Aces – revolutionary family (from Prilep), teachers and revolutionaries with 160-year continuous participation in the Macedonian struggle for freedom and their own state. In the liberation struggle, they showed the predilinden period as leaders of illegal rebellies. Following the founding of the MHO, they joined as fighters and dukes of an orpinal, Violeta (Ohrid, 4. Ganizational troops, participants in Nork roles. F. M. IX 1954) – Full professor at the Ilinden Uprising, in The Molway Faculty of Philosophy in the Top Revolution and the neighboring countries. After the First World War AECES were in the ranks of VMRO (OB) and prominent organizers and managers in the NOB since the beginning of World War II. In the fighting for the release and creation of an independent Macedonian state, the family gave 14 victims and two people’s Heroes of the NOB. Lit.: Orde Ivanoski, the fight of the Revolutionary Family Acevi, Smote: Prilep and Prilep 1893-1908, Prilep, 1991. O. Iv. Vesna Acevska
Archives: Glossary
Acev, George
Acev, Gjorgji (village Oreov, Prilep, ⅴ 1883 – the locality of Dautica, Veles, 25. ⅵ 1906) – Teacher, revolutionary, Prilep duke. From the Revolutionary Family Acevi, brother of Mirce and Peter. He finished Gjorgji Acev Pedagogical School in Skopje, Teached Bitola and Tikvesh. He became a Chetar in his brother Peter (1904). He was elected Veles Duke (1905) and about two years of struggle with the Ottoman army and gendarmerie and the Greek and Serbian troops. In a clash with a Serbian friend formation in Veles, in order to fall alive in their hands, he committed suicide. Al. TR. Mirce Acev.
Acev, Mirce
Acev, Mirce Donev (Pajovd .the. In 1938 He was a member of the CP, active in organizing party organizations in Ohrid and Struga. Haunted by police (1940), crossed into illegality and managed the PC’s party printing house of KP in Macedonia. The Ilinden demonstration in Ohrid called for an organized struggle for freedom. After the fascist occupation, he was one of the prominent organizers and managers of the NOB, member and secretary of the PC of the CPY. He worked on organizing partisan appointments and became a member of the main headquarters of New and Pom. He managed fighting in the vicinity of Prilep and Veles. On 17. ⅻ 1942 He was arrested by the Bulgarian police. After a fiercely torture he was killed. For a folk hero was declared 16. ⅷ 1944. His name received the first partisan battalion of a new Macedonia. Lit.: People’s Heroes of Macedonia, Skopje, 1973; People’s Hero Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 1975. O. Iv.
Acev, Mirce Donev
Acev, Mirce Donev (Pajovd .the. In 1938 He was a member of the CP, active in organizing party organizations in Ohrid and Struga. Haunted by police (1940), crossed into illegality and managed the PC’s party printing house of KP in Macedonia. The Ilinden demonstration in Ohrid called for an organized struggle for freedom. After the fascist occupation, he was one of the prominent organizers and managers of the NOB, member and secretary of the PC of the CPY. He worked on organizing partisan appointments and became a member of the main headquarters of New and Pom. He managed fighting in the vicinity of Prilep and Veles. On 17. ⅻ 1942 He was arrested by the Bulgarian police. After a fiercely torture he was killed. For a folk hero was declared 16. ⅷ 1944. His name received the first partisan battalion of a new Macedonia. Lit.: People’s Heroes of Macedonia, Skopje, 1973; People’s Hero Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 1975. O. Iv.
Acev, Peter.
Acev, Peter (village Oreov, Prilep, 7. ⅵ 1877 – Plovdiv, 20. ⅳ 1939) – Teacher, revolutionary, Prilep district duke. He was a teacher in the village. Pletvar, Prilep (1897-1901), Secretary of the Orc of TMORO (1898-1902), Narely Prilep Duke (1902-1907), a participant at the Smilevo Congress (1903) and elected reserve member of the rebellious headquarters, and in the Ilinden Uprising led a lead Chief. After the uprising he participated in the fighting in the village. Rajcani, Kocani (1905), where he was wounded; of the blade (1907) and elsewhere. He was a member of the Bitola Ork (1906) of the VMORO. After the Young Turk Revolution was collected in Prilep. He was a school inspector in Krushevo (1908-1909). He participated in the Balkan and World War I. Lit.: Mr. Trajichev, city of Prilep, Sophie®, 1925; H. Sil®Onov, the eligible fighting for Macedonia, ⅰ¶, Sophie®, 1983. Al. TR. Dimitar Acev Acev (Schumanov), Dimitar
Acevska, Vesna
Acevska, Vesna (Skopje, 10. Xi 1952) – poet, short story writer and translator. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology in Skopje. He works in the newspaper “Republic”, and since 1992 he works as a Lecturer at the Institute of National History in Skopje. Member is the DPM (1991). It also deals with translation and translates Finnish epic “Kalevala”, for which he received the prize for translation “Grigor Prlicev” (2000). In its verses, Acevska opposes the tradition of female singing and the feminized lirism dominated by a confessional and subjective intonation. Part: Collections Poetry: Preparing for representation (1985), a rock clash (1991), an anchor for Noah (1994) and disorder in the mirror (1996); Romani: Labyrinth (1992), rock visits (1993) and staircase in greenery (1994). Lit.: Jasna Koteska, Macedonian Women’s Letter (2002). C. M.-
Acevski, Boro
Acevski, Boro (Possud. Pasha) (Skopje, 14. IX 1914 – Skopje, 28. ⅳ 1959) – Painter-iconographer. Painting learned in Dimitrija Papradishki, and solo singing in S. Zikova and P. Hollov’s. At the beginning of World War II, (1941) joins the National Liberation Struggle and in 1943 as Partizan and a member of Agitprop in the village of Gorno Vranovci, is one of the founders of KUK “Kocho Racin”. Member of the Opera and Ballet of the Macedonian National Theater (1948-1951), Ilija Acevski
Acevski, Elijah
Acevski, Ilija (village Czinje, 27. ⅵ 1952) – University professor, sociologist. He graduated from the philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (1975), where he received his PhD in the topic “The spread of the population in the area of the City of Skopje depending on some socio-economic marks” (1982). He has published several books and textbooks from the areas of urban sociology and transition. BIB.: Ilija Acevski, Society and Man in Transition, Skopje, 2002. Annex: Faculty of Philosophy 1920 – 1946 – 2006, Skopje, 2006. Il. T.
Achilles, Prespa and Lariski, St.
Achilles, Prespa and Lariski, St. (He died 330 years) – Bishop in Prespa and in Larissa. Participant of the first Ecumenical Council in Nicaea (325). Patron of the Ohrid Archbishopric and Patron of Tsar Samuel. Samuel brought his relics on the island of Sveti Achilles in Prespa Lake, in the same church called “Great Church”, where a period was the headquarters of the Ohrid Archbishopric. Lit.: Slavko Dimevski, history of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, Skopje, 1989; Ivan Snarar, the historus of the Ohrid Archbishopric, 1 and 2, Second photo edition, Sofia, 1995; John Belchovski, Ohrid Archbishopric since the foundation to the fall of Macedonia under Turkish rule, Skopje, 1997. Rat. Gr. Sultan Ahmed ⅲ
Achkov, Ivan.
Achkov, Ivan (Struga, 27. 1874 – Sofia, 21. ⅻ 1939) – Teacher, revolutionary, TMORO member. Finished a pedagogical school. He was a teacher in Thessaloniki, Veles, Strumica and elsewhere. In TMORO entered (1895) on the proposal of Goce Delchev, who baptized. He was Cassier of the Veles (1895-1896) and the Strumica District Committee (1896-1897). Exhibition: CDA, F. 1075, OP. 1, A.e. 28, l. 466. Al. TR.
Achkovski, Risto.
Achkovski, Risto (Skopje, 14. ⅱ 1950) – El. Ing., PhD of technical sciences, order. Prof., Head of the Pension Institute, two mandate Preva of ETF in Skopje. President of the Study Committee for overhead lines. His research activity includes attachments to the application of Monte Carlo simulation for improving the methods for planning and exploitation of the EPS, improving the methods for analyzing EE networks and the development of methods for analyzing complex grounding systems in a stationary state. He is the author of two university teachers: high voltage networks and systems and portable and distribution systems. Lit.: “Newsletter of the University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius – Skopje, no. 793, January 2002. Dr. R. Skopje, at the Institute of History. He was studying in Ohrid and Skopje, completed a history of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, where he was a master degree (1988) and PhD (1993). Was an expert associate in the Marxist Center “Mito Hadi Vasilev” (1978-1988), a senior research associate at the Institute for National History in Skopje (until 1998), Assistent, Associate and Full Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy (since 1999) with specialty the latest history of Macedonian people, methodology of teaching history and methodology of historical science. Posted over 60 papers. Violeta Achkoska BIB.: Beneficiary and Agrarian Policy 1945-1955, Skopje, 1994; Brotherhood and unity between harmony and disharmony 1944-1974, Skopje, 2002; Madeitions and assassinations in Macedonian history, Skopje 2004. Sev. Cyril and Methodius, no. 118, Skopje, January 8, 2003. D. Job.
Achovski, Dusko Jovanov
Achovski, Dusko Jovanov (village of Slave, Pehcevo, 18. ⅵ 1938) – Pedagogue, university professor. He graduated from High Pedagogical School (Mathematics and Physics, 1960) and Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje (Institute of Pedagogy, 1981), where he was a Master’s degree (1991) and PhD (1996). He taught at the Pedagogical Academy, and then at the Pedagogical Faculty “St. Kliment Ohridski “in Skopje. He was director of the Pedagogical Academy and Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education. Main preoccupation: The methodology of teaching mathematics. He is the author of textbooks in mathematics for primary education. BIB.: Methodology of Mathematics, 1998 and Methodology of Educational Mathematics, 2000. K. Camb.
Acidenovski, Stoyan
Acidenovski, Stojan (village B’Mboki, Kostur, Aegean part of Macedonia, 10. ⅰ 1943) – Historian, scientific advisor in Ini, researcher of the Macedonian past from the Aegean part of Macedonia in the period between the two world wars. During the civil war in Greece, along with other children, it was taken to Romania (1948), where he finished elementary education in the village. Tulghesh, classical gymnasium in Oradea (1961) and graduated from the Faculty of History and Philosophy (General History) at the Cluj-Napoca University in Cluj (1966). He was a history professor in Oradea (1966 – Spring 1972). Later, the family returned to the Republic of Macedonia and became an associate in Ini (1972). Master ‘s (1976) and PhD (1984) at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius “in Skopje. He is author of monographic publications and co-author of textbooks for primary and secondary education. BIB .: Greek colonization in Aegean Macedonia (1913-1940), Skopje, 1981; CPG and the Macedonian national question (1918-1940), Skopje, 1985; The status of the Macedonian language in Macedonia (1913- 1987), Skopje, 1987; Aegean part of Macedonia (1913-1989), Skopje, 1990; History of Romania, Skopje, 1997; Ethnic changes in Macedonia (1913-1995), Skopje, 2000; Minorities in the Balkans (ⅹⅹ century), Skopje, 2004 (with co-author). Ml.
Acillinev, Lazarus
Acillinev, Lazarus (village of Kosina, Kostur Region 20. ⅰ 1874 – Sofia, 18. ⅻ 1946) – Revolutionary, participant in Ilinden Uprising, Kostur Duke. Was educated in Athens. For TMORO transmitted weapons from Greece to Kostur Region. He participated in the Ilinden uprising as a duke and a member of the Kostur Gordan Department. Lit.: H. Sil®®, the eligible fighting for Macedonia, Sophie®, 1983, and 463, and 581. Al. TR. Alexander (Sando) Kitanov
Act for determining the border between the Principality of Bulgaria and the Ottoman state of the part towards Macedonia
Act for determining the border between the principality of Bulgaria and the Ottoman state of the part of Macedonia (Constantinople, 20. IX 1879) – Agreement of the European Commission composed of representatives-commissioners from Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, UK, Russia, Italy and the Ottoman State. As an integral part of the act (of 14 members), sketches were attached. The border departed from the Serbian border, black peak, Gješevo, north of Gorno Jumia, south of the Rilan monastery (which was left in Bulgaria), Mount Dos-Way. According to the Berlin Treaty, Macedonia in its natural and ethnic borders remained in the Ottoman state. Lit: Macedonia in bilateral and multilateral agreements, Skopje, 2000. M. Min.
Act of the Senate and the House of Representatives of the US Congress for Greece assistance
The act of the Senate and the House of Congress of the United States for Greece’s assistance (Washington, 22. ⅴ 1947) – Act with force of the Law on Giving Financial and Economic Assistance and Security Protection of Greece. Maintaining the power of the monarchist government, endangered by the CPG with the organized Greek countermarriage movement and the massive Macedonian national movement in the Aegean part of Macedonia, was presented as a matter of survival of the Greek state, threatened and externally, from the communist states of Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania. Security protection of Greece gets the treatment of a matter of vital importance for the security of the United States. Lit.: Balkan Custom Relations, ⅲ, Prirodio M. Stojkovic, Belgrade, 1999. M. Min.
Action (Jizi) (ⅹⅳ-ⅹⅰⅹ c.) – State tax in the Ottoman Empire that the working age of non-Muslim subjects were paid to the state as a sign of obedience and loyalty. In return, these subjects acquired certain civil rights and freedom of religion. Was abolished in the middle of ⅹⅰⅹ c. Synonym: Jizie. Lit.: Hamid Hud Chebegic, Jyzya or Hare, “Attachments for Orientalah Philology and Historew Yugoslavian Naroda under Turkish government”, ⅲ Iv, Sarajevo, 1952-53; Nerkez Samovalagic, Lexicon Islama, Sarajevo, 1990, 163, 239; Aleksandar Matkovski, Resistance in Macedonia at the time of Turkish governance, and Skopje, 1983. Dr. F.
Action Central Committee.
Action Central Committee (Sofia, 1934 – Sofia, 1936) – Coordinator and leader of the Macedonian progressive movement for expulsion of the Suchivists from the National Committee, from the leaders of youth, student, female and Ilinden companies. He acted to create a single Macedonian liberating front for the adoption of his own independent Macedonian state. He was persecuted by the Bulgarian authorities as a branch of VMRO (OB). Exhibit. ILIT.: VMRO (OB) Central party archive. Fund. 204; Historical truth, Skopje, 1981. O. Iv.
Action People’s Liberation Committee.
An Action National Liberation Committee (1943) – mainly national political body (from Macedonian intellectuals and representatives of the Macedonian citizenship), “the highest body of the revolutionary government” on the occupied territory in the Vardar part of Macedonia. He published a proclamation to the Macedonian people (IX 1943) with a call for a massive armed struggle for national liberation and unification in an independent Macedonian national state. The members of the ANODO addressed the decision in the Manifesto of the Headquarters (ⅹ 1943) for the creation of Macedonian statehood in the Vardar part of Macedonia in the rims of Federal Yugoslavia. In the opposition, the alignment contested the legitimacy of the headquarters as a military management body to adopt a political solution for the vital national issue, which is in the exceptional competence of the political representative body, reminding that the fight is guided for the unification of the Macedonian people, not for partial solution in the “artificial combination Yugoslavia. ” He warned that in that case the division of Macedonia is sanctioned forever. After the response of the GS and the Initiative Board for convening ASNOM (ⅰ 1944), the unification of the Macedonian people within Titova Yugoslavia, members of the IDO entered the initiative board and significantly influenced the adoption of the decisions of the first session of ASNOM for creating sovereign Macedonian National State Democratic Macedonia and Constitutional Testament for unification of the Macedonian people. Lit.: ASNOM 1944-1964, Skopje, 1964; ZB., Kuzman Josifovski-Pitu, Skopje, 1995; Mihailo Minoski, Al Yugoslavia and the Macedonian national question (1943-1946), Skopje, 2000. M. Min.
Adam from Governevo
Adam from Governevo. – Ceramic torso of a man, an archaeological find of the Neolithic settlement Governevo, discovered in research in 2000. The only example of the Neolithic epoch, by modeling the male statue and a completely realistic view of the human body, by displaying back with the spine and the tray, ribs stomach, hips and thighs, with emphasis on muscle and real representation of the sexual organ. The figure is fragmented preserved (Vis. 12 cm). Its time context is the 4th horizon within the mature phase of the middle neolith, about 4500 BCE. Lit.: M. BILBIA, Adam from Macedonia, Business Catalog – 2006, marketing agency and publishing activity – Marili, 2006, 20-23. M. BILB.
Adamcheska, Snezana Mirkova
Adamcheska, Snezana Mirkova (Delcevo, 8. 1950) – Pedagogue, university professor. She graduated (1973), Masters (1983) and Ph.D. (1988) at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. Scientific interest $ is didactical-methodological issues, especially innovative techniques and teaching methods. He is the author of over 80 expert and scientific papers and several textbooks for primary education. She was Podkan and V.D. Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje and a member of Senate Snezana Adamcheska at the University “St. Cyril and Methodius”. BIB .: Tandem’s work of students, 1991; Methodical School Manual Level, 1994; Active teaching, 1996; Initial reading and writing, 1997, etc. Lit.: Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje: 1920-1946-2006, Skopje, 2006, 205. K. Camb.
Adamchevski, Mirce
Adamchevski, Mirce (Skopje, 25. Xi 1949) – a journalist. He graduated from the Faculty of Technology in Skopje. Most of the working life (1979-2004) spent in “Nova Makedonija”. Edited the attachment “economy and market”. In the period 1993-1999 is a correspondent from Moscow. After returning, editor-commentator in the foreign policy and the economic columns. In recent years of “Nova Makedonija” editor-in-chief. He is the author of the publication “Macedonian-Russian cooperation” (January 2003). One of the founders and first editor-in-chief of the Civil Engineering, Architecture, Ecology and Investment “Port 3”. Since April 2006 President of the Broadcasting Council of the Republic of Macedonia. B. P. F.
Adamovic, Lujo
Adamovic, Lujo (Rovinj, Croatia 1886 – Dubrovnik, 1935) – a famous phytogographer from the beginning of ⅹⅰⅹ c., Who studied the flora and vegetation of the Balkan Peninsula. His monograph “Die Vegetatioverhalniszh Der Bellyländer” (1909) has great significance for the flora and vegetation of the Balkan countries, among them for Macedonia. It makes an attempt for horizontal and vertical zoning of the Balkan Peninsula plant and introduces some new vegetation terms (pseudomakia). VL. M. Mirce Adamchevski
Adana -. Macedonian Male People’s Oro, which is performed in a semicircle, with initial holding of the arms for shoulder, and in the end they are freely lowered and clinging for pities. It is played in 2/4 meter at a moderately fast pace. The dance begins with balancing, and then with bounces, turns and sustainings. It is commonly played in Veles. Lit.: Mihailo Dimoski, Macedonian People’s Ora, Skopje 1977, 91. F. M. F.