
Wheat (grain) (trititezum SP. L.) – Basic grain culture for bread production around the world. About 70% of the world’s population feeds bread. It is considered one of the oldest plants that the man began to cultivate, and thus leaves the nomadic way of life. The main product is the grain for the production of flour for the highest quality bread. The wheat grain is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, wheat fats and vitamins, especially from the stamp, as well as significant compounds for the human organism (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron). The proteins are highless. The only case when the bread and processes of wheat flour are forbidden is the disease ciliacia, an allergic reaction to the gluten. For such sick, through a special technological procedure, flour without glutenion is produced. The stub is particularly important for the nutrition of people. Wheat has wide application in animal husbandry. For the Republic of Macedonia, it is a significant agricultural culture because it is based on the nutrition of the population, and has an impact in other economic branches: the millary, bakery, piano, pharmaceutical, confectionery, the manufacturing industry of dextrin, alcohol, etc. The winter wheat is grown up to 60 ° C.G. Apart from horizontally, in Europe it is grown up to 1,700 m NV, and in Asia to 4,000 m asg. It is one of the most widespread crops in the world, it is grown at 215,272,000 ha. In our country and yield vary. In 2000 There were 121,103 ha, with an average yield of 2,472 kg / ha grain. In 1995 In the Republic of Macedonia, there were the most surfaces under wheat (130.092 ha) and the highest average yield of grain (2,930 kg / ha). Wheat needs for nutrition of the population in our country moving about 160 kg / capita per year or about 330,000 t per year. The sowing is made from October 20 to November 10, with 500-600 missed grains of one M2. The collection is machine, with komber. If the seed is wetter of 14%, it is delivered and stored. P. Iv.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис ПЧЕНИЦА

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