
Informbiro (Poland, 1947) – Bureau of mutual information of the communist parties. IB was established on the initiative of the USSR. The headquarters first was in Belgrade (until 1948). Due to his transformation in the Center for Communist Parties, political and ideological collision in 1948 came to 1948. Between the CPY and Josip Broz Tito, on the one hand, the KPS, Josip Visarovic Stalin with several communist parties from the bloc, on the other. The seat was transferred to Bucharest. IB issued a joint body “for solid peace and for folk democracy,” printed in 12 languages. Dr. Violeta Achkoska, Macedonia in the Yugoslav Federation 1943-1991 (Chronology), Skopje, 2000; Mihailo Simê, Draza – Broz – IB, unknown U Famous, Belgrade, 2000. N. C. Coin with the character of Byzantine Emperor Heraclius fights with Persians and the Avars (rejected the attack on Constantinople in 626.), and neglected the danger of Arabians (took the eastern provinces) and the Slavs (permanently settled in the Balkans and Macedonia). Lit .: News. Kaegi, Heralazlius Emperer OP Izzantium, Tsamridge, 2003; J. F. Chardon, Bdzantium Inth Seventh Cente: TePhe Transformation of A Tsulure, Camwrudge, 1990. B. Petr.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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