Charper – mythical colorful horse in the epic folk songs for Marko Kral, with unusual backgrounds and qualities. According to folk tradition, he received him from the fairies or bought it from the kiranshs such as Grevevo Zdrib. Represented with many human qualities: speak (even Turkish), drinking wine, crying with tears, etc. He predicts the death of his master. BIB.: Hero-folk songs. Selection and newsroom Dr. Kiril Penakliski, Skopje, 1968. S. Ml. Sharedia – a wired musical instrument of Persian-Arab origin of the Tambury family. It is music in Bordon style, with one leading voice and two that are advocated at the quinta and octave intervals. In these three votes, a different number of united pistemnaments (two or three) is set up on these three votes. The total length of the instrument is about 800-1200 mm. Musicing is solo or by singing. Lit.: Dr. Aleksandar Linin, People’s Musical Instruments in Macedonia, Skopje, 1986, 41. F. M. F.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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