
Bashibosk – irregular infantry and cavalry troops, which in time of wars and uprisings, especially after the Crimean War (1853-1856), acted with the regular Ottoman army. They did not wear uniforms and were armed with different weapons. They were mostly composed of Albanians, Churches and Kurds. They were courageous, but undisciplined and known for their cruelty and violence against the civilian population. In the suppression of the Ilinden Uprising, a number of bashiboous troops participated. Lit.: ŠLAM ANYMLOPDIES, 15. CONZ, ŠSTANBULL, 1943; Enzlopedier de L’Islam, Livraimison 17, 1109. Dr. F.

Original article in Macedonian language Cyrillic alphabet
Кириличен напис БАШИБОЗУК

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