Agrarian reform

Agrarian reform – change in land property relations and the property structure with the intervention of the state. One of the most important measures of agrarian policy, because it solves the key issues of the agrarian structure. It occurs in conditions of economic underdevelopment and agrarian overcrowding. The Law on Agrarian Reform and Colonization (1945) was liquidated and expropriation of capitalist economies, whereby the property was limited to 35 ha total area of ​​the farmers and 3 ha in non-agricultural. The Law on Agricultural Fund (1953) was limited to the agrarian maximum of 10 ha in farmers and 3 ha in non-agricultural. The land maximum was abolished in 1988. Dr. Gyosh.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АГРАРНА РЕФОРМА

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