Barski, Basil Gregorovich

Barski, Vasily Gregorovich (?, 1701 – Kiev, October 1747) – Russian travel. In Macedonia he visited St. Gora, Thessaloniki, Sir, Pela, Voden, Ohrid, Struga, Bitola, Prilep, Veles, Skopje and left data for all places. For the monasteries, Grigorian, Diary and Xenov writes that they are worn. Lit.: Mihail Kovachevski, Bulgarian meters in the mountain of Gora, Historical Archief – Evented® and Documents, Sophie®, 1943; Macedonia in the works of foreign pathologists 1371-1777, prepared Aleksandar Matkovski, Skopje, 1991. M. Zdr. Milan Bartos.


Bartholomew – Christian holiday dedicated to the Holy Apostle Bartholomew, one of the twelve major Christ’s apostles. In some of our parts, this day is considered a heavy holiday, which is why no work is working. He connects the people by turning the sun from the summer to winter, and the feast is called Vrtolum. Lit.: Marko Kitevski, Golden Cup, Skopje, 1983. M. Keith.

Bartosh, Milan

Barthosh, Milan (Belgrade, 10. Xi 1901 – Belgrade, 12. ⅲ 1974) – Lawyer, UNIV. Professor of International Private Law, a regular member of SANU and a member of the external composition of MANU (from 4 ⅴ 1972). He graduated in a white city (1924) and Ph.D. in Paris (1927), after which he was a professor at the Belgrade University (1928). He participated in a number of sessions of the UN General Assembly (1945-1953), he was an arbitrator of the Standing International Arbitration Court in The Hague (1945), Chief Legal Advisor for Foreign Affairs in the Keeping Ambassador (1949-1963), President of the World Association for International Law (1956-1958) and honorary lifelong President, Head of the Yugoslav delegation of the first and second Geneva Conference on Maritime Law (1958 and 1960), Secretary General (1961-1965) and vice president (1965-1971) of SANA, President of the Commission The UN for International Law (1965), chairman of the Hague Academy of International Law, etc. He was chairman of the home commission for the founding of MANU (1967). Edited the SP. “Annalie Factory Faculty” in Belgrade. He is the author of many books, studies, articles and other articles. BIB.: Ehiposé de Droat International Tsmmmmiel, Paris, 1927; Crisis Meuunarosth Private Rights, Belgrade, 1939; International public law, and-ⅲ, Belgrade, 1954-1958. Full BIBL.: “Analy Megular Faculty of Benogrux”, 1-3, Belgrade, 1972, 594-640. S. Ml.


Basalt – an outflow, volcanic rock from the group of gabrows and basalts, that is, from the group of basic magmatic rocks. It features a holocococristalePPPPPPPPPEPPOR to a vitrophy-porphic structure and with a massive, fluidal to a manous-measurest texture. The basalt usually appears in the form of waters of lava or larger plates, with the secretion most commonly stud. In basaltics that are submarins, secretion in the form of pillows or “Pilow” secretion occurs. The basalts are built of basic plagioclassers, monoclenic pyrochemen and Olivine. In the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, basales appear in several geological-stratigraphic formations: as constituents of the ocean crust within the Official sequence of the Vardar zone in the complex Demir Kapija-Gevgelija, with their geological age being Jurkond; And as trachibosal, that is, alkaline basal within the Vardar zone, with their geological age is Kenosoy (Pliocenic-Pleistocene). Litt.: B. Boev, S. I stopped, Testiards Magmatasm Niethin Republic of the Macendonia, Acta Walcanogica, Wal. 13, Skopje, 2001. BL. B.

Basarov, John Andreev

Basarov, John Andreev (mine, 15. 1922 – Skopje, 21. 1943) – Pricelist, organizer of the armed struggle in Veles and Veles and one of the first fighters in the NOOP “Dimitar Vlahov” in 1942. He participated in several fights against the Bulgarian army and police and their helpers in Veles in Veles and Skopje. He led the armed attacks on the department of the railway station “Clayman”, the village. Papradiste and other places in Veles. He was caught by the Counterparties in the village. Notebook (Veles) at 5. ⅻ 1942 And he handed over to the Bulgarian authorities, who sentenced death by hanging. The punishment was carried out in the Skopje Central Prison. Lit.: Veles and Veles in New 1941-1945, Memorial Book, T. Veles, 1985; Veles Partisan Squad 1942, Skopje, 1999. F. Malc.

Base organic and inorganic chemical industry in the Republic of Macedonia

Base organic and inorganic chemical industry in the Republic of Macedonia – Industry for the production of raw materials for the chemical industry, which further get semi-products and finally final products. For example, with the electrolysis of cooking salt (NCL), the base chemicals chlorine and sodium hydroxide are obtained. They produce semi-products, such as paper, plastic masses and more, and from them a variety of products. Base chemicals are produced in many plants of the chemical industry in Macedonia. Thus, in OHIS – Skopje are produced: sodium hydroxide (ash), chlorine (CL), hydolic acid (HCL), 2 as well as polyvinylchloride, polyvinylalcohol and polyacrylonitrile; In Alkaloid – Skopje: Technical chemicals as well as alkaloids (morphybase, morphyulfate, codeinbase and codeinphosphate and others); In the OKTA refinery – Miladinovci: organic solvents and the like; In “Jugohrom” – Jegunovce: calcium carbide, cyanamide, sodiumbichromate, etc.; In “Technogas” – Skopje: acetylene, lime and other; In the metallurgo-chemical compartment “Zletovo” – Veles: sulfuric acid (X with), 24 zinculche (ZSO), zincoxide 4 (znot) and other (in the plant metallurgy) and phosphoric acid, monoamoniumfosphate and other (in fertilization for fertilizers) . In addition, in several small production plants, in 2000s, lime is produced (in many plants), bentonites (in Bentomak), zeolites (in the break-calace, with. Lukovitsa, Rano Christian Basilica, Bargala, Stip OHIS, Skopje type), as well as eggstone (Tsu), 4 aluminumsulface (al (with)) and 2 43 others. St. H. J. – B. N. Sultan Bajazid I.

Baserkovski-Lhanka, Stephen

Bazterkovski-Lhanka, Stefan (Prilep, 1921 – Prilepsky, Prilep, 20. ⅻ 1942) – Radiyhanic and communist day. As a member of the SCOY (1940) and the CPY (1941), he was one of the organizers of NOVM in Prilep and Prilep, Fighter in Prilep Partisan Chief (September 1941) and in the first Prilep NOO “Goce Delcev” (October-December 1941), And after the disadvantage of the section was sent to party work in Skopje. Later he returned to Prilep and turned Partizan, as an intentant of the second Prilep NOOP “Dimitar Vlahov” and fighter in Prilep NOO “Gjorce Petrov” (May 1942). He died in a fight with the Bulgarian army and police. Stephen Basertovski-Rozen Christovo, icon from the Church “St. Five, “s. Malovista (ⅹⅰⅹ c.) Little: Prilep and Prilep through history, book second, between the two world wars and the National Liberation War, Prilep, 1972; Prilep and Prilep in New 1941, “Culture”, Skopje, 1976; Prilep and Prilep in New 1942, REC. And-ⅱ, “Culture”, Skopje, 1978. S. Ml.

Baseski, Zarko

Baseski, Zarko (Prilep, 11. ⅶ 1957) – Sculptor, university professor. He graduated in the class of Peter Hadzi Boskov (1988) and mastered in the class of Dragan Popovski-Dada (1998) at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje. He had studied stay in London (1979-1982). He is a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Skopje. He is a member of DLUM (since 1988). He had seven independent exhibitions in the Republic of Macedonia: Prilep (1984 and 1993), Bitola (1993) and Skopje (1994, 1997, 1998 and 2004). He participated in group exhibitions in the country and abroad (Skopje, Templates – Arizona, USA, Istanbul Turkey, Feithfield Arkansas, USA and Gorna Milanovac – Serbia), public performances (Skopje and Vodoca) and in art colonies (Marathi in Slovenia and in Prilep). His works are also in private collections in the country and abroad. Lit.: Zarko Baseski / Zarko Bascheski, (Catalog), Preface Koncha Pirkoska, Skopje, 1997; Zarko Baseski / Zarko Bascheski, sculpture – Temple / Shutaluur – Template, Skopje, 1998; Zarko Baseski / Zorka Bascheski, Sculptures / Sculptures, Skopje, 2004. S. Ml.

Basha, Eric

Basha, Ekrem (Elem Basha) (Debar, 1948) – poet, prose and translator. He finished primary and secondary education in the birthplace. He graduated from the Albanian language and literature group at Pristina University. One period works as a journalist and editor-editor in “Bota,” (“New World”) and “Rilindia” (“Resurgence”), and then in RTV Pristina. Member is Nakanu. He writes poetry, prose, essays and radios. BIB.: Orestrots (Opens of Maestro), poetry 1971; Polipticon (polypty) poetry, 1974; Sydet (starzomore), poetry, 1977; Atlets and Tsndrara TSh Bardha (the athlete of white dreams), poetry, 1982; ACULL NH ECHER (ice in the heart), poetry, 1989; Zogu and Zee (black bird), poetry, 1995; Sengty NSPSHR Miseulle (Walk by Fog), 1971; MSGJESI and NJH Pasdiers (the morning of ED-but afternoon), short stories, 1978. A. P.

Bashev, Andreja Naumov

Bashev, Andreja Naumov (Elena, Bulgaria, 13. ⅱ 1900 – Sofia, 24. IX 1929) – Doctor and Society, son of doctor Nae Bashev from Resen. Graduated from Munich University medicine (1923). As a student, he was secretary of the Executive Committee of the International Student Union, where he advocated “recognition of the Macedonian student as a separate unit in the International Union”. He is the author of several articles in defense of Macedonian interests. S. Ml. Dise by Bashevski.

Bashevski, Dimitar

Basevski, Dimitar (village Gjavato, Bitola, 27. ⅵ 1943) – novelist, poet, translator. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology at the University of Skopje. Long worked as a journalist, editor and permanent correspondent of the newspaperNova Makedonija” by Athens. He was director and editor-in-chief of the publishing house “Culture”. Now is the editor-in-chief of the publishing house “Word”. President of the Macedonian Pen Center. Member of the IPM (1969). His works are published abroad in English, Czech, Romanian, Serbian and Albanian. BIB.: “A stranger” (Roman, 1969), “Return” (Roman, 1972), “Roman” (Roman, 1974), “No death while ringing” (Roman, 1980), “One year of Ivan Plevnes’s life “(Roman, 1985),” The House of Life “(poetry, 1987),” Sarajanovo carnation “(Roman, 1990),” The Diary of the Anya “(Roman for Children, 1994),” Temporary Residence “(poetry, 1995) , “Master Time” (poetry, 1998), “Bunar” (Roman, 2001). R. Z. Baseski: The monument of Alexander the Great, Prilep


Bashibosk – irregular infantry and cavalry troops, which in time of wars and uprisings, especially after the Crimean War (1853-1856), acted with the regular Ottoman army. They did not wear uniforms and were armed with different weapons. They were mostly composed of Albanians, Churches and Kurds. They were courageous, but undisciplined and known for their cruelty and violence against the civilian population. In the suppression of the Ilinden Uprising, a number of bashiboous troops participated. Lit.: ŠLAM ANYMLOPDIES, 15. CONZ, ŠSTANBULL, 1943; Enzlopedier de L’Islam, Livraimison 17, 1109. Dr. F.

Bashmakov, Alksandar Alexandrovich

Bashmakov, Alksandar Alexandrovich (Odessa, 1858 -?, 1943) – Russian Slavophile, publicist, editor and publisher of newspapers (in Russian and French). Secondary education ends in Geneva, and the Faculty of Law in S.-Petersburg and Odessa (1881). Immediately sent to the Russian representative in a newly liberal Bulgaria P. A. Matvevev. In 1882 Eight months is a librarian in Plovdiv and basically the National Library of Eastern Rumelia. Often crosses the Rhodope Mountains, it observes the end and write folk songs. Later, it visits Macedonia and (most often under the pseudonym Weigh Oleg) publishes books, articles and maps with bush trends. As a vice president and later chairman of the Council of the SPBSBD contacted K. Misirkov (1901 -1903), and at the Slavic gatherings and the press (“Petersburg Gazeta”, 1913) polemized with D. Chupovski and other Macedonians, Bra-noting the Bulgarian view of the Macedonian question. Lit.: Blaze Ristovski, Dimitrija Chupovski (1878-1940) and Macedonian scientific-literary comrades in Petrograd, and, Skopje, 1978, 291; The same, Macedonian Chronicle. Gains of literary and national themes, and, Skopje, 1993, 300-307; The same, Dimitrija Cupovski and the Macedonian Nation awareness, Skopje, 1996, 140-145. Bl. R.

Basilica de

Basilica de (Heraclea Lyncestis) – East of the city’s benchmarked by a medieval necropolis. In the period 1980-1986, during the excavation of the three-nave, a cemetery basilica de – Ejtra Muros, built in the time of Justinian, and the necropolis that existed to the end of the ⅵ century, and then at the time of the end of the ⅹ-Xi c. To locate a medieval necropolis, on the middle and southern ship and on the older graves. There are clues that medieval graves (with typical jewelry from the transition of ⅹ in XI c.) They choked around the concomitant chapel built on the ruins of the premature of the Basilica de. Litt.: E. Maneva, Basilica de from Heraclea Lyncestis, “Lychnid”, 7, Ohrid, 1989, 51-61; EAD., The medieval necropolis in the Basilica de in Heraclea, “History”, Jesji, 1, Skopje, 1986. EL. M.

Basilica, Palace of Justice

Basilica, Palace of Justice – Basilica from the beginning of ⅳ c. AD Identified as a public building – a courtroom, discovered in Skupi. It is located in the western part of the city, with the entrance oriented towards the main city-Sky street. The facility (27.5 x 21,70 m) consists of two rooms: a wide central hall and a rounded corridor in the shape of an elongated horseshoe. With a wide apkid wall is north-oriented. The central updated terminated hall has a mosaic floor with geometric decoration. The internal hall was with colonnade and arcade, from three sides separated from the surrounding corridor. Corinth capitals, placed on high columns on low, profiled apartments, were covered with rich profiled architrives and with common stone elements, mounted in massive masonry pillars. Lit.: D. Koranchevic, Scupi, Skopje, 2003; C. Lilcic, the Macedonian stone for the gods, Christians and life of life, Skopje, 2001, 164-173. C. L.

Basiliks, early Christian

Basiliks, early Christian – Episcopal, cathedral basilics (registered around 300) detected in Skupi, Stobi, Lychnide, Heraclea, etc. In Stobi, 4 Intra Muros and 4 Egrstra Muros Basiliki were discovered. The oldest is the old episcopal basilica (ⅳ c. HE). In northeastern Macedonia (Mediterranean Dakia) in two EJTA MUROS Basiliki (Basov oak and keramodn house); In Vinica Kale (Vinica) – 2 intra Muros and 2 Ejtra Muros Basiliki. In the border cities – Bishops: 1 Intra Muros Basilica in the village. Krupiste, 1 Intra Muros and 1 Edjtra Muros in Bar Gala and 1 Intra Muros and 1 Ejtra Muros (Martyrium with a central plan rotunda embedded in a rectangle) in Konjuh. In southwestern Macedonia, 3 intra Muros (two on Plaoshnik, foundations under “St. Sofia”) and 2 Ezstra Muros (“St. Erasmus”, Studencishta), and especially highlight the cathedral church with the central plan polyoconohos and the Great Basilica of late. Ⅵ c. of Plaoshnik). In the part of the province of Macedonia, the first (South Pelagonia and Strumica-Gevgelija) dominated by the bishopia Heraclea Linquestidus in Bitola, with 2 intra muros and 1 Egrstra Muros Basiliki. Lit.: V. Bildkova Grozdanova, Ohrid’s Ohrid, 1975; B. Aleksova, Locica Sanchutonia, Skopje, 1997. V. L.

Basketball in Macedonia

Basketball in Macedonia. At first, it occurs in the friction of the Sokolsal organization (after 1930). Accelerated development began after the liberation (1945), when the team “Vanco Prke” was established in Stip, then “Macedonia” and “Rabotnicki” in Skopje, “Kumanovo” and “worker” in Bitola (1949), and later others. The Republic Championship was held for male (1946) and women and youth teams (1948). Skopje was organized (1945) and the Republic Basketball League (1959). A Sports Board was formed at the helm of Pance basketball match Macedonia – Croatia Pandilov (1946) and the basketball alliance of Macedonia headed by Aco Petrovski (1950), and recently federation (2002). With the construction of sports halls, especially since the sixties, the number of clubs and the quality of the teams is significantly promoted. The Republic champion each d. He participated in the championship competitions of Yugoslavia. Later, the first and second federal leagues were established, in which the male team of QC “Rabotnicki” and the female of the QC “Student” from Skopje was most successful. For the national team of Yugoslavia, they performed: Dragoljub Lazic, Jovan Jovanovski, Vladimir Bocevski, Dragan Radosavevic, Steruli Blagoja Georgievski, Stitchy Vangelovska and others. The most successful trainers were: Stefan Todorovski, Lazar Lechic, Aleksandar Kanjazev and others, and among the judges: Slave Atanasovski, Svet Popovski, Ljubomir Physic, Augustine Gulevski and others. Basketball teams from Macedonia regularly participate in the European and world system of competitions (since 1992). Lit.: 35 years Basketball in Skopje, 1946-1980, Skopje, 1980. D. S. Dimitar Kosnov

Basotova, Ljinka

Basotova, Ljubinka (Skopje, 15. X 1934) – classical philologist, full professor at the Institute for Classical Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. He published several scientific papers in the field of classical studies in domestic and foreign magazines. He is author of numerous translations and translations from Latin and ancient Greek language of significant works than classical and medieval literature. It is particularly important for its translations and translations into an original meter of Kikeron’s works, Kaear, Vitruvius, Kurti Ruf, Justin, Erasmus Rotterdam, Augustine, Virgil, Ovidi, Horatia, Sophocles, as well as the translations of Latin and Greek sources for the study of the Macedonian medieval History. Av-Ljubinka Basoto Thor is seven learning in Latin for secondary schools. Long-time associate of the international magazine “Living Antica”; Member of the editorial office of “Portal”, the messenger of the Association “Macedonian Spiritual Lodges” in Struga. For its translation activity, several awards and recognition received. C. D.-J. Bastaray, Coin, Reverse


Bases -. Heritage by father, homeland in customary law. It is particularly characteristic of inherited feudal property in medieval or inherited landing property of a Christian Rainy family of state (scenarian) country at the time of the Ottoman rule in Macedonia. The size was determined according to the soil solvency: 70-80 Donumi – very good, 80-120 Donumi – Central and 120-150 Donumi – a bad country. For arbitrary leaving the country, a tax was paid for abandoned Rado (75-300 axes). If the inheritance passed from a son of a son, a hereditary fee was not paid. It is also found in folk poetry (“Edna be a Ballina, / Constantinople is a partition”; “Country to release, son, to father Basinina”). Lit.: Macedonian-Slava® I covenant Slevor®. He compiled P. Draganov. VSAP and, S.-Petersburg, 1894, Vasil Hadzimanov, Macedonian combat folk songs, Skopje, 1960, 30; Aleksandar Matkovski, Keopy in Macedonia at the time of Turkish rule, Skopje, 1978; It, Kanuni and Fermani in Macedonia, Skopje, 1990. S. Ml.

Batalakakov, Tony.

Batalakakov, Tony (Anton), (Skopje, 20. IX 1945) – Ballet player and repetitor. Along with the gymnasium ends the secondary ballet school in Skopje. He is a member of the Balette at the MNT (1964-1992), where he becomes a first-made individuality, technical security and partnership. Director of the Ballet at MNT (1979-1989) and a teacher in the ballet school at MBUC “Ilija Nikolovski-Louis” in Skopje. Coro.: Giry (B. Asafjev, “Bachhchisarace Fountain”), Jago (J. Hanush, Othello), Marko (S. Hristic, “Ohrid legend”), Romeo (Prokofiev, Romeo and Juliet, and . Em. Ⅹ.

Bath Bansko

Banja BanskoStrumica bath, is located at the foot of Mount Belasica, 12 km southeast of Strumica, near the village. Bansko, which is why it is also known under the name Bansko. The hydrothermal system is of a crack type, and its reservoir is in granite. The terrain is built by an old-oxesome granite covered with thick tertiary sediments. The sources that have 13 are at an altitude of 270 m. The strongest is the source of money with a capacity of 40 l / SEC, and there is a single zone of the same strength. The source of parlor has the highest water temperature in the Republic of Macedonia 72 ° C. The water is from a sodium-sulphatic type and contains calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron, then sulphates, chlorides, hydrocarbons and hydroalls, as well as dissolved oxides of silicon, manganese and aluminum. It is used to treat degenerative rheumatism, the disease of the stomach and the twelve hose, inflammation of the bile roads and the blood vessels, injuries to the chatzlobus system, gynecological diseases and hormonal disorders. With the discovery of the Roman bath, it was unequivocally concluded that the spa actively used the Romans, and through the presence of Varan Amam and the Turks. The first more modern accommodation facility was built in 1923. Today S. B. It has more than 400 beds located in 5 villas, 4 pavilions and 2 Hottles. Lit.: Aleksandar Stojmilov, Strumica bath – Bansko, “Geographic reviews”, kn. 13, Skopje, 1975. Al. ST.


Batini – village in Skopje. It is located in the valley of Markova Reka. Regional is related to Skopje. The population is in a steady increase. Thus, while in 1961 they lived 845 h., In 2002. That number was larger at 5,364 h. Of these Macedonians were 36, Albanians 3,217, Turks 407, Bosniaks 1,660 and other 44 inhabitants. It is a village with the highest concentration of Bosniaks in the Republic of Macedonia. They were settled here by Bosnia and Sandzak between 1950 and 1960. In B. There is an eight-year school and a health station. Al. ST.

Batino, Aso Julust

Batino, Aso Julula (Bitola, 1914 – Jasenovac, Croatia, 1942) – known anti-fascist, sister of Rafael Batino. She was president of the International Ferrian Jewish Society “Vizo” (until 1939). From Bitola moved to Zagreb (Sept. 1939). There he engaged in the background of the anti-fascist movement, was arrested, conducted in the concentration camp Jasenovac and there shooting. Lit.: Gorgi Tsolev Dimovski, Bitola Jews, Bitola, 1993. J. NAM.

Batino, Raphael Josef

Batino, Rafael Josef (Pseud. Misho Cvetkovic) (Bitola, 1910 – Vucia Kleka, Serbia, ⅶ 1942) – Communist, trade union activist. He studied in Mexico, where he became a prominent leader of the youth and member of Mexico KP. He was expelled and returned to Bitola (1934), where he organized strikes of Ursic Trade Unions (1935), which was why he was convicted (1936). The Raby in Sremska Rafael Batino Mitrovica was along with Mosha Pijade and became “Red University Professor”. There he began to prepare a dictionary and grammar of the Macedonian language, prepared the first translation of Marx’s “capital” in Macedonian. She escaped from the prison (1941) and entered the suborial partisan squad. He was polit. Secretary of the district committee for Sandzak – under the name Misho Cvetkovic (1942). He was captured by the Chetniks of Mount Ljubishi and Shot. Lit.: Zenny Leel, Tide and Slim of Historje Yemea Vardarzke Macedonia, Gordles Milanovac, 1990; Gorgi Tsolev Dimovski, Bitola Jews, Bitola, 1993. J. NAM.