Agovski, Ivan Serafimov

Inovski, Ivan Serafimov (Debar, 24. 1887 – Sofia, first half of 1925) – Revolutionary, educated Dian and publicist. He finished elementary school in his hometown. Due to membership in a socialist circle, he was excluded from the Pedagogical School in Skopje (1905). After the completion of senior education, he was taught in Kicevo and participated in the local teacher rebellion (1908). He was an activist of the Skopje Social Democratic Group (1910-1911). Later he joined the communist movement and became an associate of c. “Socialist Dawn” (Skopje, 1919-1921). With a group of like-minded people, he supported ⅲ Communist international. As an emigrant and publicist in Sofia (1921-1925) began to issue it in. “Sewing Macedonia” (8. 1923) and advocated Macedonian national rights, which was arrested and killed. Lit.: Bane Chadikovski, an attachment to the biography and the activity of the Macedonian Socialist, Revolutionary and Publicist Ivan Serafimov Agovski, “Messenger” of Insa, XI, 1, Skopje, 1967, 77-116; Danco Zografski, concepts, programs and projects for state constitution of Macedonia, ZB. ASNOM. Fifty years Macedonian State 1944-1994. Attachments from the scientific gathering held on 17-18 November 1994, MANU, Skopje, 1995, 48. S. Ml.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис АГОВСКИ, Иван Серафимов

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