, who and when ruled with Macedonia, Skopje, 2003. A. Shook.

Aesthetic laboratory

Aesthetic laboratory -. Pedagogical and research institution within (c.) The Faculty of Philosophy at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, which established the professor of aesthetics and ethics Dr Paaba Vuk-Pavlovic (c.) In 1959/60. Its activity was aimed at comparative-aesthetic research. The work of the laboratory is organized by professors one of the first ambient installations made in the asophopy of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje Georgi Stardelov and, in particular, Kiril Temkov, as well as many students and graduates from several generations of the Faculty of Philosophy. In 1975 The “Open Theater University” begins, conceived as a massive social and cultural action for popularization of theater art, but also a form of theatrological and cultural research. These theater activities later, in cooperation with the home of young people, result in the establishment of the Festival “Young Open Theater”. The activity of the aesthetic laboratory includes fine, film, music and architectural tribune, and in its research, there is a series of scientific and cultural institutions and actions in the field of contemporary Macedonian artistic work. The activity of the aesthetic laboratory, given the new social conditions, gradually dies for the early 1990s. Lit.: K. Temkov, aesthetic laboratory at the University of Skopje, “Modernity”, Skopje, 2-3, 1981, 234-239; I. Jeweters, Excurs: The Utopian project of the aesthetic laboratory, in: Art work, Skopje, 1998, 225-237. Iv. Ⅹ.

Aesthetics in Macedonia

Aesthetics in Macedonia -. Philosophical and cultural activity whose initial non-institutional forms arise in medieval theological and literary work, in the aesthetic reflections of medieval Macedonian art, Macedonian folk work, in the period of Macedonian ⅹⅰⅹ., especially through the ideas of Konstantin Miladinov and Grigor Prlichev, as well as in The period between the two world wars (Koco Racin and Nikola Vaptsarov). In an institutionalized form, it exists from the creation of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje and the Department (Institute) after philosophy. For the development of aesthetics in Macedonia, the appointment of Croatian philosopher Pavao Vuk-Pavlovic (c.) For professor at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, who teaches aesthetics (1958-1965), developing in the spirit of a kind of culture theory. In 1959/60 he also formed aesthetic laboratory (c.). His assistant and follower as a professor of aesthetics is Georgi Stardelov (c.) That builds on the theory of Vuk-Pavlovic’s work and the most popup. Jacketooski: “artistic work” Order, in the context of the Marxist Aesthetics, and then more pronounced in the spirit of hermeneutics, sets the foundations of aesthetic thought in modern Macedonia. Among the aestheticians of this generation, Dimitar Dimitrov (c.), Which critically refers to the theory of activist art. The activity of the aesthetic laboratory is the implementation of the work of certain aesthetic concepts of the then ideas for connecting the culture of labor and the open aesthetics. Kiril Temkov (c.) Is managed by the aesthetic laboratory and theoretically devise, and the activity of Kica Bargieva-Colab is focused on the interpretation of the aesthetic thought of Theodore Adorno, the basics of the philosophy of art, as well as the possibilities and borders of aesthetics, while Ivan (Ivica ) Jewenoski (c.) In the aesthetics focuses on the issues of “artwork”, the “game” and the “sublime” and tries to connect analytical approaches with those of the continental aesthetics. Denko Skalovski, mostly challenges issues related to the aesthetics of music, but also with the relations between the arts. With the introduction, in the direction of aesthetics of postgraduate studies in philosophy, aesthetics begins to study in our country and in a theoretical more extensive context. Lit.: Mr. Stelelov, prolestemics for the development of aesthetics and aesthetic reflections among Macedonians, “modernity”, Skopje, 4, 1971, 289- 314 Iv. Ⅹ.

Afforestation in the Republic of Macedonia

Afforestation in the Republic of Macedonia. Afforestation means raising forest crops on bare terrain. In the Republic of Macedonia, it is considered about 380 000 ha persons. The oldest forest crops are located in Kurchino near Kicevo and consist of black and white pine on an area around 300400 ha. They were raised in 1927-1930. At the same time, the crops of Shatorov stone near Prilep were erected at the same time. The afforestations were more intense after the Second World War for the prevention of torrents and floods, as well as for shaping the flowers. For that purpose, launches were carried out on Vodno, the basin of Bregalnica, on the areas of Kriva Palanka, the clubska hair, then in Svetilosko, and at the same time, the field belts in Ovce Pole and Pelagonija were raised. In order to enrich the space, besides the highway, forest cultures were erected in Krivolak and near Demir Kapija (Goce Gora). In the ’70s, extensive launches in Svilare, Skopje, Veles, Bitola were started. It is considered that by 2000 It is forested about 200,000 ha. Although the afforestations are still current, it is primarily foretelling, cleansing and protecting cultures. R. R.

Agatangel Bitola, St.

Agatangel Bitola, St. (? – Bitola, 11. 1727) – Announcer, Macedonian – suffered as a victim of forced Islamization (with the sword was cut off his head). For his suffering and righteous life, an oral tradition in Bitola was spread and throughout Macedonia. The first life was written by Jeromonk Atanasius of the monastery “Simonopra” of Mount Athos. Part of his holy relics are in Bitola and part in the Bigorski monastery. Lit.: Aleksandar Donson, All Saints from Macedonia, Stip, 2006; Dobrila Milovska and John such, Macedonian grain literature IX-century, Skopje, 1996; Mihailo Georgievski, Macedonian saints, Skopje, 1997. Rat. Gr. Metropolitan Agagangel.

Agatangel, Metropolitan

Agatangel, Metropolitan (Atanas Stankovski) (Skopje, 11. ⅲ 1955) – Hierarch of the Macedonian Orthodox Church. Before receiving monasticism was a parish duty priest. He graduated from Macedonian Orthodox Theology (1975/76) and graduated from the Faculty of theological Faculty in Skopje (1995), ordained for the deacon of 7. And, at 9. 1979. For a priest, and for Protoethra was produced in 1988. Parish priest was in the temple “St. VMC. George “in Chair, and in Australia in” St. The Virgin “in Brisbane, in” St. VMC. Demetrius “in Springwell and” St. Nikola “In Preston, a Hierarchical Deputy for Australia for some time. After returning to Macedonia, he was a parish priest in the churches “St. VMC. Demetrius “and” St. Kliment Ohridski “in Skopje. He also worked as an AU official, at the Faculty of the Faculty and Synod. He became a monk of 5. ⅱ 1998, on June 24, he was elected, and on July 12 the same. Year of chyrotonated for a yellowing bishop of the Skopje Metropolis, with the title Bishop of Veliki. 13. ⅱ 2000 was elected and enthroned for Metropolitan Povardarki. From 2002 to 2006 he was Bregalnica Metropolitan, and from 1 ⅹ 2006 again Metropolitan Povardarki. For several years it is managed by the Macedonian Orthodox Seminary in Drachevo (Skopje) and Ho “Djakonia”. Lit.: Ratomir Grozdanoski, Stefan Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonian, Skopje, 2000. Rat. Gr.


Agathius (Qagalaz) ??? (ok. 536-582) – Byzantine historian and poet, a native of Asia Minor. Upon completion of literature studies in Alexandria and Law in Beirut, he deals with the lawyer in Constantinople. He is also the author of the historical work in five books for Justinian governance, which contains unique news about the events of 552-558. Display. R.-J.

Agent of the Republic of Macedonia before the European Court of Human Rights

Agent of the Republic of Macedonia before the European Court of Human Rights – a person that the Republic of Macedonia is empowered to represent before the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg, RF). The first government agent of the Republic of Macedonia before this court is Dr. Cvetan Cvetkovski (19. ⅹ 1998 – 20. ⅹ 2001). Exhibition: Archive of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Macedonia, Skopje, 2006. T. Petr.

Aggression on the Republic of Macedonia

Aggression of the Republic of Macedonia – (2001 – Application of armed force by referring armed gangs, groups, irregular or rented troops from Kosovo as part of RS (after 1999 under UN protectorate) against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Macedonia, forbidden by the Charter The UN. This fact is noted in Resolution 1345 (21. 2001) The UN Security Council with the formulation “Executors of Violence in the Republic of Macedonia are Albanian Macedonian Defenders in Action (2001) Aggression on FRJ by 19 countries – NATO elections (without approval by the UN Security Council), where severe violations of several branches of international law, especially humanitarian, with consequences regarding the overall international legal order and environmental disaster with regional scale. Throughout The duration of the aggression (22. – 10. 1999), NATO troops with different composition, mandate and duration are stationed. Lit: Miter Arsovski – Stojan Kuzev – the Damjanovski, the war in Macedonia Having 2001, Skopje, 2001; Tatiana Petrushevska, NATO attack on FRY – in the functioning of the international community, “Macedonian Time”, Skopje, 1999. T. Petr.


Agis (? – 359 BC. Is.) – Paionian King, Filip contemporary, a pretend to the Macedonian King Ski throne in the period of political instability in Macedonia. He was in an alliance with Athens against the Macedonian Emperor Philip ⅱ. The plot collapsed. After the death of the Old Paione King, Philip ⅱ subdued the Paions. Litt.: E. Petrova, Paionia, Skopje, 1999. A. Shook. S. H. C. Agjey.


Agjay, SSHidanand Hiranand Watsjayan (Sachidanand Hzzhanand Watsazen Agas) (Larn, India, 7. 1911 – New Delhi, 8. 1989) – The most important Indian poet of Hind-ski language; In the literature enters with the nickname Agjey (ignorant or one that can not be captured). He is the author of 15 books of poetry, three novels and more sets of essays. He was editor of magazines and an author of anthologies. His lyrics is distinguished by deep intimacy and philosophical problems. In 1983 he received the golden wreath at the Struga Poetry Evenings. BIB.: Trembling, islands in electricity, moment of green grass, messenger of defeat, crazy hunter, signs and silences.: Ante Popovski, towards the poetic opus of Agjey, songs, SVP, Struga, 1983. P. Gil.

Agla, Guro

Agn, Gjuro (Vela Gorica, Croatia, 16. ⅵ 1901 -?) – Architect. He graduated from the Technical Faculty in Zagreb (1926). His activity in Croatia (1952) took place mainly on design, reconstructions and adaptations of industrial facilities. The work is at the architectural department at the Faculty of Technical Faculty in Skopje as an assistant, an associate and full professor (1952-1972). In addition to teaching and scientific research, develops a fruitful design activity, mainly on designing industrial facilities. His significant realizations in Macedonia are: The Teteks Fabric Fabric in Tetovo, the Silk plant in Veles, the Tobacco Combine in Krushevo, the canning plant in Tetovo, half-open stables for the agricultural plant “Red Star”, as well as the city polyclinic “Bitipazar ” in Skopje. Cr. T.

Ago, Arif

Agif, Arif (Arif Iz) (Ohrid, 1935) – University professor of Turkish nationality in the Republic of Macedonia. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, Philology at the Faculty of Philology in Skopje. He worked as a professor at the pedagoyiff Ago Sceam Academy “Kliment Ohridski” in Skopje. He was editor-in-chief of the editorial “Birtlik”. Since 1979 Until the retirement is in the teaching title lecturer, senior lecturer, associate and full professor at the Department of Turkish Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski” in Skopje, three mandate was demonstrated at the same faculty and visiting professor at Lung University in Sweden. He has published numerous expert and scientific papers in the field of Turkish nationality literature in the Republic of Macedonia, compiled by the meter of Turkish language, Turkish grammar, head of several scientific projects from the dialectology of Turkish language and Turkish literature. Participant of several international congresses and scientific gatherings, symposia in the country and abroad. AM: University Cyril and Methodius, Bill-Tan, 1996. A. Iz Ivan Serafimov Adovski

Agovski, Ivan Serafimov

Inovski, Ivan Serafimov (Debar, 24. 1887 – Sofia, first half of 1925) – Revolutionary, educated Dian and publicist. He finished elementary school in his hometown. Due to membership in a socialist circle, he was excluded from the Pedagogical School in Skopje (1905). After the completion of senior education, he was taught in Kicevo and participated in the local teacher rebellion (1908). He was an activist of the Skopje Social Democratic Group (1910-1911). Later he joined the communist movement and became an associate of c. “Socialist Dawn” (Skopje, 1919-1921). With a group of like-minded people, he supported ⅲ Communist international. As an emigrant and publicist in Sofia (1921-1925) began to issue it in. “Sewing Macedonia” (8. 1923) and advocated Macedonian national rights, which was arrested and killed. Lit.: Bane Chadikovski, an attachment to the biography and the activity of the Macedonian Socialist, Revolutionary and Publicist Ivan Serafimov Agovski, “Messenger” of Insa, XI, 1, Skopje, 1967, 77-116; Danco Zografski, concepts, programs and projects for state constitution of Macedonia, ZB. ASNOM. Fifty years Macedonian State 1944-1994. Attachments from the scientific gathering held on 17-18 November 1994, MANU, Skopje, 1995, 48. S. Ml.

Agrarian maximum in DFM, NRM, SRM

Agrarian maximum in DFM, NRM, SRM. – introduced by the Law on Agrarian Reform and Colonization of 23. ⅷ 1945 On the basis of this law, the land possession of agricultural families was limited by 20 to 35 ha, and the church to 10 ha of arable land. For non-eligors, the land maximum amounted to three ha. The Law on the Land Fund of 1953 The land maximum was determined at 10 ha arable land for an agricultural family. The land maximum was abolished with the constitutional amendments since 1988., BBC regarded as an obstacle in the development of private property in the field of agriculture. Lit.: Svetomir Shkaric, constitutional right, book first, Skopje, 1991. St. w.

Agrarian Plic

Agrarian Plusics – Part of the economic policy applied in agricultural production from a particular state or community. In the Republic of Macedonia, with its independence as a state, an agrarian policy concerned for all Yugoslavia was conducted. Since 1991 RM leads its own agrarian policy. By signing bilateral free trade agreements with: Slovenia and Serbia-Montenegro (1996); Croatia (1997); Bulgaria and Turkey (1999); Ukraine and the countries of the European Free Trade Association (2001); Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina (2002); Romania (2003); and Moldova (2004); Then with the involvement of the World Trade Organization (2003) and the application for EU membership (2004), the Agrarian Policy of the Republic of Macedonia started adjusting to the joint agrarian policy of the EU member states (CAP). Dr. Gyosh.

Agrarian reform

Agrarian reform – change in land property relations and the property structure with the intervention of the state. One of the most important measures of agrarian policy, because it solves the key issues of the agrarian structure. It occurs in conditions of economic underdevelopment and agrarian overcrowding. The Law on Agrarian Reform and Colonization (1945) was liquidated and expropriation of capitalist economies, whereby the property was limited to 35 ha total area of ​​the farmers and 3 ha in non-agricultural. The Law on Agricultural Fund (1953) was limited to the agrarian maximum of 10 ha in farmers and 3 ha in non-agricultural. The land maximum was abolished in 1988. Dr. Gyosh.

Agrarian structure

Agrarian structure – an integral part of the economic structure with which agriculture is connected in the reproduction process. It is a set of production relations in agriculture to a degree of development of production forces. By 1990 In the Republic of Macedonia, 211 agricultural holdings in social ownership, 147 AgroCombinates and 64 agricultural cooperatives were operated in which about 30,000 people worked. In 1993 The process of privatization of enterprises operating with agricultural land. Individual agricultural holdings, whose number is 180,000, possess about 450,000 ha, with an average size of the possession of 2.5 ha, and in structure participate: 82% of arable land, with 63% of long-standing plantations, with 93% of the meadows, 14 % of pastures, with 60% of fishery capacities, with 95% of the total number of cattle, with 62% of the number of pigs, with 92% of sheep and 60% of the poultry. Dr. Gyosh.

Agreement between the CPG and the Macedonian National Liberation Front of the Aegean Part of Macedonia

Agreement between the CPG and the Macedonian National Liberation Front of the Aegean part of Macedonia (NOF, 1946) – Agreement concluded for unification for a joint struggle for taking power and resolving the Macedonian national issue in Greece. After the agreement (21. 1946) NOF was under the leadership of the CPG, NOMS united with EPON, Macedonian partisan units united with the Greek under the leadership of the CPG. In order to achieve the national goal, NOF gave up autonomy in political action, accepting the lead role of the CPG. Lit.: R. Kiryazovski, Macedonians and relations of the CPY and the CPG (1945-1949), Skopje, 1995. St. KIS. Agreement between CPY and CPG


Agriani (grai) – Paione tribe, which inhabits territories in the upper course of the Strimon River (according to Thucidide). Her-Dot mentions between the tribes who did not subdue the Persian military leader Megabaz (B c. BC). At the time of Philip ⅱ were Macedonian allies. Their ruler Langar with the best soldiers joined Alexander the Macedonian against the Illyrian tribe of the Irtarians. In Aleksandr’s campaign, he participated under the commandment of Atal. As mercenary, they are mentioned in the armies of the diagos (end of ⅲ c. HE). Last mentioned in 169 years. AD As soldiers fighting for the city of Casandrea. Lit.: Tzucidides, ⅱ, 96, Harvard University Press, 1958; Heroosus, C, 16.1, Loeb Chloszikal Library, Harvard Universitis Press, 1961; E. Petrova, Paionia, Skopje, 1999. A. Shook.

Agricultural enterprises

Agricultural enterprises – According to the data from the Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia since 2005, the total number of business entities in the agricultural sector is 2.111, with 1,218 private enterprises, 529 limited liability companies, 277 are co-operatives, 14 are cooperative enterprises, 11 are Joint Stock Companies, etc. 5,332 people work in them. The production index (1960 = 100) in agricultural enterprises is 191 (among individual economies 249). Have 101,000 ha arable land; 21,000 conditional throats livestock; 1.038 tractors. Of the total production, agricultural enterprises produce: wheat 95.304 T (26.71%); Corn 7.050 T (4.97%); sugar repay 6.892 T (14.59%); Sunflower 6.160 T (79.34%); Tobacco 152 T (0.70%); Grape 52.281 T (20.53%). Dr. Gyosh.


Agriculture – significant economic activity. Before the Second World War, 87% of the total population were dealt with the data for the period 2002-2004 relating to the GDP growth in the total economy and GDP in agriculture, hunting and forestry. Dense and high grass, as well as pastures in the valleys, are favorable for the development of livestock breeding. In Macedonia, there is large livestock: cattle, horses, muggies and donkeys (although the last three types have completely lost economic significance); Sitter livestock: sheep, goats, pigs, poultry; and baskets with bees. For agricultural production, highway surfaces, which occupy 1/5 of the total area 2 of the country (4,900 km) are used. In addition, surfaces are used after uneven terrain, i.e. down the hills and mountains. Total agricultural areas make up 1/2 of the territory, with 1/4 being arable, and 1/4 are pastures (the total agricultural area is 1.271,400 ha, average for 2001-2005). The arable land covers 572,800 ha, and almost entirely Macedonia, 1951, there were only 270 tractors. Already 1990 Their number rose to 44,154, and 2005. to 67,349 (an increase of 249 times). The consumption of artificial fertilizers increased from 53,447 tonnes – 1960, at 56,217 tonnes – 1984, but then there is 2005. It is 9,900 tonnes. Contrary to the industry, where the growth of industrial production over 50 years after the Second World War was fast and almost constant, in agriculture was slower and significant hesitation from phase. So, agricultural production has developed faster than the average in the economy in the periods 1953-1956; 1986-1985; 2002- 2004 The share of agriculture, hunting and forestry in the total GDP of the country was: 10.0% (2002), 11.4 (2003) and 11.3% (2004). It is located along the valleys. About 2/3.: Spatial Plan of Macedonia, Institute of Physical Planning, OH-Reid, 1982; Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Macedonia, State Statistical Office, for the respective years. Lit.: T. Mirovski, the economy of Vardar Macedonia between the two world wars, MANU, Skopje, 1998; N. Uzunov, the economy of the Republic of Macedonia 1945-1990, MANU, Skopje, 2001; National Strategy for Commercial Development of the Republic of Macedonia, MANU, Skopje, 1997. D. N. Pine earthmaker

Agrimpse, Dimce.

Adimimitres, Dimche (Prilep, 1916 – Skopje, 1994) – Lawyer, National and Communist Deper, Fighter and Univ. Professor. As a gymnasium in Skopje, he became a member of the Sacio (1932), and then the CPY (1935) and Moro Head. He was one of the organizers of NOAVM: Member of the MK of the CPY in Skopje and PC of SCOPE for Macedonia (late 1941 – to the end of 1942) and the PC instructor in Macedonia in Ohrid and Strumica. He was in Bulgarian prison (April 1943 – 8. IX 1944), and then appointed as an organizational secretary of the MK of the CPY in Skopje (autumn 1944). After the liberation, various socio-political and state functions were performed. He was vice president of the Supreme Court of SFRY. Determination of the resolution of the Informbiro, was arrested and sent to Nakal Otok (1949 – November 1953). BIB.: The actions of the sixteenth brigade on the approaches of the city, documents and materials for the liberation of Skopje, Skopje, 1968, 246-251; Intelligence and its participation in the NOB 1941, Skopje in New 1941, Skopje, 1973, 207-230; Formation of the party leadership in Strumica and its activity in the period October 1942 to May 1943, Strumica and Strumica in New 1941-1943, Strumica, 1980, 259-277; The escape from the Central Prison in Skopje was organized, chained in Praxi, Skopje, 1981, 51-56; Preparation, activity and formation of party leadership in Ohrid, Ohrid-Struga in New 1941-1945, KPJ-KPM, and Struga, 1990, 135-145; Metodija Andonoven in the light of truth. Attachment to the clarification of his personality and work, Chento – man, revolutionary, statesman, Prilep, 1993, 117-122; Memories, Ini, Skopje, 1997. Lit.: Dr. Blaze Ristovski, articles to studying the first development period of Koco Racin (1924-1934), “Previews”, ⅹⅺ, 3, Skopje, 1979, 158-183; The same, the Macedonian verse 1900-1944. Research and materials, ⅱ, “thought,” Skopje, 1980, 258263; Dimche most beautiful, golotic testimonials. Consequences, ⅲ, Skopje, 2006, 33. S. Ml. Mirjana Agic.


Agrindustry – Mutual connection of primary agricultural production and processing industry of agricultural products. Agricultural production (vegetable production and livestock production) is the basis for the development of several processing industries, which cost the so-called. Agrindustrial complex. These include: the food industry, the production of drinks, the production of feed and the tobacco and cigarette industry. These industries have a strong impact on the development of primary agricultural production. Historically, the food industry in Macedonia drags its roots before the Second World War, when most of the processing of agricultural products were carried out in the village households themselves. After the Second World War, these activities have successively undertaken newly built industrial facilities. Today the assortment of the food industry has about 120 products. In the production of beverages, before the Second World War, only the production of beer was inherently, while more recently, this industrial branch fully assumed the production of other types of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. The production of fierce alcoholic beverages of 5.090 HL during 1947. It grew at 10,548 HL 2005, while the production of beer, in the same period, grew from 50,000 HL to about 720,000 HL. Industrial production of feed There was no greater development tendency, which can not be said for the processing of tobacco. Before the Second World War, tobacco processing was carried out in industrial warehouses, as ordinary manipulation. After the Second World War, she was technologically perfected with full fermentation. The production of fermented tobacco has grown from 10,742 T during 1947, at 31,962 T 1983, for 2005. be reduced to 15,904 tonnes. Factory cigarette production before World War II did not have. The production of cigarettes of 890 million pieces during 1947. It grew at 14.030 million pieces in 1983, and in 2005 decreased to 5,793 million pieces. The Republic of Macedonia has a relatively large number of facilities for the processing industry. Most of them were built before the state’s independence and were basically intended for the former SFRY market. Most of them today exceed the domestic production of a raw base (oil, sugar, tobacco, etc.). After the independence of the earth, the narrowing of the market, the low investment activity and the high depreciation of the existing physical capital, contributed to further reduction of their utilization. Lit.: Strategy for the development of agriculture in the Republic of Macedonia until 2005, MANU, Skopje, 117-119; N. Uzunov, the economy of the Republic of Macedonia, 1945-1990, MANU, Skopje, 2001, 333-340; State Statistical Office, Statistical Annuals of the Republic of Macedonia, 1955-2006. D. E.