
Basalt – an outflow, volcanic rock from the group of gabrows and basalts, that is, from the group of basic magmatic rocks. It features a holocococristalePPPPPPPPPEPPOR to a vitrophy-porphic structure and with a massive, fluidal to a manous-measurest texture. The basalt usually appears in the form of waters of lava or larger plates, with the secretion most commonly stud. In basaltics that are submarins, secretion in the form of pillows or “Pilow” secretion occurs. The basalts are built of basic plagioclassers, monoclenic pyrochemen and Olivine. In the territory of the Republic of Macedonia, basales appear in several geological-stratigraphic formations: as constituents of the ocean crust within the Official sequence of the Vardar zone in the complex Demir Kapija-Gevgelija, with their geological age being Jurkond; And as trachibosal, that is, alkaline basal within the Vardar zone, with their geological age is Kenosoy (Pliocenic-Pleistocene). Litt.: B. Boev, S. I stopped, Testiards Magmatasm Niethin Republic of the Macendonia, Acta Walcanogica, Wal. 13, Skopje, 2001. BL. B.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
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