Gymnasium -. Secondary general education that directly prepares for studies of higher education institutions. As a separate school institution in Macedonia occurs in the second half of ⅹⅰⅹ c. It experiences more changes during its development, but in the base it keeps the academic character. Until school reform (1958), the gymnasium was organized as an eighth school with two levels: a gymnasium (progonomic) from ⅰ to ⅳ class and a higher high school, ⅷ class, or full high school by ⅰ to ⅷ class. The nine gymnasium ended with taking a small matura, and the gymnasium – Great Matura. After 1958 The gymnasium continues as a four-class high school (lower classes are joining elementary school), with a slugation of general, linguistic and natural-mathematical direction. In the period of (c.), Directed education does not exist as a special type of school. From the school year 1991/92 High school education is introduced. According to the amendments and supplements from 2003, the curriculum for gymnasium education is structured in four program-content components: (1) compulsory courses (mother tongue, mathematics, two foreign languages, history, geography, physics, chemistry, biology, sociology, philosophy and informatics); (2) elective courses in three areas (natural-mathematical, linguistic-artistic and socially-humanistic); (3) Compulsory elective programs (sports and sports activities, fine arts and music) and (4) project activities. As the final exam Ka “St. Kliment Ohridski “In the female gymnasium” Josip Broz Tito “, recorded before the Skopje earthquake (1963), graduation (c. Gymnasium education in Macedonia). Cambera, from primer to university, Skopje, 1994. K. Camb.
Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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