Aggression on the Republic of Macedonia

Aggression of the Republic of Macedonia – (2001 – Application of armed force by referring armed gangs, groups, irregular or rented troops from Kosovo as part of RS (after 1999 under UN protectorate) against the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Macedonia, forbidden by the Charter The UN. This fact is noted in Resolution 1345 (21. 2001) The UN Security Council with the formulation “Executors of Violence in the Republic of Macedonia are Albanian Macedonian Defenders in Action (2001) Aggression on FRJ by 19 countries – NATO elections (without approval by the UN Security Council), where severe violations of several branches of international law, especially humanitarian, with consequences regarding the overall international legal order and environmental disaster with regional scale. Throughout The duration of the aggression (22. – 10. 1999), NATO troops with different composition, mandate and duration are stationed. Lit: Miter Arsovski – Stojan Kuzev – the Damjanovski, the war in Macedonia Having 2001, Skopje, 2001; Tatiana Petrushevska, NATO attack on FRY – in the functioning of the international community, “Macedonian Time”, Skopje, 1999. T. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АГРЕСИЈА ВРЗ РМ

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